Possible Leaf Problem & Advice Wanted


Active Member
I've searched the forums and found 20 different answers to the problem I am having, was hoping to eliminate some of those options by asking and showing my plant. The tips of all the fan leaves all over the plant are curling up and at the very tip turning yellow and brown and drying out. Now most of the outer fan leaves are curled up some are not, but I would say a good 80% of them are. I noticed the curling today, I watered the plant this afternoon after 4 days.

Strain: Easy Ryder
Container: 2 Gallon waste container (found at dollar tree for a buck a piece) 12 small holes drilled through the bottom for drainage.
Medium: Miracle Grow potting soil w/ slow release nutes, (Cant find fox farms around here and I'm a broke college kid)
Age: 18 Days old from time seed cracked open. (took it 6 days.... I used paper towel)
Nutes: None yet, getting paycheck tomorrow and looking for some.
Grow Area: 1x3x3
Lighting: 4x 46w 2700k 2x 46w 6500k CFL, all of them surround the plant no closer than 5 inches
Temps: 80-85 degrees,
Light Schedule: 20/4
Ventilation: 2 small desk fans hanging above plant about 1 foot away both blowing on it and 2 inline duct fans with 88cpm or whatever -- one on the bottom for intake and one on top for exhaust.

Now when the plant was a baby (just sprouted second level of leaves) I only had 2 46w 6500ks and 1 23w 2600k, I had another easy ryder that I started a little over a two months ago and some betty boos, they only became 1 single cola yielded like 5 grams dried w/ main stem, I got a paycheck and went to get some more lighting and man did this one flourish, the others were in flowering and it didn't do much with the added light). This one has 8 side branches now and the main cola, I didn't do any topping and I pruned the top 3 fan leaves on day 10 to allow the lower branches to get more light. Then I tucked underneath the fan leaves (similar to a tie down I suppose) underneath the new branches coming out. This is my 4th plant, first 3 had single colas and looked pitiful, figured that was lack of lighting. Also, when I transferred this plant the soil was right at the brim of the bucket, after watering (I did do a prewater before transplant and topped it off) the soil level dropped down as you can see, but I feel like the white bucket will reflect light to underneath the plant so a possible positive.

So what can I do to fix the leaves, what's the culprit? What can I do to make this plant just better? Also, any advice is helpful, if you find something in here you think I should change or do, please tell me, I'm a noob grower and always looking for help.

iPhone camera, sorry for the lack of quality.



Well-Known Member
I've searched the forums and found 20 different answers to the problem I am having, was hoping to eliminate some of those options by asking and showing my plant. The tips of all the fan leaves all over the plant are curling up and at the very tip turning yellow and brown and drying out. Now most of the outer fan leaves are curled up some are not, but I would say a good 80% of them are. I noticed the curling today, I watered the plant this afternoon after 4 days.

Strain: Easy Ryder
Container: 2 Gallon waste container (found at dollar tree for a buck a piece) 12 small holes drilled through the bottom for drainage.
Medium: Miracle Grow potting soil w/ slow release nutes, (Cant find fox farms around here and I'm a broke college kid)
Age: 18 Days old from time seed cracked open. (took it 6 days.... I used paper towel)
Nutes: None yet, getting paycheck tomorrow and looking for some.
Grow Area: 1x3x3
Lighting: 4x 46w 2700k 2x 46w 6500k CFL, all of them surround the plant no closer than 5 inches
Temps: 80-85 degrees,
Light Schedule: 20/4
Ventilation: 2 small desk fans hanging above plant about 1 foot away both blowing on it and 2 inline duct fans with 88cpm or whatever -- one on the bottom for intake and one on top for exhaust.

Now when the plant was a baby (just sprouted second level of leaves) I only had 2 46w 6500ks and 1 23w 2600k, I had another easy ryder that I started a little over a two months ago and some betty boos, they only became 1 single cola yielded like 5 grams dried w/ main stem, I got a paycheck and went to get some more lighting and man did this one flourish, the others were in flowering and it didn't do much with the added light). This one has 8 side branches now and the main cola, I didn't do any topping and I pruned the top 3 fan leaves on day 10 to allow the lower branches to get more light. Then I tucked underneath the fan leaves (similar to a tie down I suppose) underneath the new branches coming out. This is my 4th plant, first 3 had single colas and looked pitiful, figured that was lack of lighting. Also, when I transferred this plant the soil was right at the brim of the bucket, after watering (I did do a prewater before transplant and topped it off) the soil level dropped down as you can see, but I feel like the white bucket will reflect light to underneath the plant so a possible positive.

So what can I do to fix the leaves, what's the culprit? What can I do to make this plant just better? Also, any advice is helpful, if you find something in here you think I should change or do, please tell me, I'm a noob grower and always looking for help.

iPhone camera, sorry for the lack of quality.
ummm...I'm totally new myself and I'd hate to lead you astray but i do see a lack of Perilite in your soil which would mean poor drainage. I was told by a very successful grower to mix the soil I bought half and half with perilite. I'm not sure that's Perilite is the correct spelling, but I'm talking about the little white pellets in the soil...good luck.


Active Member
ummm...I'm totally new myself and I'd hate to lead you astray but i do see a lack of Perilite in your soil which would mean poor drainage. I was told by a very successful grower to mix the soil I bought half and half with perilite. I'm not sure that's Perilite is the correct spelling, but I'm talking about the little white pellets in the soil...good luck.
Yeah I have a few bags of perilite left over, I tried some vermiculite/perilite mix before think I may have had too much and it didn't work too well, but I'll work on aerating the soil with it.


Well-Known Member
Vermiculite absorbs and retains water unlike perilite so I would just stick with perilite..Best of luck I know my ladies and I need it


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a few bags of perilite left over, I tried some vermiculite/perilite mix before think I may have had too much and it didn't work too well, but I'll work on aerating the soil with it.
I use a mix of 1 part peat moss, 1 part vermiculite and 1 part perlite and I am having excellent results so far.
It holds the right amount of water to last 4 days with smaller plants and 3 days with the larger ones, very predictable and I need that with my simple minded ass..lol

Peace and Great Grows



Active Member
Looks like over watering, bad soil mix and maybe nute burn. How often have you been watering?
Every 2-3 days with about 16oz of distiller water give or take currently, I haven't used nutes yet but possible the stuff that came in the potting soil? Now that I think of it, it may just be overwatering like you and others said, seems logical. Soil mix probably too as well, it's cheap $4 bag miracle grow potting mix... I know I need to find some fox farms ocean forest or something but there are no retailers near me within 100 miles and screw shipping costs.. any alternatives you guys suggest that I could find and most retails chains.. Home depot, lowes ace hardware etc...

Thanks for the input on my little girl so far everyone, very helpful and appreciated.. Lastly, besides the overwatering how does she look to you guys for 18 days


Active Member
organic miracle grow is good from what i hear, ur leaf tips are pointing down signs of overwatering. and the tips are looking a tad bit nute burn. with a time release fert. also a factor of overwatering.

let ur plants dry out till when u pick them up and that feel light. then flood it with water till u got about 20% run off out the bottom.

as far as how they look. i wish my plants looked that good at 18 days.


Active Member
organic miracle grow is good from what i hear, ur leaf tips are pointing down signs of overwatering. and the tips are looking a tad bit nute burn. with a time release fert. also a factor of overwatering.

let ur plants dry out till when u pick them up and that feel light. then flood it with water till u got about 20% run off out the bottom.

as far as how they look. i wish my plants looked that good at 18 days.
So with time release fert, the more water it gets the more fert is released? If so that's good to know thanks. Yeah I'm going to give it more time between watering and keep a closer eye on when she needs it.