Droopy Plants after tranplanting

I transplanted last night and now today they are all droopy. I mixed Fox Farm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest(50/50). I did not add any nutrients only water(6.5 ph). I gave each one about a half gallon. Did I water too much, not enough? By the way they're in 7 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
Adding some perlite wouldn't have hurt, but they should perk up, maybe tomorrow.Usually mine don't wilt at all.


Well-Known Member
ya water is fine...they just got a little confused. to avoid this i usually repot only one time and that is when they leave the party cups at about 6 inches tall for their final container of 5 gallons. the reason to only do this one time and that early is its so fast and easy for the plant because you arent trying to transplant a 10 lb block of dirt with a huge plant sticking out. no shock at all and no need to transplant more than one time with a little planning ahead.


Well-Known Member
Adding some perlite wouldn't have hurt, but they should perk up, maybe tomorrow.Usually mine don't wilt at all.
This is exactly right. The perlite aerates the soil and you have none so you drenched the rootbound pot you watered the new medium and now the plants have no air. They will come back just let the soil dry.