Is Ocean Forest too hot for clones??


Well-Known Member
Like the title says...Is Fox Farms Ocean Forest too hot to transplant clones directly into?? I'm used to working with Happy Frog, which I find perfect for basically every application. I had to get Ocean Forest instead of Happy Frog this time, and I've heard the soil is much hotter than Happy Frog. Does anyone have experience using Ocean Forest with clones or seedlings?? Thanks in advance!


New Member
It is generally agreed upon that FFOF is to hot for seedlings and clones as well initially .. But there are others who will say otherwise .. I believe it all depends on the genetics at hand . I have some clones that love 1200 ppm feed straight out the cloner and they thrive in hot soil .. On the other Hand some of my Kush plants would die if I tried this ..

Its best to cut the FFOF and adjust as need be depending on the variables with clones and seeds , strain , plant size and age ect ..


Probably not considering i have put clones in MG potting soil that feeds up to six months. Those lived without a hiccup.


Well-Known Member
i personally have never had ocean forest burn anything of mine. clones or seedlings and i ammend my soil with more organics fertilizers before i use it.


bud bootlegger
i personally have never had ocean forest burn anything of mine. clones or seedlings and i ammend my soil with more organics fertilizers before i use it.
yeah, me either and i start seeds in it all the time.. not sure if different area's of the country have different ingredients in their ffof or not, but none of the stuff i've bought has burnt any of my babies.. :D


New Member
yeah, me either and i start seeds in it all the time.. not sure if different area's of the country have different ingredients in their ffof or not, but none of the stuff i've bought has burnt any of my babies.. :D

Great Subject to point out , as its a Valid one being that Fox Farms has an outsource that assembles the product for the East Coast and its noted that the mix is far from what those on the West Coast use..


bud bootlegger
Great Subject to point out , as its a Valid one being that Fox Farms has an outsource that assembles the product for the East Coast and its noted that the mix is far from what those on the West Coast use..
yeah, i've heard the same thing before prof.. i'm on the east coast myself, and like i said, the stuff i get around here i've never burnt anything with it..


Active Member
I'm on the west coast and I have put clones straight out of the dome into FFOF with great results.
And I've put seeds in after its grown some roots out of a 1.5 inch cube


Well-Known Member
east coast here if that helps your poll.

personally i think its nubs adding fertilizers and blaming it on the soil because they dont want to fess up and say they added a full strength dose of ferts to a 3 day old seedling LOL


Well-Known Member
east coast here if that helps your poll.

personally i think its nubs adding fertilizers and blaming it on the soil because they dont want to fess up and say they added a full strength dose of ferts to a 3 day old seedling LOL
Actually I gave 2 Super Silver Haze plants their first feeding at 1/2 strength of AN Sensi Grow and they showed nitrogen overdose. I simply wised up and never use more than 1/4 strength on initial feeds and the plants still do great. No further fiascos and I use FFOF and Pro Mix combined now. Better drainage, lighter and if you add a little more Perlite it gets even better.

Those SSH were 4 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Been sticking new clones into FFOF for years with a 99% success rate. Just don't give your flowering plants nutes for the first few months, depending on pot size and unless they look like they need it. If you flower that long.
Buying all that other crap for cloning is a waste IMO. Small pot, add dirt, dip stem in rooting powder, jam clone in dirt, keep watered regularly. Pretty easy. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would recomend cutting it with any seed starting mix its not really all that "hot" but it can be to much for some haze type plants which require a bit softer touch.


Well-Known Member
I've used FFOF with seedlings and clones before and had good results. I grew some Afghan from seed in it, and have transplanted rooted clones of Mother's Finest and Strawberry Cough into it. So in my experience it works fine.


Well-Known Member
im from the mid west and have never had a problem starting seeds in ffof. might need some cal mag and organic lime though.


Well-Known Member
I don't use any nutes until they new clone planted gets at least 6 inches tall before I start hitting them, its a common mistake. people think hey I want them to grow fast so ill hit them hard with nutes, actually will slow the growth down a lot slamming them really hard, instead use hardly any during veg what I do and they will grow much faster, its not unheard of getting 6 inches of new growth during veg in a 24 hour period using eye mh bulbs. depending on how tall they are after they get 2 or more feet taller watch out they will take off,