"All My Babies' Mamas"


Well-Known Member
Maybe they couldn't find a white fella with 10 kids by 11 baby mamas! In the black community they are a dime a dozen. So, the hard part is finding one who willing to go on tv................. wait, ....nevermind.

my next store neighbor
3 kids 3 dads
The current father in residence claims he is a stay at home dad and collects disability for his back
I think he hurt it playing xbox


Active Member
The black community has always been a target for this type of propaganda. The progression of hip hop music into the shit it has become is just one example. Malcolm X was someone who seen this and pointed it out very nicely.


Well-Known Member
my next store neighbor
3 kids 3 dads
The current father in residence claims he is a stay at home dad and collects disability for his back
I think he hurt it playing xbox

Are you sure the saying isn't "Neck's Tore Neighbor"?

*Says I; laughing aloud hysterically while declaring "I'm on fire today!"

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Maybe they couldn't find a white fella with 11 kids by 10 baby mamas! In the black community they are a dime a dozen. So, the hard part is finding one who willing to go on tv................. wait, ....nevermind.

your right, they cant find that guy

but the white guy with 30 kids in 11 years with 22 women has his own thread, about how he doesnt want to pay a combined total of 300 dollars a month for his kids . . .dearat is not conveniently posting in that thread by happenstance as well



Well-Known Member
The black community has always been a target for this type of propaganda. The progression of hip hop music into the shit it has become is just one example. Malcolm X was someone who seen this and pointed it out very nicely.
Malcolm X was killed 40 years ago

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I am over at stormfront. I have an account there. That is why i see the bullshit you are just reposting from the Vanguard News Network for what it is
Racist douchebaggery

What was your point about posting the painting of Harold Washington?

And for gods sake when are you going to explain how you contributed 400k to social security?
I thought it was an interesting story, and it shows just how corrupt, and criminal the Chicago political structure is.

What is your username over at Stormfront? What did "I" repost from Vanguard News? Let me know what "my" username is over there.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
your right, they cant find that guy

but the white guy with 30 kids in 11 years with 22 women has his own thread, about how he doesnt want to pay a combined total of 300 dollars a month for his kids . . .dearat is not conveniently posting in that thread by happenstance as well

Poor Sam, you are such a retard. Go watch the video of the guy with 30 kids then report back here. I will graciously accept your apology should you be man enough to offer one.



Well-Known Member
To avoid prosecution [for polygamy], typically men in Colorado City will legally marry only the first of their wives; subsequent wives, although “spiritually married,” to their husband by Uncle Rulon, thus remain single mothers in the eyes of the state. This has the added benefit of allowing the enormous families in town to qualify for welfare and other forms of government assistance. Despite the fact that Uncle Rulon and his followers regard the governments of Arizona, Utah and the United States as Satanic forces out to destroy the UEP, their polygamous community receives more than $6 million a year in public funds.


Well-Known Member
To avoid prosecution [for polygamy], typically men in Colorado City will legally marry only the first of their wives; subsequent wives, although “spiritually married,” to their husband by Uncle Rulon, thus remain single mothers in the eyes of the state. This has the added benefit of allowing the enormous families in town to qualify for welfare and other forms of government assistance. Despite the fact that Uncle Rulon and his followers regard the governments of Arizona, Utah and the United States as Satanic forces out to destroy the UEP, their polygamous community receives more than $6 million a year in public funds.
If the devil wants to write me a check...I'll cash it.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
what am i apologizing about, not remembering he was black . . . . or inferring with a inaccurate source wrongly that you are a racist when you are a racist

ill admit to sourcing my alternative RIU story badly, man what a fail, but hey , me being inaccurate doesn't change you