Xbox LIVE anybody?


New Member
yes they will...they already have posted them...
and now its up for everyone to see, as every other post that is posted on here.


Well-Known Member
no one is going to give you their xbox live tags to a stranger on theforum
I would if I still had xbox ....
I don't see the big deal about giving out your gamer tag

You can always block the person if they get annoying


Staff member
yes they will...they already have posted them...
and now its up for everyone to see, as every other post that is posted on here.
everythings an argument with you isnt it?..i ment it like because hes new to the forum no one has any idea who he is and will be more reluctant to give him their xbox live gamer tags obviously because of his lack of the search bar function he wont be looking for peoples gamer tags now will he?


Well-Known Member
everythings an argument with you isnt it?..i ment it like because hes new to the forum no one has any idea who he is and will be more reluctant to give him their xbox live gamer tags obviously because of his lack of the search bar function he wont be looking for peoples gamer tags now will he?
No he wont.. sorry I wanted to argue with someone... wifey is at work.. & kids dont argue fairly anymore..


Staff member
im bad at arguing....But Im getting some practice so I can win some. :)
you'll never win with me im the queen of fucking arguing, but as you can see my point was clearly made no one left their tags free willingly , because he is a stranger who literally just joined weather he goes and finds them himself thats different


New Member
I believe I won an argument with you before. And my view, is that no one put their tags because they have seen those threads before. Theres a whole list of tags made public on a couple threads. why start a new one?


Staff member
he obviously started a new one because this post was his 4th post ever made on the website


New Member
yeah and he didnt look through the thousands of posts on here to see if there was a gaming tag thread. Understandable. I did the same. But to say people arent writing their tags down cause they dont know is bs. No ones writing there tag cause its ollldddd


New Member
o o and i have a question. i was told you couldnt not have posts taken down by the admin. But u took your down? how??


New Member
wacko messages? really? like what? I never receieve wacko messages. and how did you take it down . i would liek to know?