i love obama and everything he does


Ursus marijanus
Funny, he accused me of murdering my family, and you didn't delete that. What exactly is your criteria?
My criteria are evolving.
I did notice however that the feud between UB and you, including the nasty accusations flung both ways, predate my modship. I'm not the only gun in this corral. What replies have you received from the others when you presented your concerns? cn


Well-Known Member
you seem to be happiest of all. you been waiting for a sissy boy you can go to town on?

remember, it's only gay if you're the receiver, not the giver ;)
Haha, listen to your prison talk... By the way you talk, I'm guessing you were the receiver - you seem to be fascinated with big muscles... Tells me you don't got none of ur own, lol....

And look at that join date, 2010 and 31,000+ posts? LOL, tells me you don't have a life.... How so sad and pathetic... At least you got your gay porn and my picture to keep u occupied, huh? :)


Well-Known Member
Correction, it was an opinion piece, not based on fact
no, it was a fact.

go to google. use the search tools to narrow your search to 12/4/2012. search for fiscal cliff. tell me what you find.

alternately, you can also type in "stormfront red1966". your call.


Well-Known Member
Haha, listen to your prison talk... By the way you talk, I'm guessing you were the receiver - you seem to be fascinated with big muscles... Tells me you don't got none of ur own, lol....

And look at that join date, 2010 and 31,000+ posts? LOL, tells me you don't have a life.... How so sad and pathetic... At least you got your gay porn and my picture to keep u occupied, huh? :)
please post more pics. i need to finish.


Well-Known Member
Geeze UB We get it ur, your, you're not satisfied with my lack of edit, to appease your superior education... pick which one You would prefer to insert inside my text and revise it, since your so concerned with it. Im not going back an manually editing my voice to text for you to comprehend my posts..


Well-Known Member
Geeze UB We get it ur, your, you're not satisfied with my lack of edit, to appease your superior education... pick which one You would prefer to insert inside my text and revise it, since your so concerned with it. Im not going back an manually editing my voice to text for you to comprehend my posts..



Well-Known Member
No, "presents" are gifts. pres·ence /ˈprezəns/ Noun 1.The state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing. 2.A person or thing that exists or is present in a place but is not seen: "the monks became aware of a strange presence".

x iGrow x

Active Member
Haha, last time I had someone comment on my muscles, he was a total flamming homo.... And here you are, commenting to me about my body.... Haha, what a closet girly boy :D

How does it feel to finally be outta the closet buck?
Hey, Where'd that sexy 17 year old girl facebook picture go that you had as your avatar gagekko?

You know the on where you could see your ego..