Longer the veg bigger the yield


Hi guys I've got 4 plants at week 5(in veg) thinking of trying to get monsters wot is the max veg period these plants can handle ??? And will it increase yield ??


Well-Known Member
U can veg forever but how much of an area do u have to grow id go till they show signs of sex then flower did u lst,top, or fim?


Well-Known Member
Larger plants may not increase yield, what happens is you will end up with really tall plants with lots of bottom stem and the top part all bud.

The loss of light doubles for every foot away from the bulb you get, depending on wattage. So figure a 1000 watter would be good for a 4 x 4 x 4 cubed space. Anything taller than that, the bottoms of the plant won't get enough light and will just stretch anyway.

This is posted not to discourage, it's just to inform. I love watching plants grow to their maximum potential and doing it indoors is IMPRESSIVE.


Hi all thanks for the reply I've lst all of them very bushy and not that tall yet I've got a fair bit of room I've got autos going at the same time so I was like might as well throw in some other plants to veg at the same time then switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
I grew a Mexican once it ended up being 6 foot tall, it was an amazing Christmas tree... LOL!

Actually that plant and grow was kind of cool, I used 4x 4 foot flourescents standing on their ends, and a 150 watt hps at the top... and during the day put it in my picture window.

It was my first official "start to finish" noob grow. (at the end of the 1980's no less)

In Hightimes (I think it was) I seen a guy with a Northern Lights #5 and a Thai breed together..

He ended up with a humongous, and i mean HUMONGOUS perfectly round bush, with a massively thick stem that was about 3-4 foot long until it got to the bush. Yeild was claimed to be 10 frickin LBS!!!! on 1 PLANT!


Hey guys,

Does it matter when you take a plant out of the veg stage?

Like could I grow some White Widow until they're like 1 foot tall and then put them in the flowering stage? Will the plants die or something?



Active Member
Naa bro flower when u want but seeds will still veg till mature enough to flower and i can nearly hit a gpw with two plants under a 600w just by veging for 5-6 weeks keep toping abd lsting and supercroping nice even canopy and its quite easy the bigger the plant the more bud sites the less amount esch bud has to weigh to get you near your target


Well-Known Member
It would delay flowering, more than likely, it defeinitely doens't speed up the process..... It sucks, I wished it did, even with clones you have to give them 2 weeks to root or they will screw up, if you could immediately bud them, man, that'd be bonus. =(


Well-Known Member
At that stage there is not enough hormones in the plant for it to be able to properly decide what gender it will be.

According to some experts I have read and stuff I have researched, including the ever famous Jorge Cervantes(that guy knows his crap), seeds gender are not pre-determined only by genetic factors, but, are influenced by enviornmental factors, such as heat, light, wave lengths of light, (ie: a yellow light is said to encourage male hormone), etc etc.. I've read that at germination PH should be just a tad higher, in the 7.5 - 8.0 range, for the first week or two of germination, it will help influence towards female.

One interesting theory that I read and I have recently begun using is Red stem vs white stem at "first leaf" or the "cotyledon stage", with some success.... red stems are male, white are female.... this method has worked for well for me in minimalising males but, it's by no means ABSOLUTE.

One thing that's cool is.. a female can also be a male...
but, a male can never be a female.
At that stage there is not enough hormones in the plant for it to be able to properly decide what gender it will be.

According to some experts I have read and stuff I have researched, including the ever famous Jorge Cervantes(that guy knows his crap), seeds gender are not pre-determined only by genetic factors, but, are influenced by enviornmental factors, such as heat, light, wave lengths of light, (ie: a yellow light is said to encourage male hormone), etc etc.. I've read that at germination PH should be just a tad higher, in the 7.5 - 8.0 range, for the first week or two of germination, it will help influence towards female.

One interesting theory that I read and I have recently begun using is Red stem vs white stem at "first leaf" or the "cotyledon stage", with some success.... red stems are male, white are female.... this method has worked for well for me in minimalising males but, it's by no means ABSOLUTE.

One thing that's cool is.. a female can also be a male...
but, a male can never be a female.
Wrong,I know this is old but this needs to be corrected for beginners.plants DNA and genetics are pre-determined,if I take a female (or feminized)seed and grow it like shit at even the wrong ph.,it will still be a female.how do you think seed banks guarantee female seeds? That would be impossible if grower errors could influence sex they wouldn't be able to charge a premium.now bad condition can cause stress induced male staminate pods on a female plants of unstable lines,but a female is a female,male is a male.


Well-Known Member

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
if you have the electricity pumping you can take advantage of higher veg times . if not then you wont . veg them for 4 months and put 2000 watts on top of 1 plant see what you get .