What's up with this?


Well-Known Member
spider mites it looks like. check the bottom of the leafs for dots.
Spider mites you say... what on earth are you looking at?

The problem is overferting of nitrogen and has caused leaf chlorosis. (yellowing)

have you not learned a thing since joining this site in 2008 or what? have you grown before?


I have looked continuesly with a magnifying glass and can't spot any mites. I have had them before. You can see them moving around. And make webs on the base of the leaves. None of that going on.


Well-Known Member
I have looked continuesly with a magnifying glass and can't spot any mites. I have had them before. You can see them moving around. And make webs on the base of the leaves. None of that going on.
..yeah man, i'm with Buds on this one as i don't see anything you need to worry about.

peace, bozo

btw, all my plants have crappy lookin' leaves here and there but you have to remember that this is a weed so much hardier that you might imagine plus, SOME die-back is normal, ...i currently have 4 ChemD's showing that same speckled look and i know it ain't mites, mites i'm VERY familiar with, lol, not to mention the fact that the speckling isn't the right color for mites nor is it on every plant, ...it's just a slight nutrient issue and nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Just hold back on the nitrogen feed and cutting off your leaves, feed plain ph'ed water and let some new growth flourish.


Yeah thanks boys. I have been pinching leaves lately to allow more light. Should I be doing that? I'm almost ready to flip these guys over and want them tobe clean. I'm using general organics for
nutrients. Any info would help.


Well-Known Member
It is very easy to add all that nitrogen in, overfeed the plants and when you want to reduce the N , you will find it is alot harder and isn't really possibe when working with organics.
I would veg them plants for another 1-2 weeks at least, laying off the feed and yes not chopping the leaves off.