I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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thanx to good lawyers and at times witness intimidations i never got a number and went to the joint... i have however been locked up in cook county jail division 9, and 10... and the others.. {gladiator school} put it to u like... mother fuckers were copping out to 20 years and up like the states attorney was handing out candy just to get outta cook county and get on that bus ride down south..
So just to be clear, you spent a little time in jail, but have never been to the pen or a prison camp, or anywhere else where you were FORCED to be there for over a year without the ability to leave, basically cutting off your freedom cause you're living on someone else's schedule?

Just wondering, cause you made it sound like doing time at the prison camp is like a vacation. I understand there are much worse places to be, and fdd got placed in pretty much the 'best' possible institution available, but being forced to be away from your wife and child seems like torture, no matter what your surroundings are.
So just to be clear, you spent a little time in jail, but have never been to the pen or a prison camp, or anywhere else where you were FORCED to be there for over a year without the ability to leave, basically cutting off your freedom cause you're living on someone else's schedule?

Just wondering, cause you made it sound like doing time at the prison camp is like a vacation. I understand there are much worse places to be, and fdd got placed in pretty much the 'best' possible institution available, but being forced to be away from your wife and child seems like torture, no matter what your surroundings are.

ive done multiple smaller bids in cook county jail.. which is more worse then any other county jail in the nation...... even and esp. rikers isl. in ney york and l.a. county jail.... a place were people are dieing to cop out for whatever time just to get out of that madness... and i thrived in that madness.. i knew the longer i sat in county jail or on bond at times they gave me bond would be better for me... cuzz this is chicago.. crazy ass shit happends on the reg. and sooner or later judges get tired of seeing u in there courtroom everymont cuzz he has soo many thousand new cases and they say fuck u to the state and run either probation or time served... i know what im doing... once u get that number ur fucked,,,,
I've been processed but didn't have to sit long, but I keep seeing people say when you get on RIU. Indicating that RIU is accessable from incarceration. Am I understanding this right?
thread closed

will re-open in a bit when people realize the asses they are making of themselves and of each other

any toke and talk mod feel free to open again when thing chill a bit. I won't be back online till a bit later. I gotta go do work now.

try spreading more love and less hate. life works better that way
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