The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
PC090371.jpgDAY 65 HARVEST AT LONG LAST :blsmoke:
Caps im a knob!I evemabow with strings for drying lol,;-)


Well-Known Member
lining paper done! thank fuk, patterned paper going on in a day or so, gotta be coz im not cutting the door hole out till its done hahaha, no point

knackered now, so wats everyone doin/?

3x 16 inch deep pans on the way YUMMY YUMMY


Well-Known Member
sittin here bored as normal lol, not been to work the last few days n not bothered ringing in in the hope they sack me lol


Well-Known Member
sittin here bored as normal lol, not been to work the last few days n not bothered ringing in in the hope they sack me lol
NO ur not allowed on benefits, u mong get bak to work, this depression shit aint doing u no favours, while i totally undertsand shits,, u need to work, plus u need the coin! gotta pay bak those crisis crackers aint ya?



Well-Known Member
HAha yeah they can have it a pound a week lol, suprisingly enough though we will actually be slightly better off financially on the dole as we will get more housing benefit etc, works out we will get about £100 a month more if im on the dole than working when everything is taken into account


Well-Known Member
that's the problem in the uk tbh, no incentive to work, how the fuck should it be possible to be better off on the dole, fuk this place has gone to pot, i dont blame the people doing it, fuk, why not, everyone else is i guess, but we aint guna get outta any debt if this continues....fukking plebs, legalise pot and be done with it, then i wouldent give a rats ass on who gets what.


Well-Known Member
Yeah knw what ya mean mate an ive always worked and paid me own way but the government makes it harder n harder each year to keep yaself afloat so now bollocks to it gna be a dosser for a bit lol


Well-Known Member
gay porn!!!

here's my GK x Exodus male, been spitting pollen for a week or so, and has already had his wicked way with a sexy lil strawberry cough



Well-Known Member
my female GK x Exodus, she was a really slow starter tbh, and has only just shown her first hairs, but already took a cut, so this is just to sex the strain and see what she's like...dunno which parent she is taking after, time will tell...


Well-Known Member
HAha yeah they can have it a pound a week lol, suprisingly enough though we will actually be slightly better off financially on the dole as we will get more housing benefit etc, works out we will get about £100 a month more if im on the dole than working when everything is taken into account
i think wer on about 11-1500 a month,, thats excluing hsouning and council tax so i totally undertsand on the work or dole thing,, but wer nt on the dole i guess been on that would be shite

gay porn!!!

here's my GK x Exodus male, been spitting pollen for a week or so, and has already had his wicked way with a sexy lil strawberry cough

View attachment 2473261
damn thats got sum legs, nrly as tall as me that fucker,lol


Well-Known Member
Well atm while im working with wages etc all in we get about £13-1500 a month, if i go on the dole that will be £1450-1700 roughly


Well-Known Member
Well atm while im working with wages etc all in we get about £13-1500 a month, if i go on the dole that will be £1450-1700 roughly
damn! and we moan about the pakis! klol

u hear about the immigants wel have flooding in end of yr? as if we dont have enough,, fucking serbia, macedonia, turkey all joining eu FOR FUKS SAKE as if we aint got enough SEND EM TO THE USA,, thers more than enough room, fuka duk we dont even deport if they dont have ther won passport like wtf, who cares ther obviously pakis send me bak to pakisstan already jeezus christ,
send em to the states seen how big ther deserts are? them ther sand niggers wud feel right at home?


Well-Known Member
damn! and we moan about the pakis! klol

u hear about the immigants wel have flooding in end of yr? as if we dont have enough,, fucking serbia, macedonia, turkey all joining eu FOR FUKS SAKE as if we aint got enough SEND EM TO THE USA,, thers more than enough room, fuka duk we dont even deport if they dont have ther won passport like wtf, who cares ther obviously pakis send me bak to pakisstan already jeezus christ,
send em to the states seen how big ther deserts are? them ther sand niggers wud feel right at home?
Lol a lot , I take it you're not partial to people from Pakistan then Ice ?