Well-Known Member
Then run some DWC buckets, you can use regular 5 gallon buckets, they make simple net pot lids for them, and through an air stone in it. I spoke wrong before its not a hydro garden its a waterfarm, complete kit for like $65. That would let you grow some sweet ass plants and still be able to move them. If you wanted to scrog it, then hook on some posts and screen, and build a scrog, or just put a screen above the unit. I believe that any DWC unit will require you to have one or more air pumps, but you shouldn't need any water pumps or anything like that. The waterfarm is a nice complete unit that you basically fill up and plug in. I've seen a thead on here were a guy was regularly pulling 10+ oz from one waterfarm, and a 400w light in a cabinet scrog(about 2.5'x4' space) He would veg for like 2-3 months then flower out a sweet filled scrog. You have much more space then that, so if you vegged for a couple months with plants in waterfarms, they could get large. Then veg some more while those flower and start over.
What he means about being confused is you keep saying you want 12 plants, and thats fine, but our understanding is that you mean 6 in flower and 6 in veg. That being said I don't know where you are or what your laws are, but you may want to figure some clones or a mother plant into the equation if your worried about staying under your numbers.
I had actually typed this before Retired posted his comment but got sidetracked and timed out. So I want to add I agree with Retired completely. The schedule he took his time to write out for you very nicely, looks like it could work perfect for you. It will give you a good time frame for clones, and enough veg time for the plants to get some size. If you are planning on just buying clones to run from it will give you a few extra weeks for them to get bigger. If you decide to run from seed, it will take a couple weeks longer. What he said is dead on though. Its all about figuring out what is gonna work for you. Take ideas, and build on them, I always like to remember K.I.S.S. though.(keep it simple stupid)
Peace TC
What he means about being confused is you keep saying you want 12 plants, and thats fine, but our understanding is that you mean 6 in flower and 6 in veg. That being said I don't know where you are or what your laws are, but you may want to figure some clones or a mother plant into the equation if your worried about staying under your numbers.
I had actually typed this before Retired posted his comment but got sidetracked and timed out. So I want to add I agree with Retired completely. The schedule he took his time to write out for you very nicely, looks like it could work perfect for you. It will give you a good time frame for clones, and enough veg time for the plants to get some size. If you are planning on just buying clones to run from it will give you a few extra weeks for them to get bigger. If you decide to run from seed, it will take a couple weeks longer. What he said is dead on though. Its all about figuring out what is gonna work for you. Take ideas, and build on them, I always like to remember K.I.S.S. though.(keep it simple stupid)
Peace TC