The fuck cats thread

Total Head

Well-Known Member
You may think your cat loves you but every cat I've had has been a dick at one point or another, dogs when they first arrive just need a bit of training. Cats don't think about consequences.

Especially this one cat my brother had. He would be walking on the counter and you'd yell at him to get off and all he'd do is look back at you and stare...few seconds would pass and he would keep on. The only times he would actually jump off is when you get up or start to get up, then he'd jump down, so you know what you meant but again, he liked being a dick.

it's part of their charm. people who need validation from others get dogs that will kiss their ass. i respect cats for not giving two fucks what i think.

and cats saved the egyptians from famine by keeping vermin from destroying their grain stockpiles. dogs save people. cats save CIVILIZATIONS.


Well-Known Member
My cat fucking lives for me, and i know she loves my whole kid chases her and she may not like it, sometimes i catch him slapping her and she takes it and respect

x iGrow x

Active Member
Lol.. Same could be argued for hyena's I guess.. Thats a good point though.. Are you talking "a" hyena vs. "a" lion.. Cuz I got money on the lion.. Have you even seen the lion king, Simba fucks those bitches up..

Here's some lions.. Fucking up a hyena.. Not a far fight its like 5 vs. 1.. But fuck hyena's

I love dogs though.. But I love cats too..



Well-Known Member
Also yes cats are free spirited but if you give them proper care and love and don't piss them off... why would you piss your cat off anyway? They are loyal as dogs... my other non super cat.. takes walks, will go outside to use the bathroom and listens to my commands every time. Sounds to me lile these people were just bad owners


Well-Known Member
This is funny I'm not an animal person at all, i love them, take good care of them but not a big priority... defending my cats existence is the least i can do... and all the decent cats out there...


New Member
it's part of their charm. people who need validation from others get dogs that will kiss their ass. i respect cats for not giving two fucks what i think.

and cats saved the egyptians from famine by keeping vermin from destroying their grain stockpiles. dogs save people. cats save CIVILIZATIONS.
Humans have used dogs for hunting for 10s of thousands of years while the sabortooth tiger tried to hunt us.

My cat fucking lives for me, and i know she loves my whole kid chases her and she may not like it, sometimes i catch him slapping her and she takes it and respect
A dog will do the same thing, plus protect you, and you shouldn't let your son abuse animals...
He wasn't just scratching, dick :razz:.. He was meowing and jumping too lol..
Even still, Lassie could've done it better and easier.


Well-Known Member
I don't condone it he is 2 and learning, i said i catch him sometimes...i then tell him to be nice
Humans have used dogs for hunting for 10s of thousands of years while the sabortooth tiger tried to hunt us.

A dog will do the same thing, plus protect you, and you shouldn't let your son abuse animals...

Even still, Lassie could've done it better and easier.


Well-Known Member
Cuz when a cat is limited it pisses them off...i didn't want him in certain rooms of my house or on my counters and tables. Last i checked my dogs listen to everything i tell them


New Member
Also yes cats are free spirited but if you give them proper care and love and don't piss them off... why would you piss your cat off anyway? They are loyal as dogs... my other non super cat.. takes walks, will go outside to use the bathroom and listens to my commands every time. Sounds to me lile these people were just bad owners
None of any animal I have ever owned was treated badly, like someone else said some may be just dicks and some will obey but a dog wil always obey, the ones I've ever owned anyway. Much easier to train a dog than a cat, but from my experience every cat has this certain attitude about them that I dislike.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Not sure why people have cats as pets. They are a pain in the ass and really don't do anything useful. Sorta like a rodent hamster or rat as a pet.
The Asians say they are tasty.
General Tso's Chicken errrr, cat.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Not sure why people have cats as pets. They are a pain in the ass and really don't do anything useful. Sorta like a rodent hamster or rat as a pet.
The Asians say they are tasty.
General Tso's Chicken errrr, cat.
You mean Tao??.. And Obama ate dog and he thought it was good.. Don't you trust a black man's judgement.. Im sure he knows more about chicken than you

x iGrow x

Active Member
What the fucks up.. There ya fucking go.. Nuff said..


x iGrow x

Active Member
Did he really?

At least I didn't vote for him, nice to say that now. ;-)

Ohh you voted for the retarded mormon.. Who doesn't care about 47% of your country.. Wanted to shove things in women's vagina's without there consent.. And who contradicts himself everytime he opens his mouth.. Shows how smart you are.. No wonder your a dog person :)


Active Member
I don't mind a cat as long as it goes outside to use the bathroom, if I had to clean a litter box than there would be no cat. I find it disgusting to let any animal potty in the house no matter what the circumstances (litter box or potty pad).


Well-Known Member
None of any animal I have ever owned was treated badly, like someone else said some may be just dicks and some will obey but a dog wil always obey, the ones I've ever owned anyway. Much easier to train a dog than a cat, but from my experience every cat has this certain attitude about them that I dislike.

Trolling, I like you, so don't take this as an attack. It sounds like you have control issues. I have big dogs and cats, and they are both great in their own way.