Guys!! Dont worry about gun control!


Active Member
yep. it was may when they struck, i hadn't even planted anything yet. just had my veg plants outside in 1 gallon containers to save on electric.

i was lucky that i cloned them all before putting them out and all the clones took root, didn't lose any genetics. slept outside the rest of the summer to be sure of no return visitors.

now i have the great pleasure of trolling these kids IRL, my neighbor knows them and gave me all their info.
Happy to hear no loss of genetics, I hope you make their lives misserable.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
yep. it was may when they struck, i hadn't even planted anything yet. just had my veg plants outside in 1 gallon containers to save on electric.

i was lucky that i cloned them all before putting them out and all the clones took root, didn't lose any genetics. slept outside the rest of the summer to be sure of no return visitors.

now i have the great pleasure of trolling these kids IRL, my neighbor knows them and gave me all their info.
fuck those punks


Well-Known Member
fuck those punks
i'm holding off on the high level trolling. i still have chickens and ducks in my backyard that hey can fuck with. would hate to see those little cackleberry layers get hurt because i trolled these kids too bad. people get butthurt enough when i troll them on the google box.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the second A, has nothing to do with hunting. But, it has nothing to do with "killing people" either. #2 is precisely for us to oppose the landing of a foreign power, we have no need for bamboo spears like the Japanese. It is also to form local militia when there is no contact with higher headquarters. One EMP pulse kills the comms but not our guns. Or a coup attempt, inside, will have us protecting the Constitution with quite a bit more than muskets. It is our country and we allow a govt. It is nothing like your country, being part of Commonwealth.
It's OK, it's not your fault you're ignorant...or is it?

You're making it too easy...
Ignorance is nothing to do with having a brain fart.

Geo-politics are clearly in the realm of geography and I called you ignorant because you thought we were still part of the British Commonwealth. That's as ignorant as saying the USSR still exists, do try learn something about the rest of the world.

Then again I suppose your two term President Bush Jr thought Iraq was an island...

Why can so few Americans make a whole nation of bright, friendly people look so fucking stupid?
Listen up you retarded can't even keep two different posters seperate in your mind.

I didn't say what you said I fucking drunk, gypsy fighter, you. Doer said that. This stupid fucking mixup of yours doesn't mean you're means you're fucking stupid. Go crawl back under that bridge of yours until you can show the intelligence to seperate the typings of two different people.

Now remember, You're not're stupid!

You're making this too easy again...bongsmilie

Pay more attention, dumbfuck!


Ursus marijanus
i'll barter an assault weapon ban for super strict background checks and psychological evaluations.

everyone should be able to get a gun for self defense and a gun for hunting with very few impediments. beyond that, there should be some type of reason or litmus test for obtaining a weapon capable of taking out a movie theater in one fell swoop.
You cannot barter what doesn't exist. "Assault weapons" are the confection of journalists. cn


Well-Known Member
I've given gun laws some thought. I own, use, carry, am pro 2nd for the record. What truly could help limit firearm death like this? And not infringe on Joe's like me? This is an idea and I'm talking out loud. In my state we receive oil royalty money, the Alaska Permanent Dividend, PFD. Every year we submit an application. And on that app we have to include 2 other residents names, addresses, phone #'s and (signatures when it was paper, now digital). These folks are also residents and must be able to receive a PFD. They "vouch" for us. Attest that we a real person, a resident, live in state, and are eligible to receive the PFD. Might we have something similar to own or purchase a firearm. You're not a raving lunatic. I know you personally. I trust you not to harm me or others. I'll vouch for you! Just a thought.
Sounds similar to obtaining a passport. Application filled out, notarized, and a professional of some sort to vouch for your good standing. I would imagine a background check is done as well, plus you have to wait a month or so to receive it.

Why would this be a bad idea for a gun permit? Guns shouldn't be impulse buys, so waiting a few weeks shouldn't be any skin off of anyone's ass.


King Tut
I've given gun laws some thought. I own, use, carry, am pro 2nd for the record. What truly could help limit firearm death like this? And not infringe on Joe's like me? This is an idea and I'm talking out loud. In my state we receive oil royalty money, the Alaska Permanent Dividend, PFD. Every year we submit an application. And on that app we have to include 2 other residents names, addresses, phone #'s and (signatures when it was paper, now digital). These folks are also residents and must be able to receive a PFD. They "vouch" for us. Attest that we a real person, a resident, live in state, and are eligible to receive the PFD. Might we have something similar to own or purchase a firearm. You're not a raving lunatic. I know you personally. I trust you not to harm me or others. I'll vouch for you! Just a thought.
If that is what is required to get a carry permit (two non-criminals to vouch for you. Say, boss and best friend?) i'm down for that.


Well-Known Member
a persons self control is whats needed...

gun control cant and wont work cause there are to many guns out in the world already

If they(extremists) cant find a gun they will use a knife, bat rock (look at china) ...we gunna ban/control those too?


Active Member
semi automatic weapons should be closely regulated. Back to the good old six shooters. I def. agree with a waiting period but still think the main factor is contolled by the individual gun owner. Parents have to teach kids to value life, I am a hunter and was taught never take more than I need and I do not hunt just for sport. Killing is now just a over hyped fantasy for so many of the kids today that I still believe it comes to good parenting or lack there of.


Well-Known Member
Listen up you retarded can't even keep two different posters seperate in your mind.

I didn't say what you said I fucking drunk, gypsy fighter, you. Doer said that. This stupid fucking mixup of yours doesn't mean you're means you're fucking stupid. Go crawl back under that bridge of yours until you can show the intelligence to seperate the typings of two different people.

Now remember, You're not're stupid!

You're making this too easy again...bongsmilie

Pay more attention, dumbfuck!
It is a Commonweath mentality to be sure. As if we care what a little country, one part North, is still England the other a newly minted Republic. It was in Commonwealth, may be back. Who cares? I know the USSR and the little slip of green called Ireland is not and has never been a world power.

So what? Ireland is Commonwealth minded and Commonwealth they were, until after WW2.

"In 1949 the state was formally declared a republic and it left the British Commonwealth."

What I really meant to associate, was the bone headed short sighted, ungrateful people. Not American, but busy body types who enjoy our protection, that I normally associate with Commonwealth.

I think you took my meaning, H, and that's why you split the hairs.


Well-Known Member
If that is what is required to get a carry permit (two non-criminals to vouch for you. Say, boss and best friend?) i'm down for that.
It's constitutional carry in AK. Just declare to any peace officer when interacting. Schools, bars, govt. bldg.s are no carry. We have a ccw permit process and depending on the permit instruction, is reciprocal in many states. But I'm thinking more of "getting" the gun. Purchasing and possessing. Some kind of filter where not only the owner but the folks that vouch are attesting that yeah- he's cool in my book. Or- I wouldn't trust him in a shithouse with a muzzle on! I'm afraid we're gonna see some harsh draconian stifling measures conceived that are more punitive and still not help the problem.


Active Member
How about a national buy back program, and a class 3 classification for all semi automatic weapons. Class 3 now includes silencers and fully automatic weapons.


Well-Known Member
How about a national buy back program, and a class 3 classification for all semi automatic weapons. Class 3 now includes silencers and fully automatic weapons.
That sounds harsh to me. Not sure a buy back would pay market value and be voluntary. Class 3 sounds "classy" but in reality isn't. Local po po has vouched for you. Feds have a photo, prints, and the $$$. Background has been looked into. No one has ever said to me, got some folks asking questions to see if you're stable enough to own silenced fully auto firearms. Whatever background check was done, was done via data and paper records. To me, what you've suggested sounds "infringing" but with merit. How can society keep firearms they want yet still keep them out of unstable hands without infringing. At this point I'm ready to admit we need a better filter and safety net. Oh, and I don't want to fillet the 2nd to do it.