cops in the driveway


Well-Known Member
damn bde sounds like the artery in your neck would give you away if they were at the door. I had to talk to them before at 5am before in my boxers when they came looking for a previous tennent in my old place. San Diego Jack had 'em in his fucking house and smoothed his way out. Dude even took pics when they were leaving.


Well-Known Member
dude ive had the cops next door for the tweakers with "guns" swat, loaded with ar 15's full gear and camera. then i gave away and entire garden full of edibles and plants to use for tea and the cops where right out front 30 minutes later watching my house.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Last year at Thanksgiving (2011) I decided to sell my antique popcorn popper on Craigslist. This guy calls and says he'll pay full price. I invited him over. I expected him to come and go instead he sits there talking to my old man. Then I hear him say, 'I'm a retired Mich State Police'. Holy Shit Batman, I'm freakin' out wondering can he smell it?

Haven't Craigslisted since.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
I Have no mercy or compassion for cops i dont care who you are. You jump in the line of fire then you deserve to die. You aint heros your pieces of shit. Nothing makes me happier then when i hear about a cop getting murdered. I love it.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I Have no mercy or compassion for cops i dont care who you are. You jump in the line of fire then you deserve to die. You aint heros your pieces of shit. Nothing makes me happier then when i hear about a cop getting murdered. I love it.
I don't find joy in anyone's death


Well-Known Member
I Have no mercy or compassion for cops i dont care who you are. You jump in the line of fire then you deserve to die. You aint heros your pieces of shit. Nothing makes me happier then when i hear about a cop getting murdered. I love it.
I though that way when I was younger... You do know there duty is to protect and serve, do you feel the same way about the armed forces? The police are just fighting the war on our soil against reform to a system that has made us a superpower.

if you can be a dick I can to I hope your mother or family are in a situation where cops come to their rescue, only while tending to her wounds a gunman comes behind the cop blowing his face off all over your mother, then he tortures them for months... If you can make such a amazingly senseless statement against the police, I can to against your mom.. After all these police are mothers and fathers they are not just robots


Well-Known Member
In addition to that I will say I don't like the police either only because like everyone on this site we are on the other side of the law.. It's better to have some respect for your opponent tho, and I do not wish death upon anyone


Well-Known Member
I Have no mercy or compassion for cops i dont care who you are. You jump in the line of fire then you deserve to die. You aint heros your pieces of shit. Nothing makes me happier then when i hear about a cop getting murdered. I love it.
Dude, seriously harsh. You should no more rejoice for a stranger's death than you should mourn for them.
I dislike law enforcement. But, rejoicing in their death is in bad taste. If you are an optimist, you could look at it favorably, as in one less police to harass you, but, they'll replace that 1 veteran cop with a rookie cop, and a new position for another cop, too. Because "the police are being targeted."

I though that way when I was younger... You do know there duty is to protect and serve, do you feel the same way about the armed forces? The police are just fighting the war on our soil against reform to a system that has made us a superpower.

if you can be a dick I can to I hope your mother or family are in a situation where cops come to their rescue, only while tending to her wounds a gunman comes behind the cop blowing his face off all over your mother, then he tortures them for months... If you can make such a amazingly senseless statement against the police, I can to against your mom.. After all these police are mothers and fathers they are not just robots
Your dick response brings into play persons in his own sphere of friends. That's way beyond his statement about cops. I went to prison for saying something VERY SIMILAR to a cop. Personally, I think that you've got bigger issues than someone hating cops and celebrating their death, if your brain can instantly take that "yayy dead cop" and transform it into your own little torture-porn scenario... You are sounding allot like a sadist there, and not someone responding with a dick follow up question.

In addition to that I will say I don't like the police either only because like everyone on this site we are on the other side of the law.. It's better to have some respect for your opponent tho, and I do not wish death upon anyone
I don't believe this claim. I'm quite certain that you're much happier with cops around than without. Not because you fear others, or like cops (necessarily) but, because they allow you to put up solid "boundaries" which you won't cross, the same kind a less sadistic person would instinctively have.


Well-Known Member
Cops: Case 1

Smoked a joint and was playing PS when a knock comes, "the knock", you know the one I'm talking about. I try my best to put shit away, but my mom has opened the door to quickly thinking it was our neighbour. In walk 2 detectives and as soon as I see them I'm thinking....why detectives?

They proceed to inform me that there's has been several B&E's in the area and a guard working the plant near my house had seen some shady people hanging around and they {the cops} were there to inform us about this and to see if we had any clues to these persons identities, or had we seen someone fitting the description.

Now I know for certain that they smelled the weed but didn't even bat an eye in regards to it, it was never mentioned even though my papers were still sitting on the table.

Cops: Case 2

Traveling to a workshop {for my job} and I forget my credit card, the one I made my reservations with and the room I've booked can't be released without proper I.D {credit card}. So here I am stuck in the middle of nowhere and I can't find a place to stay. I have cash but the new hotel/motel rules state that you need a huge deposit for insurance reasons and without a credit card it's next to impossible no matter how much money I had on me. So I flag down a cop and explain my situation, he gets on his walkie and the next thing I know, we're driving to a small B&B just outside of town that will except my money and will provide me with a lift to and from my workshop over the weekend.

Cops: Case 3

Standing outside of a bar, I'm just waiting on a friend. A cruiser pulls up and 2 uniforms get out and proceed to give me the once over. I'm cuffed and put in the car, it seems that I match the description of a man accused of stealing a FedEx truck worth a pretty pennie. I spend the next several hours being asked questions about this and that only to be released with a simple "it looks like you're not the guy we're after, but I got my eye on you". To this day I will see him and he's was right, he still has his eye on me. But that's because he lives about 5 houses away lol.


Well-Known Member
Your dick response brings into play persons in his own sphere of friends. That's way beyond his statement about cops. I went to prison for saying something VERY SIMILAR to a cop. Personally, I think that you've got bigger issues than someone hating cops and celebrating their death, if your brain can instantly take that "yayy dead cop" and transform it into your own little torture-porn scenario... You are sounding allot like a sadist there, and not someone responding with a dick follow up question.

that is assuming im not related to or friends with police. if you take that i am into concideration then you can see where im coming from. When iw as younger i was in lockup for pistol whiping a cop, now i can never own a gun, can't vote, get searched every time im pulled over, and have a horrible CORI check.. now i have relatives and close friends that are officers and have a great deal of respect for the police. its like that saying 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name, there are cops out there who joined to protect and serve.... but none the less yeah im a bit twisted, and no your not a therapist don't try to judge deep rooted motives off one comment... and im not saying any of this to start shit, smoke on buddy hakunna mattada


Active Member
My last house shared a driveway with a coke head/dealer. we forever had cop cars in the drive. The idiot next door was a constant source of either amusement or frustration. I got to see them throw him down a flight of stairs. We watched swat chase him from his roof to ours. (He leapt across the ten foot wide driveway to evade them) I saw him throw cans of ensure down his stairs at cops. I drew down on one of his customers who refused to leave my property at 3 in the morning because she was sure that she had the right address. I'm terribly glad I don't live there anymore.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
I though that way when I was younger... You do know there duty is to protect and serve, do you feel the same way about the armed forces? The police are just fighting the war on our soil against reform to a system that has made us a superpower.

if you can be a dick I can to I hope your mother or family are in a situation where cops come to their rescue, only while tending to her wounds a gunman comes behind the cop blowing his face off all over your mother, then he tortures them for months... If you can make such a amazingly senseless statement against the police, I can to against your mom.. After all these police are mothers and fathers they are not just robots
i should kill you for talking that way. PM your address and it is on you creep. Dont worry, all you will hear is "Da Almighty Jew say's hello" before your final destination you fk


New Member
My last house shared a driveway with a coke head/dealer. we forever had cop cars in the drive. The idiot next door was a constant source of either amusement or frustration. I got to see them throw him down a flight of stairs. We watched swat chase him from his roof to ours. (He leapt across the ten foot wide driveway to evade them) I saw him throw cans of ensure down his stairs at cops. I drew down on one of his customers who refused to leave my property at 3 in the morning because she was sure that she had the right address. I'm terribly glad I don't live there anymore.

thats just another day in the neighborhood in Corn Hill,


New Member
Last year at Thanksgiving (2011) I decided to sell my antique popcorn popper on Craigslist. This guy calls and says he'll pay full price. I invited him over. I expected him to come and go instead he sits there talking to my old man. Then I hear him say, 'I'm a retired Mich State Police'. Holy Shit Batman, I'm freakin' out wondering can he smell it?

Haven't Craigslisted since.
LOL.My buddy sold a junk sled for way to much money on CL.The guy drove 5 hours to his house(basically a coke house)with 4 thousands burning.We were all f'd up bad.The guy says he is a State Trooper and needs the snowmachine for work in the bush..Fuck,we scattered fast.ROFLMAO


Well-Known Member
Seriously, Y'all even joking are making threats, I JUST GOT OUT OF PRISON for that. I threatened to peel a cop's family if he shot my dogs. They gave me 18 months for it, and labeled me a dangerous menace because of my "lack of respect for figures of authority." I was handcuffed, shackled, and already under arrest (awaiting transfer) when I made the comment. I did make the comment, on video, and told the judge the same.

Personally, I think that internet bravado and hyperbole are a load of shit. I don't think we should be dreaming up scenarios wherein other members' families are injured. How about this scenario... Dude's family is out to eat, when the restaurant is shot at, breaking a glass on the intrepid family's table. Your officer rushes in to save the day! He shoots the bad guy, square in his chest. He then goes into the restaurant, where the shaken family is NOT wanting the dessert menu, and helps them to re-attain composure and calm, thus winning over another family of cop haters, by actually doing his job, and not being a fuck about it.

The person who posted the extremely harsh "good cop = dead cop" did not direct it at you, any more than I'm directing it at my lady's brother when I say "fuck cops, get a fuckin' warrant if you want to come in, or I'll defend my property." I tell police to fuck of on a regular basis. I laughed my ass off at the 3 that fell down when they were looking for a fugitive in my 'hood. I laughed even harder when 2 of them fell again (the K9 handler, and another officer) and the K9 bit the second cop's leg. I also have cops in my (extended) family. I still hate Law Enforcement; not because of weed, or because I take most laws more as suggestions, but because I know what they're capable of.

My mom, dear old mommy... She despises the police, also. Because when they went to serve a DWI warrant on me, at her house (in a state I didn't even RESIDE, but was visiting, staying at a hotel, and my sole purpose for BEING in the state was to clear up the warrant) they used an SRT (that's suburban for piss-poor trained SWAT.) They held her cuffed and on a couch for more than 3 hours, they refused to allow her to take her medication, they refused to allow her to drink water, and they refused to allow her to use the restroom. They threatened further detention when she asked to call a lawyer. All of this went on for 3 HOURS while they waited for me to come over (I was in-state visiting and taking care of the DWI.) My mom doesn't speed, she signals her turns, she only uses the handicapped parking if she's having trouble walking that day (permanent Handicap placard.) She knows weed would help her, but doesn't want to use it because "It's still against Federal law." She had a parking ticket about 12 years ago, and a speeding ticket around 20 years ago.


Im stooned as hell, and i just realize Ive been sitting reading sick posts on this forum and laughing my ass of for 2 hours.
Btw dude if that happend to me id think the goverment was watching me, or maybe Im just a little to stoned.


New Member
I buddy of mine put up a sign in his front yard.It was 4 x 8 and read "Kill A Cop Save A Doughnut".He ended up doing time over it.