Leaf tips up


Active Member
A few of my clones in my new hydro setup have started showing the very edges of some of the leaves curled up as you can see in the pics. Other then that the plants have been growing like crazy and look healthy. My setup is a tray that gets flooded every 4 hours. The resavior is filled with the cutting edge solutions line(besideds the mag-amp), i did it at half strength and the mix ended up being about 600ppm. Should i be worried at all about the 2-3 plants that are showing the curling?



Active Member
it was warm yesterday and today too so i got the AC running now but it was up as high as 88 in there yesterday and i got it down to 83 right now and my humidity is usually pretty low at about 30%

would that be enough to do it?


Well-Known Member
It could very easily. Some strains cannot take heat over 85%. If you got your A/C going
you should be alright. 83% should be good.


Active Member
i was also thinking of picking up some dry ice (got lucky my local safeway has it) to help bring down the temp and it will at a bit of co2