Canadian Government plans to pull licenses.


Well-Known Member
So I am a medical grower and just started in the summer and am now on my second crop. I bought all top of the line equipment and wired everything to code and just found some really high CBD strains so I dont get anxiety and feel stoned. I deal with alot of pain and the strains I have dont do much other than get me high and anti social. I have tried ALOT of different strains and I have also been smoking for 20 years, lol. Anyways, so now that I am on the right track with my strains I find out that the Government has proposed to pull all the medical licenses and make it commercial, OH and they are doubling the price! So I guess they want a cut of the pie and they cant do that if we are producing our own!!! Do they think this will stop us? Get a grip!
They want to charge 9$ a gram now and I can get it for 5$ all day long. Lets kick our patience while their down right. Dumb asses....
Im surprised more RIU members arent talking about this.

Is this still in the proposed stage? It some what makes sense though. If you build a home or garage - you need a permit and building inspections. So it only makes sense they want to make sure our grow rooms are safe.

I have a feeling they arent going to "pull all the medical licenses" but rather not renew them.

Im very interested to know when this might come into affect. Also interested how much permits and inspections will cost and what sort of building code they will inforce. Is there somewhere we can read the government issued proposal?

For people who dont live in Canada - This is a big deal because its the federal government backing the entire country and not individual provincial laws. Anything imposed will be nation wide, I believe.


Well-Known Member
They are supposed to come and inspect all the production sites but they dont and this is a big part of the problem. You can stay up to date with decisions either at or the Health Canada site. I think they could do a program where small medical grows can use certified grow boxes and that would be really safe and affordable. Dont just take it away. But, I can see the safety issues for bad grow op's, house invasions and guys selling their over sized crops.
It will be nation wide and it is still a proposal from what I have read and there are talks of taking legal action against the decision although I am not sure how that is done.
Until then.......Grow Grow Grow while we can!!!

I will keep my fingers crossed!
will it come to vote or is one party supporting vs another? maybe harper will promise not to enforce this as a way to over stay his welcome.


Well-Known Member
Good question. Good point too, I could see that snaky bastard doing that. Harper is two faced and wants to pull the rug out from under us and its time for him to go. I hate politics and politicians so thats all I got to say about that.

Politicians are humans in disguise.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
How often do home operations just catch on fire anyway? Yeah i'm sure it happens, but it seems like we can't be responsible for our selves anymore. Each day that passes we become less and less of a parent, or less and less as a mediator, and less and less autonomy in our own life decisions; as if there's always some new advanced solution to the problem. And what I mean is, let us be responsible for what we do; if our home catches on fire, tough shit you chose to do it. Just as when you put your life savings into starting a company, that's the risk you take.

To go commercial is logical. But people still brew beers in their basements, hmm. And yes, someone may break in your home/garage for your crop, but they do it for the money. People don't look at pounds and say "I'm gonna smoke every last bit of this.". They think "How much is this worth? Which is exactly what the Canadian and soon to be universal governments are/will be doing right now. I know I kinda trailed but everyday I feel that there's less and less hope for this world and things like this really upset me. It's all about a man-made concept that literally means nothing when you depart from this. These greedy fucks work their whole lives to have what to show for it when they pass? I hope they get buried with it.
I'm a medical grower aswell and it suppose to end by 2014 and depending on when your licsence renews they will
give you and extra year grandfathered. I just spent lots as well on my show and its bull shit what they're doing. They
dont check our places and now they want to do warehouse stile shows where theree products are gonna have problems. Come on 20 lights or bigger gets bugs and mold. Where our normal size things can be controlled without horable chemicals like avid. More of us need to talk and get all information so we can try and fight. But as far as I know that wont happen. They see how much money is in the medicine so they want theirs. Opening up dispensaries so all the money we spent on our shows was just a waist and now we will have to buy it for 150 an oz. so if you have cancer and are juicing 20 grams a day well you just have to buy it. And let's be realistic most people can't afford over 100$ a day.


Well-Known Member
I have just talked with the medical marijuana clinic and she said that changes will happen and thats the end of it, so I guess thats it!
I will renew my license right till the end and then...... Keep going, lol they are not getting a dime from me! I officially challenge Harper to a throw down!, and who ever wins takes the spoils. I will even give him the first punch.


These changes might not be all bad. It sucks to lose the right to grow our own, I've been an MMAR patient for years, but some of the companies seem like they have the best interests of the patients in mind. There is a group of growers under the MMAR that want to make the switch to licensed producers, it looks like they have some nice stuff.