Why do you visit other peoples profiles?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I check peoples profiles to see when they last logged in or to look at threads they started.. also to read visitor messages and check their 'about you' stats and also to check post areas, etc, etc. I'm one of those dudes that always check out a users profile. you can learn alot by looking at someones profile.......also I let em know the doc was here, like a tag

meechz 024

Active Member
i do it a couple times. Sometimes if someone has a grow journal link in their signature or something, I'll click their name to find out more about their grows/knowledge and such. I'm a grow newbie, so I'm learning from the members here along with studying through other sources.


Well-Known Member
My guess 25% of the views are law enforcement filling out a detailed history on you...........most (or a lot) of my visitors seem to be no-posters with no history. They just create an account, read up on you, and then disappear.


Well-Known Member
either same dudes checking you out all the time or non registered users visited your proflie
Why's it always gotta be dudes checking me out? Also I don't like the idea of non registered users checking me out, maybe that's why I never leave pics up long...

meechz 024

Active Member
My guess 25% of the views are law enforcement filling out a detailed history on you...........most (or a lot) of my visitors seem to be no-posters with no history. They just create an account, read up on you, and then disappear.

I'm medical certified in Canada. so

suck my balls, feds.


Well-Known Member
Man those feds sure have a lot of time to kill. Im legal too. How can they be bothered trying to sort between all the legal and non legal growers here. I mean really... Its not like biker or Asian gangs are on here starting threads like 'How to Setup and Destroy a Subdivsion House With an illegal Grow-op'


Well-Known Member
Oh ya I check out other peoples profiles to see if they are hot chicks. I am a regular stalker over at Sunni's lol

meechz 024

Active Member
Man those feds sure have a lot of time to kill. Im legal too. How can they be bothered trying to sort between all the legal and non legal growers here. I mean really... Its not like biker or Asian gangs are on here starting threads like 'How to Setup and Destroy a Subdivsion House With an illegal Grow-op'
lol there is no way to tell if someone is medical or not online. Law enforcement wouldn't risk wasting all their time investigating someone they believe is an illegal grower only to find out he is medically certified to grow. if you're illegal, just don't post your location so they cant tell if you in medical state or not.

unless of course they ask for the IPs of suspicious growers but i dont think it happens.


Ursus marijanus
i do it for pretty much the same reasons fdd'ed mentioned earlier.. if i haven't seen a poster around in awhile, i'll check out their profile to see when the last time they were on was..
i know i just checked out ......'s profile today as i was thinking i haven't seen him around in awhile, then i saw he was on around the 28th of december or so, so i guess i've just not seen his posts...
i once made the mistake of going to cannabineers profile looking for one of his posts so i could use the word he did.. five days later and i never did find the damn post..
I just lol'd a waterfall of dust off the mini-blinds.

Seriously, you can pm me and if I can't remember the word, I'll do my best to come up with a compatible aftermarket unit. For just pennies more you can have my Appropriateness Limited Warranty. cn


bud bootlegger
I just lol'd a waterfall of dust off the mini-blinds.

Seriously, you can pm me and if I can't remember the word, I'll do my best to come up with a compatible aftermarket unit. For just pennies more you can have my Appropriateness Limited Warranty. cn
i didn't think it would have the same effect i was looking for if i were to simply ask the word cannabineer.. :)