Well, it's been a while. Time to revisit!
1st of all, i can't provide my plants more than 10 hours of sunlight behind a window at my present location (Qc/Canada). The whole houseplant idea had to be shifted into some open hybrid solution (but spider-mites struck hard before i got the opportunity to test it to its full conclusion!).
2nd, should i manage to control future parasite menace, i find it would be necessary to include a source of moisture in such a hybrid culture space - rendering it significantly less hybrid than i wished for in the begining (since this adds up to 1 timer, 2 fans and 13 CFL bulbs - e.g. a mix of T4-40W/T5-45W, 2700 °K/4100 °K formats consuming 550 Watts of electricity about 16 hours every day), euh... Not really the same feeling as with a houseplant: i'd be moving my plants around between some sort of "docking station" for cannabis and my windows.
3rd, from mid-June to Mid-August my open structure becomes impractical as heat generated by its CFLs bulbs stays inside the room. This requires a sufficient form of air conditioning to be added during summer (which i don't intend to supply so far) or there can be no articificial light periods to supplement sunlight for weeks...
4th, the definition of light cycles becomes blurred in such an open structure. The lack of proper control over this determining cultivation parameter hardly seems appropriate for "photo" (regular) strains like the Cannatonic, making me prefer the autofemmed stuff even more now.
At the moment one of my options appear to be starving the pesky spider-mites to death until no viable eggs remain - if that's feasible at all!
Another possibility could be to limit damage done by these infestations but i've grown quite a bit doubtful about that.
In any case, no future germinations will be on my schedule for a while.