I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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dude lol... ur going to a soft ass work release program.... shut ur soft ass up... cash that check... say by to ur family... and do ur pussy ass small sentence in a sweet ass joint like a man....

True, but you don't have to be so... dickish about it. Show a little sympathy man. Maybe even some respect. I'd appreciate it.
i just never believed they would really care this much.
I think allot of convince ourselves of this to help deal with the doubts that arise from growing and/or it becomes so routine and normal that we see it this way.
I'm just a 54 square foot guy but I know exactly what you're talking about.
True, but you don't have to be so... dickish about it. Show a little sympathy man. Maybe even some respect. I'd appreciate it.

what..... lol man me and that fool have an understanding.... so as far has im concerned... you can go suck a baby elephants dick.... sometimes im the one to feel bad for him... other times im da one who scolds him for being such a dumbass:hump::weed::evil:
:confused: it is my lack of patience that causes my craziness but you are fortunate to have loved ones to think about and that has kept me sane in there as well. It hurts me more though that your family will be hurting and not that I think you deserve this WTF did they do to deserve this?!

What is the reason they can not visit more because if it is cost of transportation I guarantee you I can find enough kind souls to donate rides hell from what I have heard of the respect you have I could get them there at least once a month if not weekly!

RIGHT GUYS! :bongsmilie:
what..... lol man me and that fool have an understanding.... so as far has im concerned... you can go suck a baby elephants dick.... sometimes im the one to feel bad for him... other times im da one who scolds him for being such a dumbass:hump::weed::evil:

I'm really the last person you want to troll. We don't have that understanding yet. Tread lightly.
fade... beat off alot... read alot...... try to get a job... write often... u will be ok.... be a man not a lil bitch... go turn yo self in early even.. u got this....
I'm really the last person you want to troll. We don't have that understanding yet. Tread lightly.

lol u dont know me... i will go out of my way.... to troll u... untill the point u go crying to a mod.... lol and then me and that mod laff about what i said to u and i promise not to do it again.. ONLY TO DO IT AGAIN!!!! fuck with me i dare u!!!!
lol u dont know me... i will go out of my way.... to troll u... untill the point u go crying to a mod.... lol and then me and that mod laff about what i said to u and i promise not to do it again.. ONLY TO DO IT AGAIN!!!! fuck with me i dare u!!!!

I got you so mad you broke your nail and are forced to take key bumps. I already know you're a brittle fella so what's a nailless woman gonna do to me?
:confused: it is my lack of patience that causes my craziness but you are fortunate to have loved ones to think about and that has kept me sane in there as well. It hurts me more though that your family will be hurting and not that I think you deserve this WTF did they do to deserve this?!

What is the reason they can not visit more because if it is cost of transportation I guarantee you I can find enough kind souls to donate rides hell from what I have heard of the respect you have I could get them there at least once a month if not weekly!

RIGHT GUYS! :bongsmilie:

mostly money issues, and transportation. we do have vehicles, but it is a 12 hour drive. i have been the sole provider for my family for the past 10 years. my wife stays home to care for her mom and our son. she is seeking employment right now, but with the way the economy is and her lack of recent job history it is slow going. she may have something lined up but it won't be until this summer.
i drew a bunch when i was in, not much for cross words or any of that it just brings me back to society.. but when you get to explore your mind you can really detatch from the situation. the goal is to learn from your mistakes wile your in there, but that happened for me after like a week, then it was drawing, drawing and more drawing. i also bulked up a bunch when i was in. obviouly don't piss the system off, and some of the gaurds can actually be nice and a welcoming conversation. inmates can be another story, most belong in the system and can't handle the real world. your a smart man you will figure it out and be out early with some luck. your post have reverberated in my mind and although im on the other side of the country i still look to you as a great guy and farmer alike. i know its hard to think of it like this, but enjoy your stay.
Again, it may be different on the woman side but I found the prisoners very kind. They were the only ones who helped me at all like how to use the phone and to not call them sir although in my world that is a sign of respect and when you could order from the commmiserary etc.
Where we're you locked up, Express? How long did you do?

thanx to good lawyers and at times witness intimidations i never got a number and went to the joint... i have however been locked up in cook county jail division 9, and 10... and the others.. {gladiator school} put it to u like... mother fuckers were copping out to 20 years and up like the states attorney was handing out candy just to get outta cook county and get on that bus ride down south..
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