Oh no Obama is an economic failuire

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
nonsense, i love fried chicken. i think that's a southern thing.

and i don't hate old people, i just hate old, racist coots like you and desert rat. i think cannabineer is old and i find him the acme of enjoyability and likability.

as far as the individual liberty thing, i just don't agree with you that the rights of racist property owners are to be valued over the rights of the public to expect equal access to public accommodations such as hotels, gas stations, and lunch counters. i know how you value the rights of racist property owners more, even though it causes demonstrable harm to others in violation of the constitution.
shuckin' and jivin'


Well-Known Member
gave that marxist some wall street.

marxists love wall street.


all forms of goverment have pet Private industries they like to see do well. Oh and that contribute to there campaign/party. Think solyndra

IMO the problems seems to be that we are going to run ouuta of folks to tax. Or we will go the way of the UK

Where you a have a VAT tax on every purchase to the tune of about 17 percent. plus you local council tax oh and yearly road tax and the gas tax.

Oh and you point about the market doing well, sometimes fire burns brightest before it blows up.


Well-Known Member
all forms of goverment have pet Private industries they like to see do well. Oh and that contribute to there campaign/party. Think solyndra

IMO the problems seems to be that we are going to run ouuta of folks to tax. Or we will go the way of the UK

Where you a have a VAT tax on every purchase to the tune of about 17 percent. plus you local council tax oh and yearly road tax and the gas tax.

Oh and you point about the market doing well, sometimes fire burns brightest before it blows up.
my diagnosis: terminal obama derangement syndrome.

my prescription: grab your guns and a bible, cower in your compound stockpiling MREs, and wait it out. whatever you do, stay away from the internet...THEY'LL KNOW! await republican savior, emerge from compound thumping bible.


Ursus marijanus
Mr. Neutron, you have no idea of the intensity of my predicament. Every fiber of my being is dying to tell you to please slow down!

But I am having a popcorn time of it watching you and UB duke it out across more than one thread.

Oh and UB? The pic was a diagram but still ewww. Deleted as ewww.

Y'all play safe and watch out for traffic. cn


Well-Known Member
Hotels are public accommodation? God Damn I swear they were private businesses.

BTW if the economy goes to shit will Chesus make a thread blaming Obama?


Well-Known Member
Hotels are public accommodation? God Damn I swear they were private businesses.
last time i checked, they advertised as being open to the public.

hell, they even put big signs by the highway with their rates on them.

could swear they were trying to attract members of the general public.


Well-Known Member
last time i checked, they advertised as being open to the public.

hell, they even put big signs by the highway with their rates on them.

could swear they were trying to attract members of the general public.
Is your business open to the public? Or do you discriminate?


Well-Known Member
i'd have to look it up, i'm sure we both know a few, such as race, nationality, gender, age, etc...
So basically everyone, but white males pretty much eh? In your neighborhood I assume white males make up the majority of your customer base for treadmill action?


Well-Known Member
So basically everyone, but white males pretty much eh? In your neighborhood I assume white males make up the majority of your customer base for treadmill action?
white isn't a race? or do you just suffer a persecution complex?