Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
4 feet from the top of the plants? That's way too far man. Maybe you mean 4 feet from the bottom?
sorry bro I think didn't explain myself clearly.. Lights are about 4 feet and few inches.. And plants are about two feet and some inches.. Almost three feet now

i was wrong.. I forgot to take the pot into consideration... So I'm sure the yellowing have to be related to something I did or didn't do not lighting... Still the possibility of the plant getting rid of leaves... But I need backup fro m someone with who understands this concept better.. I'll be reading tho..
That doesn't make sense. Your plant is 3 feet tall, plus the pot? Seems to me that the top of the plant would be touching the light. Why don't you just say how far above the top of the plant the light is?


Active Member
That doesn't make sense. Your plant is 3 feet tall, plus the pot? Seems to me that the top of the plant would be touching the light. Why don't you just say how far above the top of the plant the light is?
Lights are about 1 feet over my plants.... I'm just being lazy with measurements, but don't worry... They are as close as possible. Thanks

Misunderstanding began when my mind was trying to link no matter what sickening of leaves due to light defiency

ah fuck it... If u care to know.. Here are the measurements... Pot 15" plant 35" light 46"


Well-Known Member
its white widow by Dutch passion man, yes haha, I'm there every time the lights go on like a creeper
hmm I think I feed every third watering as well but that time I fed twice in a row.. This plant drinks like a champ so every 3 days I'm watering..... She expanded to the sides a lot tho and drank those nuts really quick but the 3 bottom leaves were affected... I'm assuming cuz they are the ones taking care of the roots or something... So the build up reflected down there... But Ill be watering tonight so that should give her a break.... There is one leaf left so tomorrow will be exciting.
Loved that BlackWid/WhiteWid. ran it back in the day, those brazilian genetics is some gooood medicine.

you get the inclination start up a journal for this run

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
That doesn't make sense. Your plant is 3 feet tall, plus the pot? Seems to me that the top of the plant would be touching the light. Why don't you just say how far above the top of the plant the light is?
Lights are about 1 feet over my plants.... I'm just being lazy with measurements, but don't worry... They are as close as possible. Thanks

Misunderstanding began when my mind was trying to link no matter what sickening of leaves due to light defiency

ah fuck it... If u care to know.. Here are the measurements... Pot 15" plant 35" light 46"
What measurements do you get at the top of the plant with your light meter? What kind of reflector?


Active Member
Loved that BlackWid/WhiteWid. ran it back in the day, those brazilian genetics is some gooood medicine.

you get the inclination start up a journal for this run
that's right bro.. hey i can't wait for this medicine to get ready... next growth i'm document it and now i have a little bit more information so hopefully i can keep all my leaves healthy.. i'm still thinking if go with soil again or try hydro/aero just for the fun of it... btw what you growing at the moment?


Well-Known Member
Chimeras C4 for a few years, got a cut that is ready in 41-43 days. Also in my second week from seed some Strawberry kush.( strawberry cough x Og kush)

both are Thai/afghani crosses. First time with the SK. I grow in a soil/hydro hybrid set up. Gives me the speed of hydro and the density of bio.

pleased to be running a longer flowering strain to get my weights up. Hard getting that c4 to yield in such a short time. Soon as I tidy up the garden I will start my journal, shoot you the link


Well-Known Member
Chimeras C4 for a few years, got a cut that is ready in 41-43 days. Also in my second week from seed some Strawberry kush.( strawberry cough x Og kush)

both are Thai/afghani crosses. First time with the SK. I grow in a soil/hydro hybrid set up.
you have got to explain what that is.. sound like the anwser to my prayers


Well-Known Member
soil on top, water only dwc on the bottom.
lava rocks fitler out any debris and or contamination from the soil pot

aaahhhh effervescence.

Uncle Ben is the answer to our prayers, staightens out the learning curve for anyone that asks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info i would love a pic.....and UB dosent seem to like me very much...its cool tho. Peace

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info i would love a pic.....and UB dosent seem to like me very much...its cool tho. Peace
I have no feelings about you one way or the other. We don't know each other.

I have a problem with folks that don't bother to research what makes a plant tick.



Well-Known Member
Like u said. You dont know me well enough to make that call. Granted i am new to not only cannabis but also any growing period. Work in progress....but im drinking milk now. And in a few years, who knows? Peace


Well-Known Member
Leaves power bud formation....this is a fact. I have made the mistake of stripping fan leaves with that same mentality and it is not beneficial at all. Expect slowed growth, reduced yeild,and dissapointment. The way to get penetration and productive plants is to open them up with stakes or netting, the leaves stay and the bud grows.The tendency is to think that deficiency, as it is called, is simply a lack of something and adding more will fix it. The reality is that overdoses lock out other elements and require a different approach than what is intuitive. PH is a large cause of deficiencies not because there isnt enough but the plant cannot utilize it.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Granted i am new to not only cannabis but also any growing period. Work in progress....but im drinking milk now.
And I am a commercial niche farmer who has grown about every kind of plant material since the mid 70's including thousands in the field right now. If you want to grow good pot, then start off with indoor plants, a vegetable garden, etc. All that experience and knowledge gained will be transferred over to growing this simple weed. To break my advice down even further, if you grow cannabis exactly like a tomato plant regarding outside influences, you will excel. If you do the typical noob drills including using cannabis specific bloom foods and rocket will fail. If I had a nickel for every noob that has never grown any kind of plant before cannabis, I'd be a rich man. These are the types that folks like Advanced Shyster prey on.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Also, a clear sign of an inexperienced noob is one that is hell bent on yanking off leaves and doing stupid stuff like flushing. Where in the hell people come up with such crazy stuff is beyond me.



Well-Known Member
Also, a clear sign of an inexperienced noob is one that is hell bent on yanking off leaves and doing stupid stuff like flushing. Where in the hell people come up with such crazy stuff is beyond me.

True that. I remember my brother pulling off all the shade leaves three weeks into flowering. He heard it from some old hippy dude. I warned him what would happen but he didn't listen. His buds never got any bigger. He ended up with the scrawniest little buds ever, and it was a fat producing indica strain. Stupid stupid. What are people thinking when they do stupid shit like this.

I remember what he said afterwards. "I'll never do that again!"

If you want your buds to stop forming, pull off the shade leaves. If you want fat buds, leave them on. It's simple.
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