I have a dream...


Active Member
Hey & hello everyone..
It's been a while since I was here last time trying grow in my attic.. Which was successful, but far from safe, which was one of the reasons I gave up trying to grow.. After seeing some cool designs, I think, I could, build one just like that.. Well, here is my drawing, what do you guys think?? My main concern is the ventilation for the cool tube.. I don't know if my set up is the best way drain the heat out of the room.. The grow room will be build with drywall and insulated..
Any advise or tips are more than welcome..

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Active Member
Small update.. I've just finished talking to an electrician and they'll be coming tomorrow to install a new 15 amp cord straight to the attic and I'll be buying some of the material I need to get started today.. I'll post pics later on:-D


Well-Known Member
Cool depending on how much space you have and your budget you might do better in the summer to run led`s I don`t know where you live or if heat or helicopters are an issue ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a dream white guys, black guys hell even blue alien bitch`s all on a hill smoking weed and the cop`s can`t do anything cos it`s legal that`s my freaking dream !


Active Member
Cool depending on how much space you have and your budget you might do better in the summer to run led`s I don`t know where you live or if heat or helicopters are an issue ?
I really don't have so much space as you can see in the pics below.. I was thinking about making a 150cm square and I don't have a budget which is something I should have thought about before starting this project. I'm in Norway and helicopters are not an issue.. I must admit, after bringing all that material, I wounder what the neighbor r are thinking and I still have yet to bring from my storage down stairs into the apartment and up the attic through and very small space..I guess i'st to let to back out of this...

I've bought around 50 meters of 2" by 4" to build the room frame and also use under the floor of the grow room to give more space/room for the insulation which is already there from before.. And I've also bought some kind of plywood which is 2,5 meter long and 1,2 meter broad.. I still have to get the tools to cut it the right size so that I can squeeze through my bedroom roof..

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Well-Known Member
150m square ? So you could run 12 nice size plants there easy enough maybe push it to 16 plants

I`d go with 10 or 12 well if it was me I`d start with a 6 pack of seeds and veg them up and take 16 clones off of them flower the 6 then get 10 to 12 of the clones going

Hmm you could cover it just with 1 600hps but a bit more power would be better

If your budget is low then it looks like you`ll have to go with a 600w hps maybe get a few 105w 2700k cfl`s for side lighting also you could use them to start the plants under save you the money and heat of turning on the hps

I`d go with a decent 6" fan and the biggest 6" carbon filter I could find for extract

If you had some money to spend I`d say get either 1 600w led panel or 2 300w led panels and an induction light anything from 100w to 400w induction is really kicking ass for vegging and add some red leds to it and it kicks ass for flowering too

But unless you have around £600 to spend on lights then 600w hps for £70 and a few £10 105w cfl`s will be way cheaper for you, as you live in Norway you`ll get a very good cold air supply from outside but you`ll still want a cool tube for the hps.

Should be a pretty nice little grow room, make yourself a space for vegging your plants then you can take clones and keep everything rolling you`ll really cut down your time between harvest`s but if it`s personal and just for you then 10 decent size plants should keep you happy for 4 to 8 months depending on how much you smoke.


Active Member
150m square ? So you could run 12 nice size plants there easy enough maybe push it to 16 plants
1,5 square meter and the height from the middle will be around 2 meter...the side will be around 70cm..

I`d go with 10 or 12 well if it was me I`d start with a 6 pack of seeds and veg them up and take 16 clones off of them flower the 6 then get 10 to 12 of the clones going
I've really not thought that far but I was planing on ordering my seeds when I was finished building.. I want to be 99% sure that my grow room is stealth and functioning well before I start with the plants.. the seeds I'm going to order are little expensive.. Planing to order ice feminized from www.Marijunana-seeds.nl . I've ordered from them once before..

Hmm you could cover it just with 1 600hps but a bit more power would be better
hehe.. yeah , more power would have been better, but electricity here is very expensive, so I have to also take that into consideration..

If your budget is low then it looks like you`ll have to go with a 600w hps maybe get a few 105w 2700k cfl`s for side lighting also you could use them to start the plants under save you the money and heat of turning on the hps
I think I have to start with something like that..

I`d go with a decent 6" fan and the biggest 6" carbon filter I could find for extract
I have two fans and also a carbon filter, but I not so sure the fans I have are powerful enough to suck the air out of my grow room.. download.jpg

If you had some money to spend I`d say get either 1 600w led panel or 2 300w led panels and an induction light anything from 100w to 400w induction is really kicking ass for vegging and add some red leds to it and it kicks ass for flowering too

But unless you have around £600 to spend on lights then 600w hps for £70 and a few £10 105w cfl`s will be way cheaper for you, as you live in Norway you`ll get a very good cold air supply from outside but you`ll still want a cool tube for the hps.
that would have been nice, to have.. but i don't have that kind of money yet hehe..

Should be a pretty nice little grow room, make yourself a space for vegging your plants then you can take clones and keep everything rolling you`ll really cut down your time between harvest`s but if it`s personal and just for you then 10 decent size plants should keep you happy for 4 to 8 months depending on how much you smoke.
I hope so and figuring out where I'm going to have my veg room, is a big headache.. But like you are saying, if I want everything to run smoothly, I should have a veg room..
It's for personal use and smoke quite a bit.. Maybe a few grams a day :-P


Well-Known Member
Your personal use always go`s up when you have a huge pile of weed in front of you man lol

Ok they look like in-line fans they are only good over very short distances so your probably going to want to just use them for intake

For extract you`ll want a centrifugal fan something like this is good on a budget


If your going to run a hps then you may want to think about a "cool tube" for it to stop it heating things up too much, personally for a home grow and if electricity is an issue I`d start saving for an led or induction light or a mixture of both but a 600w hps in a cool tube will grow really nice weed just don`t cheap out on the bulb from what I hear a good bulb makes all the difference

They make some really nice ones with 2 elements and stuff now, I don`t know much about hps I`ve only seen friends grow with them I`ve used cfl`s and leds mostly.

Yeah stealth is the best way but I`ll be honest I had a 2m plant growing in my garden all summer and no one even noticed......... lol

It`s very hard not to get sounding by nice sounding seeds I do all the time but I`ve seen cheaper seeds grow weed that was just as nice, just because they cost a bit less does not mean the genetics are not there.

I mean I`ve spent £10 on a seed and it grew up to be a real nice plant but I`ve spent £3 on a seed and got a nice plant

I`ve had free seeds grow nice plants and had them fail I`ve had £6 seeds fail and a £10 seed grow a crappy plant genetics are important but how you grow the plant is also really key to how well it does, also it`s just dumb luck sometimes too.

If you have say £25 extra to spend grab a 3 to 6 auto seeds and start them off while your vegging your other plants you can get many that flower in 70`ish days from seed that way you`ll be cutting them down about 2 weeks after your normal plants start to flower, so you won`t have wasted any light and you`ll get some extra weed :)


Active Member
There has been some progress but I've run into some small problems.. The plywood I've used to build my floor is not so compact/stiff to walk on.. I'll pull the few pieces that I've already have installed and put 2" by 4" horizontally and I hope, that will take care of that problem..

And the second problem I encountered was while I was fitting the 2" by 4"vertically, there were spot in the attic were the insulation was wet.. I believe it's because the cold air is in contact with the warm air in the vent and causing it to drip water in those places where the ventilation pipes were not insulated properly from before.. So I have quite a bit of work ahead of me..

The electrician was here the other day, and now I have light and power.. I've cut all the material and moved them up.. Here are a few pics of how far I've come ;-)

photo (6).jpgphoto (7).jpgphoto (9).jpg


Active Member
Your personal use always go`s up when you have a huge pile of weed in front of you man lol
I guess you are telling me this from personally experiences huh hehe:bigjoint:

they look like in-line fans they are only good over very short distances so your probably going to want to just use them for intake

For extract you`ll want a centrifugal fan something like this is good on a budget

I'll put this on my shopping list ;-)
If your going to run a hps then you may want to think about a "cool tube" for it to stop it heating things up too much, personally for a home grow and if electricity is an issue I`d start saving for an led or induction light or a mixture of both but a 600w hps in a cool tube will grow really nice weed just don`t cheap out on the bulb from what I hear a good bulb makes all the difference

They make some really nice ones with 2 elements and stuff now, I don`t know much about hps I`ve only seen friends grow with them I`ve used cfl`s and leds mostly.
I've used a 400w hps in my first grow and I was hocked on them LOL.. I couldn't think of using any other kind of light.. not that I know, a lot about other lights hehe.. And cool tube was already on my shopping list..

Yeah stealth is the best way but I`ll be honest I had a 2m plant growing in my garden all summer and no one even noticed......... lol
Wow.. you must have had a great harvested I guess... How did it taste??
It`s very hard not to get sounding by nice sounding seeds I do all the time but I`ve seen cheaper seeds grow weed that was just as nice, just because they cost a bit less does not mean the genetics are not there.

I mean I`ve spent £10 on a seed and it grew up to be a real nice plant but I`ve spent £3 on a seed and got a nice plant

I`ve had free seeds grow nice plants and had them fail I`ve had £6 seeds fail and a £10 seed grow a crappy plant genetics are important but how you grow the plant is also really key to how well it does, also it`s just dumb luck sometimes too.

If you have say £25 extra to spend grab a 3 to 6 auto seeds and start them off while your vegging your other plants you can get many that flower in 70`ish days from seed that way you`ll be cutting them down about 2 weeks after your normal plants start to flower, so you won`t have wasted any light and you`ll get some extra weed :)
I haven't looked for seeds other places because I don't want to gamble with this.. I'm thinking about the customs/border.. I don't wanna get caught for something like seeds lol.. And I've heard and read only good things about www.marijunana-seeds.nl ..And the reason I'm going for the Ice seeds is I've grown them once or was it Crystal seeds ( I'm not so sure LOL) and I found them very easy to handle.. But I love your idea about the auto seeds.. I'm surely getting a pack of them also ;-)
Thanks for helping me M8 8)


Well-Known Member
Well buying seeds is not against the law in most countries but I would always check before ordering

Oh yeah that dam plant stupid idiots did not listen to me, that plant grew to almost 2m I told them to spray it, it got mildew and they still refused to treat it or put it somewhere more dry and spray it, then a month or so later my mum gives it to a friend to put a hps on it

It came back a few days later with heat stress almost dead I just hacked it to bits and told them they were stupid for even trying to flower it as it had mildew and they should have treated that 1st.

It was one of them things were some people you know do something half assed so you show them how to do it right but they only listen as long as they like what their hearing you know ?

Well anyway that aside there was a 2m plant on my lawn in plain view for most of the summer so I`m guessing one early skunk and 1 g13 super skunk in a part of my garden that is not so exposed should go un-noticed and see as I`m already vegging them inside they should finish up real big and early

Hopefully end up with 2 6oz plants by the end of summer this years, but if its as wet as last year they`ll bet getting some serious mildew spraying early.