4-piperidone monohydrochloride....Dont try this at home kids


Well-Known Member
Santa brought me 1.5kg. of 4-piperidone monohydrochloride. Time to set up the lab again. If you have a background in chemistry you can easily figure out what this chemical is going to be used for. I may post pics but I don't think I'll describe what I'm doing or how I'm doing it. I don't think it would be very responsible/ethical to do so, as what I'm synthesizing is very dangerous. Its not only potentially deadly to the untrained chemist trying to make it, but is potentially even more deadly if the synthesis is successfully carried out and then sold without being properly cut. So I'll start posting pictures in about a week or week and a half. I have to wait till my lab assistant(just a buddy of mine) flies in from out west. Oh yea Merry Christmas to you all.


Well-Known Member
Is this like Pipez.... like the shitty drug people have been putting in E-Pills recently? Piperazine and shit? If so then yeah, that shit is dangerous. Idk why you'd want to syth that


Well-Known Member
Don't advertise it as ecstasy though, if you do end up selling it.
That's what pisses me off the most. :/


Well-Known Member
Just in yesterday:
Sodium triacetoxyhydroborate
propionyl chloride
2.5kg. i-ephedrine(that really has nothing to do with what I'm doing, just selling it to a friend)

I'm almost there, just one more shipment needs to clear customs.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say what Duck said. I cannot imagine safely managing dosing that stuff.


Well-Known Member
What is it used for? Vague thread for this non-chemistry degree havin guy..I could see the ephidrine being used for meth,but that's not what you're working with..you said it dangerous and not ethical so why do whatever you plan on doing? And if its fentayl like what duck sez,def don't do it! Bad bad bad stuff..use your chemistry knowledge to make usefull/benefical drugs like lsd...who wants to take a drug that makes you so high that you don't even know how good you feel? if its that dangerous,it can't be worth it....please don't hate on me for I know not fully what your plans are,just speculating from other posts on this thread...(on the real,make sum acid! :-D


Well-Known Member
acid? fucking nasty, what a complete waste of 6-8 hours.
making some mdma? all I know is on that first chemical name you posted it boosted you right up there to number 1 match in google.


Well-Known Member
Well not many people go around talking about sourcing precursors to super potent opioids.


Well-Known Member
acid? fucking nasty, what a complete waste of 6-8 hours.
making some mdma? all I know is on that first chemical name you posted it boosted you right up there to number 1 match in google.

Well we could talk about the relative merits to society over the manufacture of one substance over another.

Someone manufacturing LSD risks:

12 people blinded by looking into the sun
7 people dying because they thought they could fly off a 10 story building
32 people running round begging to be squeezed because they were oranges and were about to burst
1 state senator's grand son committed to a hospital for observation resulting in 9 new anti drug laws
103 eventual flashbacks
10026 boring trip stories told
91 lives changed permanently as the users realized that their parents really truely do love them
213 people at one with the universe for several precious hours
76 people made evangelical by their experience and offering free doses to aquantances
7 arrests as those evangelicals offered a police officer their sacrament
1 converted police officer.

Or fentanyl:

100,000 ho hum buzzes
9,900 burned noses as they nodded into their tomato soup bowls
102 overdoses

You pick.