i love obama and everything he does


Well-Known Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy.

hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle.

yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me.

i <3 you mr. president, and everything you do.



New Member
We know Buck, I for one am willing to give him a chance in regards to MJ legistlation. A very left leaning website is saying Obamas plan was to secure a second term, solidify his position, shuffle his cabinet around and hopefully bring about some change. Some states have laid it down, is bazza gonna pick it up?.... Thats the question.

The other concern is, IF, he plans to REALLY bring about reform, how long before he goes the way of two US presidents who challenged the status quo? And subsequently ended up dead?


Well-Known Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy.

hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle.

yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me.

i <3 you mr. president, and everything you do.

Didn't I hear somewhere on this site that you are a rat?


New Member
Didn't I hear somewhere on this site that you are a rat?
it was probably your post you read. You make claims that people are rats and cops on here all the time. i remember you thought i was a cop. Take it easy on the chronic bro.


Well-Known Member
Didn't I hear somewhere on this site that you are a rat?
i heard that you were a walking cliche douchebag, then i looked at your avatar and confirmed it.

do you ever play a game of "just the tip" when helping your muscle buddies stretch their lats?


Well-Known Member
I once started a thread about UB being a rat. It was just after they hired the new sheriff, and I tested his authority. LOL!

HAHA...good timez.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it's rather sad that there are people out there who actually do worship at the altar of the obama agenda, the agenda of today's envious left. unquestioning, unthinking loyalty to a party line which clearly states that the individual must bow to the whims of the easily swayed mob. they are the product of a mindset that firmly believes their american citizenship automatically entitles them to something more than the toil which is the lot of all mankind. they are the product of decades long indoctrination into the concept that all it takes is legislation to make society better. they have been shown the best of everything that materialistic consumerism can produce and told that they deserve all these things and they actually believed it. they fail to understand that every right is of equal value. they fail to understand that what can be taken from one can be taken from all. they refuse to understand that their heroes are of the same ilk as those they despise and will turn on them for far less than thirty pieces of silver. they are the product of democracy run amok and they destroy all they touch.


Well-Known Member
it's rather sad that there are people out there who actually do worship at the altar of the obama agenda, the agenda of today's envious left. unquestioning, unthinking loyalty to a party line which clearly states that the individual must bow to the whims of the easily swayed mob. they are the product of a mindset that firmly believes their american citizenship automatically entitles them to something more than the toil which is the lot of all mankind. they are the product of decades long indoctrination into the concept that all it takes is legislation to make society better. they have been shown the best of everything that materialistic consumerism can produce and told that they deserve all these things and they actually believed it. they fail to understand that every right is of equal value. they fail to understand that what can be taken from one can be taken from all. they refuse to understand that their heroes are of the same ilk as those they despise and will turn on them for far less than thirty pieces of silver. they are the product of democracy run amok and they destroy all they touch.


Active Member
it's rather sad that there are people out there who actually do worship at the altar of the obama agenda, the agenda of today's envious left. unquestioning, unthinking loyalty to a party line which clearly states that the individual must bow to the whims of the easily swayed mob. they are the product of a mindset that firmly believes their american citizenship automatically entitles them to something more than the toil which is the lot of all mankind. they are the product of decades long indoctrination into the concept that all it takes is legislation to make society better. they have been shown the best of everything that materialistic consumerism can produce and told that they deserve all these things and they actually believed it. they fail to understand that every right is of equal value. they fail to understand that what can be taken from one can be taken from all. they refuse to understand that their heroes are of the same ilk as those they despise and will turn on them for far less than thirty pieces of silver. they are the product of democracy run amok and they destroy all they touch.
I agree 100%


Well-Known Member
it's rather sad that there are people out there who actually do worship at the altar of the obama agenda, the agenda of today's envious left. unquestioning, unthinking loyalty to a party line which clearly states that the individual must bow to the whims of the easily swayed mob. they are the product of a mindset that firmly believes their american citizenship automatically entitles them to something more than the toil which is the lot of all mankind. they are the product of decades long indoctrination into the concept that all it takes is legislation to make society better. they have been shown the best of everything that materialistic consumerism can produce and told that they deserve all these things and they actually believed it. they fail to understand that every right is of equal value. they fail to understand that what can be taken from one can be taken from all. they refuse to understand that their heroes are of the same ilk as those they despise and will turn on them for far less than thirty pieces of silver. they are the product of democracy run amok and they destroy all they touch.
Leaving aside the diatribe as a whole, this must be the dumbest relativism I've heard of. Madison, you know the Father of the Constitution, like Locke, held the right to own property (and make use) to be the most important, fundamental right, as did a number of the Founders. Let me guess, you chalk that up to them being envious Leftists?