F**K!!! F**K!!! F**K!!!…. I missed the gawwd damn Girl Scout Cookie Sale AGAIN!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
When I lived in California the Girl Scouts faithfully came to my door every year and sold me their yummy cookies…. If I wasn’t home…. I didn’t have to worry because they were camped out in front of every single market in town…. I always bought 15 – 20 boxes and stored them in the freezer so I could enjoy them throughout the year.

I moved to Florida 4 years ago and every single year I have missed the sale! Not once has a girl scout knocked on my door… not once have I seen them camped out in front of any of the local supermarkets! What is wrong with these girls… I need my cookies DAMMIT!!!!

Another year without any Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Lemon Coolers….

Oh well… at least I got myself on their mailing list for next year….. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I love girl scout cookies...coookkkiiessss lol if I could say it in person it'd be funny. I could send you some but I only got 1 box:cry: I need to have a stash of cookies hidden in my plants!


Well-Known Member
did you hear about that one girl scout that sold like 7k boxes of cookies? She was in AZ too I think. How the fuck did I miss that:confused:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Enough to make you wanna join, so you can sell 'em to yourself next time.

Picture it.....stoned out of your mind and wanting a THIN MINT (or 12)... all I had to do was go to my freezer and there they were... LOVELY chocolate cookie wafers covered in a chocolaty mint frosting.... OHHH HOW I MISS THEM!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet avatar Florida ^^

and made me laugh reading you'r withdrawl symptons ^^


Active Member
When I lived in California the Girl Scouts faithfully came to my door every year and sold me their yummy cookies…. If I wasn’t home…. I didn’t have to worry because they were camped out in front of every single market in town…. I always bought 15 – 20 boxes and stored them in the freezer so I could enjoy them throughout the year.

I moved to Florida 4 years ago and every single year I have missed the sale! Not once has a girl scout knocked on my door… not once have I seen them camped out in front of any of the local supermarkets! What is wrong with these girls… I need my cookies DAMMIT!!!!

Another year without any Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Lemon Coolers….

Oh well… at least I got myself on their mailing list for next year….. :cry:
Hey Florida Gurl, I live in Ocala, FL (I-75) North of Orlando... Anyway All of the Wal-Marts around here are selling your prized cookies. Look into it! (Update) - They are selling out front, not inside.. lol


Active Member
HMMMMMMMMMMMM them cookies sound like the ticket. Im gonna sign my daughter up to the Girl scouts. Once she's in Im gonna bribe her with some new Barbie dolls and various other girly things in return for the cookie master blueprint.

Is that bad?:weed:


Well-Known Member
i dont know what girl scout cookies are, flavour wise. but if there the same as i see on TV then i wouldnt buy any anyway. probably a rip off. get down to one of the cheapo US shops like wal mart (where everybody goes for some reason) / target or some other massive warehouse job. im sure they've got cookies. ohh, get the rainbow cookies.

edit: florida girl, i like ur avatar,lol