I think i'm going to have a baby


Well-Known Member
Poor Beardo. Guy can't get laid, and now he's telling himself that he's getting ass raped by football players to fill in the gap, so to speak. :spew:


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how Bigfoot feels about this latest escapade, didn't you two shack up for a bit back in the summer?

Keep eye out for strange footprints, or errant thrown flags.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Tim Tebow.
Always acting so smug and innocent.
I want him to show his real face.
Always puts on that religious, virgin, good guy persona.
I like to believe when the cameras are off him he goes off the hook cursing and making fun of america for believing his bullshit. Hookers snorting blow off his cock in the off season.
Yeah, he's full of shit.

Also Peton Manning is probably a robot.