i love obama and everything he does


Well-Known Member
i heard that you were a walking cliche douchebag, then i looked at your avatar and confirmed it.

do you ever play a game of "just the tip" when helping your muscle buddies stretch their lats?
Haha... And you and your Mitt Romney/Al Bundy avatars are much better... At least I don't gotta hide behind pic you most likely jack-off too :)


Well-Known Member
Haha... And you and your Mitt Romney/Al Bundy avatars are much better... At least I don't gotta hide behind pic you most likely jack-off too :)
next time, try english. or just take the dick out of your mouth first.

where'd the avatar go?


Well-Known Member
I bet if people stopped trying to compare him to how perfect they think they are themselves, and instead begin comparing him to PAST PRESIDENTS or even your senators, and see that he tries harder and does better than any of them.
Even his family seems GENUINELY happy.
If we compare him to past presidents, he looks even worse.


Well-Known Member
Your news article and my paycheck stub tell a different story.... answer me this, did ur ss go up or down?
last two years they have gone down, from 6.2% to 4.2%.

this year, they will go up to 6.2% again, as boehner insisted that us middle class folks pay for the debt that him and his buddies stacked on us.