america insulting other countries


Well-Known Member
Russian President Putin says he will sign a bill that bars Americans from adopting Russian children, despite criticism from US State Department officials, who say it would prevent unwanted kids from growing up in loving families.

no wonder putin doesnt want to let usa have their kids calling them unwanted. just because its from fox doesnt mean it isnt happening.
i find this personally insulting. ive been too busy with school and trying to get a job to help out fully. there are small areas of people who will sqat buildings and make them look fantastic. there is only bad press when it comes to occupy. its missing pieces but will get better and cant be seen in any way to be terrorists considering they have show no hostel force. no bombs,guns ect like others

The FBI extensively monitored the Occupy Wall Street movement around the United States, using counterterrorism agents and other resources, according to recently released FBI internal documents. The heavily redacted documents indicate that FBI counterterrorism agents were in close communication with law enforcement agencies, businesses, universities and other organizations across the country about the Occupy Wall Street movement, even before Occupy Wall Street set up a camp in New York's Zuccotti Park in September 2011.
In August 2011 the FBI informed New York Stock Exchange officials of a "planned Anarchist protest titled Occupy Wall Street" scheduled for September 17, 2011. The FBI also notified several New York businesses of the impending protests, according to the documents.
The documents, released under a Freedom of Information Act request, contain references to an October 2011 FBI domestic terrorism briefing in Jacksonville, Florida, regarding the spread of the Occupy Wall Street movement and "the emergence of Occupy chapters in and around the North Florida area." FBI officials also recommended setting up tripwires with Occupy event organizers.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea one time i got a flat and called for a tow, but later i realized i could have saved all that money because i had a jack and spare...i was bummin.

nice thread.


Well-Known Member
If one is personally insulted over this press-joke stuff, then one needs more personal growth. :)


bud bootlegger
they should stop all of their women from searching out american men for mail order brides as well if they want to play it that way...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Russian President Putin says he will sign a bill that bars Americans from adopting Russian children, despite criticism from US State Department officials, who say it would prevent unwanted kids from growing up in loving families.

no wonder putin doesnt want to let usa have their kids calling them unwanted. just because its from fox doesnt mean it isnt happening.
i find this personally insulting. ive been too busy with school and trying to get a job to help out fully. there are small areas of people who will sqat buildings and make them look fantastic. there is only bad press when it comes to occupy. its missing pieces but will get better and cant be seen in any way to be terrorists considering they have show no hostel force. no bombs,guns ect like others

The FBI extensively monitored the Occupy Wall Street movement around the United States, using counterterrorism agents and other resources, according to recently released FBI internal documents. The heavily redacted documents indicate that FBI counterterrorism agents were in close communication with law enforcement agencies, businesses, universities and other organizations across the country about the Occupy Wall Street movement, even before Occupy Wall Street set up a camp in New York's Zuccotti Park in September 2011.
In August 2011 the FBI informed New York Stock Exchange officials of a "planned Anarchist protest titled Occupy Wall Street" scheduled for September 17, 2011. The FBI also notified several New York businesses of the impending protests, according to the documents.
The documents, released under a Freedom of Information Act request, contain references to an October 2011 FBI domestic terrorism briefing in Jacksonville, Florida, regarding the spread of the Occupy Wall Street movement and "the emergence of Occupy chapters in and around the North Florida area." FBI officials also recommended setting up tripwires with Occupy event organizers.
putin doesnt want american imperialist capitalist pigdog bourgeois families to harvest the purest cream of russian youth from their state creches... and thats fox news' fault... ??????

youre too busy with school and trying to find a job to help"? help what????

squatters squatting empty buildings make them "look fantastic" ???

the "occupy movement" is the lefty version of the Tea Party, without the nationalism,, patriotism or love of our constitution, and you wonder why most americans view it with distrust? most americans dont trust the Tea Party either... what is wrong with you???

the FBI observed a radical group, some of whom were demanding the elimination of the US constitution and replacing it with a few choice excerpts from Walden, Steal This Book, and A Brave New World????? why the fuck wouldnt they?
you think the FBI doesnt sniff around "Patriot" and "Militia" websites, THIS webiste, the Communist Internationals website, suspected CP rings, Moslem websites and the Mormon Church websites too? their job is to spy on us, and as long as we dont get too wacky too openly, leave us alone. until they start inserting Agent Provocateurs into the midst they are doing their jobs. these forums as well as those used by anarcho-liberal arts majors to stage their Smelly Hippie Version 2.3 rallies are open forums,, anyone may listen in and youll not know that they are working for the feds

newsflash.. it wasnt that closely guarded a secret. anyone with a 4chan Gold Membership knew it was coming weeks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I think it had something to do with a American woman adopting a russian kid, and when she didnt want it anymore. She jsut bought the kid a plane ticket and sent him to russia

Russia reacted with horror today over the heartbreaking story of a seven-year-old Siberian boy adopted by an American family who was sent back to Moscow alone - because his U.S. mother didn't want him any more.

Little Artem Saveliev was last year taken from a grim orphanage and given a new life in Tennessee last year.
But his adoptive mother Torry-Ann Hansen, a 34-year-old nurse, yesterday put him on a ten-hour flight as an unaccompanied minor with a note 'to whom it may concern' saying: 'I no longer wish to parent this child'.
In his rucksack, she had placed sweets, biscuits and colouring pens for the journey.

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Well-Known Member
^^^^ dude what does all that mean? capitalism, imperialist, nationalism patriot? come one too many times have i watched gutter punks spout off bullshit lines of communism, left wing right wing, capitalism, fascist, racist , religous. it all means nothing and really doesnt describe anything but avoids the subject to sound" intelligent. the russians are no different from us. and any country for that matter. we are led to believe they have no freedoms. when they have them all like us.
as if parents can go to some other country pick another kid and problem solved, understandble for those already trying to get the paper work threw.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
^^^^ dude what does all that mean? capitalism, imperialist, nationalism patriot? come one too many times have i watched gutter punks spout off bullshit lines of communism, left wing right wing, capitalism, fascist, racist , religous. it all means nothing and really doesnt describe anything but avoids the subject to sound" intelligent. the russians are no different from us. and any country for that matter. we are led to believe they have no freedoms. when they have them all like us.
as if parents can go to some other country pick another kid and problem solved, understandble for those already trying to get the paper work threw.
right... damn, you got me. Putin, former KGB head, and top ranked member of the socialist party in the former soviet union, lifelong marxist and avowed devotee of the soviet system has expressed his concern over russia losing it's russianness in the rush to become more western (which is in his world a mortal insult). putin is a hardline "return to marxism" socialist leading his nation with allusions to the glory days of empire, much like mussolini did in 1910. his every move is to restore the soviet prestige if not the soviet system to his fallen empire and bring back the glory days.

he uses the dogwhistles of the socialist imperial past, and makes sweeping grandiose claims about the promise of russia's future (which looks a lot like 1960's era soviet propaganda reels) and is following the Marx-Engles playbook to restore communist radicalism to the disillusioned proletariat.

this one bitch who smacked a return to sender label on her russian adoption cuz it turns out the kid was defective, (in that he was a sociopathic arsonist) is merely an excuse to declare all americans useless twatwaffles. i must admit your rambling incoherent posts give credence to this assertion, but thats more a reflection on our education system and your personal failings than any societal norm...

how any of this ties in with "the occupy movement" (which is really just a bunch of fools all demanding free shit, disparate and contradictory shit to be sure, but invariably the shit must be free.) squatters making abandoned squats "look fantastic" (a claim not supported by ANYONE's experience) or your personal inability to "help" whatever agenda you think needs your contributions escapes everyone.

i must admit your shock and dismay that the FBI might have pierced the incredibly tight OPSEC of the geniuses of the "Occupy Movement" is hilarious, since spying on spies, mafiosos and foreign agents is what the FBI is designed to do. your surprise that the veil of secrecy used by the anarcho-_________ist nutbars to prepare their brilliant semi-spontaneous "Be-Ins" and "Happenings" is not just laughable, but clownish. the absolute hubris of a fool who expects a ragtag band of failed humanities majors and chronically unemployed part time dungeon masters could slip past the FBI and stage a "massive protest" in the center of new york city in the era of terrorism and "homeland security" is fucking Ridonk!

kudos to you bro, you made clownshoes fashionable again, but just for a few minutes. Youre like the Paris Hilton's bad blowjobs on nightvision video. hilarious for the first few minutes, but then just kinda sad and pathetic. but then hilarious again! youre a smorgasbord of schadenfreude!!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
People get their panties in a bunch over Dimitri the kid arsonist, yet don't give a shit when Elton John would get inconvenienced with the kid he promised to adopt. But he's the pinball wizard!


Well-Known Member
the russians are no different from us. and any country for that matter. we are led to believe they have no freedoms. when they have them all like us.
They don't have the same freedoms, at all actually. I've been there many times. The Russian constitution looks similar but the important distinction, is not subtle in action. The govt grants rights to the people. There are NO self-evident rights. There is no "we the people."

Oh, and to the thread title....does not America get insulted every day?


Well-Known Member
Oh, and to the thread title....does not America get insulted every day?
You're expected to just ignore that.

Remember...we're just a bunch of fat, lazy, blind, ignorant, fools who know nothing of the world.


You can't really blame the Russians. Remember that adopted kid the American parents pinned a note to and sent back to Russia all by himself?
That was an extreme case.

But the fact is, Americans seeking white babies seemed willing to adopt a cute little muffin gone psychotic from being institutionalized in Russian facilities. And none of these prospective parents are aware or capable of dealing with the severe mental problems such kids can exhibit. You really want a kid in your house that you have to watch in case he gets a knife and ends you?

Even horribly maladjusted little blondes are more desirable than the thousands of kids needing stable homes in the US. Most of them aren't caucasian though. Some wanna-be parents are pretty shallow and probably should get a dog instead.