The next farmers market is this saturday;
Here are the farmers market rules:
Rules for the Arizona Medical Farmers Markets
The Arizona Medical Farmers Markets is a group organized to provide Arizona medical marijuana (MMJ) patients a different option and flexibility with regard to procuring their medicine. We help patient cultivators stay in compliance of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA). The Arizona Medical Farmers Markets and its affiliates strictly comply with all rules set forth in AMMA and we demand the same high standards from all participants in the market.
The following are the rules we use to guide our compliance with AMMA.
1) All MMJ providers: Must know your limits and abide by such. There are specific limitations which we must/and WILL abide by strictly. # 1 is the amount of cannabis you have in your possession. Patients are allowed to possess 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana at any time. All farmers market participants must not knowingly cause another patient to go over their limit, nor should you yourself be over your limit.
“(a) With respect to a qualifying patient, the "allowable amount of marijuana" means: (i) Two-and-one-half ounces of usable marijuana”
“(b) With respect to a designated caregiver, the "allowable amount of marijuana" for each patient assisted by the designated caregiver under this chapter means: (i) Two-and-one-half ounces of usable marijuana;”
(Above excerpts from A.R.S. 36-2801.)
2) Arizona MMJ patients and caregivers who are cultivators are permitted to give away cannabis to AZ MMJ patients at the farmers markets. 3) Our model is to have patients be creative and offer a variety of art, jewelry, paintings, pottery, glassware, clothing, and other non-cannabis items for sale and the medical cannabis is offered free to patients. The items must be appropriately priced at fair market value and the cannabis is free. 4) All cardholding patients and caregivers will wear the designated wrist band. 5) Any non- patient vendors will be separate from cannabis products and wear separate wristbands. 6) All attendees will wear wristbands which should be checked routinely. Checking actual state issue card is acceptable and encouraged. 7) There will be a walk-thru to monitor for market compliance 30 minutes prior to event doors open. Please have in place your AZ MMJ green card around your neck, (we can provide lanyard) and please have appropriate signage in place. Maximum card carriers (4) per table. Pre-Paid only.

Non-profit organizations are allowed to collect donations for their organization at the market. Literature about your organization’s mission must be on hand. 9) Market participants agree to follow all current AZ laws as well as maintain compliance with the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. Medical Farmers Markets do not allow hash, wax, extracts and products made using CO2 or butane extraction methods. 10) All Arizona Medical Cannabis Farmers Market participants and all attendees must present current AZ Medical Marijuana green card prior to entry.