my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
Happy new year everyone!

I think Santa might have brought me something interesting, I noticed a few spots on a few of my roots near the collars that have a slight white fuzz on them, where water doesn't quite reach. Noticed it in my vegger last run but didn't think much of it, moved the plants around to where they soak more and it went away. Randomly checked a few of the plants in flower and they have a little bit, my new system I didn't raise the sprayer bars up at all, so the very tops of the roots don't look like they really get a soaking. Plants are healthy, looking further into the rails the roots are healthy, did some research and couldn't find a straight answer... some think it's mold, some a beneficial bacteria growth, and some think it's a very fine root development, but I disagree with the last. It doesn't appear that there are light leaks into the root chamber, I use ice water to keep everything at a nice 67-69, and no way to raise my sprayer bars to soak higher up since everything is pretty wrapped up in roots. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
SS, what ballasts do you use?
phantoms :)

i tried pondzyme at one point and it did not work out. I think it was the great white and my water supply that caused problems. Right now i use 7ml/gal of aquasheild every 4-5 days and have been using this for a few months. No great white, roots have never looked better. This is a great solution if your water supply contains some nasty shit.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it works, and cheap. I have lowered the lk in my recipe to about 2ml per gallon and roots are much more white. Huge roots. Half a scoop to start and quarter scoop every 4-5 days
Right on! I picked some up. (8 oz container) When you say scoop? I hope my scoop is the same size as yours? My scooper is about the size of a nickle and about a half inch deep. (probably nothing critical) but curious. Thanks super! the way... I was wondering what you guys are doing these days in the cloner. Are you adding anything to the water to get roots popping ? or Just the plain water? Things evolve so quickly and its good to come here and get all the new tips!

Thx Again and happy new year.


Active Member
Happy New Year!
I just popped some bag seed for my test run, before popping my expensive seeds.

i just finished building my cloner, and vegger "bench" and about to start work on my vegger.
and i think im going to do things a little different. Let's see what you all think.

I found some 1" ebb flow drains on plantlightinghydroponics.
and the outer diameter of the 1/2" inch pvc fits perfectly inside the 1" barb drain.
and i found some Black 1" hose at "Drs. Foster and Smith" pet supply website.
If the 1/2" pipe fits as well inside the hose, as it does the barb. then i plan to run the pipe up the hose and into the barb, and into the sprayer manifold of the vegger.
and also a second 1" drain, and black hose, as my drain.

I'll try to take pictures if it works. im waiting on the hose to get here. if it fits, ill try it.

Also, i ordered the silica blast.
but i also ordered the "Grotek Pro-Silicate"
to compare the two.

I popped the seeds by adding a half a cap full of hydrogen peroxide, and shook the water bottle to oxygenate the water.
i let them soak in the water bottle for a little over 24 hours. i was waiting for the seeds to stop floating. but there was little bubbles holding them at the top.
i moved them to a paper towel this morning in a ziplock bag.
i plan to wait till they are big enough to put the collars on them.

My first grow.
Wish me luck!


Active Member
If you are doing the seeds in a plastic zip lock, hang the bag so the roots grow down, if not they will grow all over the place making it hard to put in collars!!!!!


Active Member
Ummmm, what the hell is going on with everybody?? Kinda quiet around here!! Me, I'm still working on a better drain and a new defoliation technique in veg, results in about nine weeks!!!


Active Member
im working on my veg drain too old dude. im hoping to have something done this weekend. and ill share.

OK, i got a question, more for SuperStoner, but anyone feel free to chime in. i know superstoner hasnt said anything in here for a little bit, but ive see him still posting here and there on the forum, so i hope he sees this.

Alright, so i know SS preaches about tap water is all you need in the cloner, and that you dont even need to PH the water or anything. Because no nutes means PH isnt an issue because there are no nutes to lockout or whatever.
But heres the thing, my tap watter is 600+ ppm.
Is my 600+ PPM tap water ok to use in my cloner?
should i PH it? oh, thats another thing. my tap water is 7.15 which feels worlds away from the 5.2 that SS says he shoots for before the PH settles in.

so is un PH'ed tap water ok in the cloner, even if the tap water is 600+ ppm and 7.15 ph?

on another note, i need some PH/EC meter advice.
I was thinking about starting its own thread with this question, but i consider myself a stinkbuddie, and a SS disciple so maybe u all can give me some advice.

This is my first grow, and im trying to mix my nutes for the first time.
And i pulled my my brand new PPM/PH combo meter out of its box for the first time, and the cap was all crust, and stuck on a little, and it was dry, and had this white crust on the tip of the meter. and i rinsed it off, and i bought some calibration fluid so that i can test it and calibrate it. oh, its a Hanna meter BTW. so i take out the 1,392 ppm calibration fluid, and check my meter, and it reads 900ish ppm. which seems way off to me. so after attempting to calibrate it with frustration for a few hours. im looking at videos online about meters, and i find one that says that most industry uses a .50 conversion. but that most hydroponics use a .70 so after changing the conversion factor to to .70 the calibration fluid was at least 1,000 something but still seemed way off. and when i would try to calibrate it, the "cal" symbol would just blink, and stay there and continue to blink till it auto shuts off. but it seems to calibrate ph just fine, it cal for a second, and then says "OK".

so after playing with the conversion a little more, and changing it to a .75 i can get the meter to read 1,380ish with the 1,392 calibration fluid.
but now that i changed the conversion to .70 or .75, when i go into calibration mode, the pen asks for 1,500ppm fluid.

so i dont know what to do. i feel like i got kinda close with the .75 conversion. but i dont feel like i should be having to be dealing with this after buying like a $130 meter. is my meter messed up or what?

Thanks for letting me vent guys!


Well-Known Member
sounds like your meter probe went bad from drying out. contact seller or manufacturer. store probe in tap water.
now, tap water. you still not need worry about ph in cloner because the plants have oh g, no roots to absorb anything in the water really. i would e more concerned about your water ppm than ph, that is high, bad high. if it has been working for you,ok, but its not good. i would at least get an inline filter, some are cheap and will work good. my tap water is around 110-120ppm and 6.9-7.1ph.


Active Member
I have 400 ppm tap water. I have used it straight, and it works but, the mineral build up was nasty! So I got a RO filter and ran it! Had a problem with low cal-mag. So now I mix it so it comes out to around 200 ppm and it works perfect with SS's nute recipe!! Like SS said, contact manufacturer about you meter, they are usually very helpful!


Active Member
Thanks so much for your reply's guys.
i will try to contact Hanna support.

another question for you guys.
i'm actually not using the cloner yet for cloning.
im actually using it for my seedlings, while i build the vegger.

I think i let the seedlings go a little too long in the ziplock bags, because they were getting a little brown in the leaf tips. im not sure if it was rot.
then i transfered them to the cloner, with tap water. (600ppm tap)
i have been consistantly losing about a seedling a day, that just flops over and dies. im not sure if its the ph, or the tap water. or just my noob errors. i have them under a MH light dimmed to 400w, and up as high and away from them as possible. trying not to burn them.

the seedlings, started showing some yellowing, on the leafs and a couple of yellow spots (fade?)
so i went and filled a 5 gal jug with RO water. and mixed SS's veg recipie for 5 gallons. i think it came out around 700ppm?
and i mixed that with about 10 gal of tap water that was already in the system (about 15 total) to water it down. (700ish nute water + 600ish tap water = 700ish mixed water)

Am i going about this the right way? are the yellow spots the seedlings asking for nutes?
i have plenty of bag seed, and i plan on popping several more sessions to get my shit down.
these are just bag seed, so its not a big deal if i loose the plants.
just trying to get the learning curve out of the way.

Thanks guys.


Active Member
Hey SS, how often do you replace your T5 bulbs, I believe I read a long time ago to change fluorescents every 6 months but not sure if that includes T5s???


Well-Known Member
sounds like your meter probe went bad from drying out. contact seller or manufacturer. store probe in tap water.
now, tap water. you still not need worry about ph in cloner because the plants have oh g, no roots to absorb anything in the water really. i would e more concerned about your water ppm than ph, that is high, bad high. if it has been working for you,ok, but its not good. i would at least get an inline filter, some are cheap and will work good. my tap water is around 110-120ppm and 6.9-7.1ph.
Damn SS our water is exactly the same.



Well-Known Member
HA ha,did ya get some of tht ph 8.1 a few weeks ago,But seriously mines great alsO!

But i use alot of rain water also and use Tap for the Cal-Mag in it and never have had a issue.

Need to change out my 50g barrel its got Tadpoles in it and im scared with my nutes it might act as a steriod
and they turn into Frogs,and eat all my Roots!:lol:
