When was your last tolerance break and how long?

So when was your last tolerance break and for how long??

  • 1 week ago

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • 1 month ago

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Several months ago

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • 1 year ago

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Several years ago

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • I've never taken one, in fact I don't think I've ever been not high

    Votes: 9 25.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Probably a million of these threads, but not one with my signature awesome poll!

So when was your last tolerance break and for how long??


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm an asshole if I don't answer my own question... I haven't smoked in 2+ weeks due to the fact my wife was gonna pop at any minute and the weather's been snowy. Gotta play it safe. So I took an involuntary one. Before this it was a year+ when I went to China and simply couldn't find any. Thinking if I get acouple minutes today I might start the revolution again. So hows bout you?


Well-Known Member
are we suppose to take them??? I thought it was optional?? damn new laws never can keep up with them!

I take mine sleeping.... so about 6 hours is way too long!

I use it for pain control... I wish it got me high like you kids!!!


Well-Known Member
This was a topic a few days ago... but the RIU search sucks Dawn Kiebals

I got this looking for the tolerance thread..



Well-Known Member
Yep, if you search for anything you gotta do advanced and do title exact match only.

Plus like I said before, all those other threads are missing my awesome poll and suck at life.


Well-Known Member
im not really a heavy smoker so when i do it kicks my ass usually, and now growing out these quality genetics i dotn have a chance.

Im kinda more into growing it than smoking it but when its late i like to take a few tokes when im having a hard time sleeping. i have RLS so it helps alot.


Well-Known Member
Well I tell myself to take one everyday so I can maybe actually get high again, but..............
im not really a heavy smoker so when i do it kicks my ass usually, and now growing out these quality genetics i dotn have a chance. Im kinda more into growing it than smoking it but when its late i like to take a few tokes when im having a hard time sleeping. i have RLS so it helps alot.
Nice poll , been 8 yrs since I was regular at the bong bar,need pain and sleep relief now though


Well-Known Member
I went to bed much earlier than usual!

I start yawning round 4:30pm... usually out by 7 then toss and turn till about 10pm sleep maybe from 10-12am then peeing like an old racehorse... tossing turning till 1ish awake by 3-4am.. no alarm needed..

it's been this way since before I retired... I look forward to getting a cold to sleep more..


Well-Known Member
It's pry been over six years since I took a time out. With my condition it's hard because I no longer consume opiates because of the physical repercussions of them.

So I use cannabis for my pain I have sever muscle spasms due to a pinched nerve in my hip the one right above the sciatica. Some days just to get out of bed I have to be bent over for 1-2 hours before everything calms down and I can start my day. A few tokes and it really calms down the muscles that are connected to the nerve.


Well-Known Member
It's pry been over six years since I took a time out. With my condition it's hard because I no longer consume opiates because of the physical repercussions of them.

So I use cannabis for my pain I have sever muscle spasms due to a pinched nerve in my hip the one right above the sciatica. Some days just to get out of bed I have to be bent over for 1-2 hours before everything calms down and I can start my day. A few tokes and it really calms down the muscles that are connected to the nerve.

I was in the same boat for 22 years.. about 6 months ago.. was my last pill.. used MMJ for about 1 1/2 years while using opiates-muscle relaxers- antidepressants.. etc.. spoke to my Dr he gave me the option of either or.. I choose MMJ never looked back never felt better and healthier.

I do have to use about 7-12gs daily to ease the pain.. but at a yearly cost of less then 300$ incl my dr ref compared to $250 per mo for my old rx's and dr's apts... thankful to live in CA and grow my own meds and have semi decent laws locally


Active Member
I've never taken an intentional break, Only unintentional.

Such as a new job, traveling ect

I love the first high after not smoking for a few weeks or even months


Well-Known Member
I run out occasionally, but thats when I see who my real friends are. other than not having any, i dont T-break.


Well-Known Member
I run out occasionally, but thats when I see who my real friends are. .
Funny how that works isn't?
I have a friend I've known for 20 years. Last year he handed me a paper bag with an o in it. I asked what this was for, he said I'm the only mofo that has never asked him what he pays for his inventory.


Well-Known Member
a tolerance break for me is when I run out of oil and am too lazy to make any more and say fuck it, tolerance break. and just smoke bud.


Well-Known Member
Funny how that works isn't?
I have a friend I've known for 20 years. Last year he handed me a paper bag with an o in it. I asked what this was for, he said I'm the only mofo that has never asked him what he pays for his inventory.

Ya, good people are hard to find. i dont leave my house very often, but once in a while i pop over my buddys house and burn with him n his mom (she's in her 60's). well he had mentioned he was comin over to my place and she asked him if it would be ok if she came to burn one with me for a change. I thought that was kool.