The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Well I would say that too if I thot someone would get fucked on 150 mg, but after that other half he's def gettin a better buzz, I just reckon it takes some people a lot more than others.
There's a tolerance up to a point but yes somebody should get fucked on 150mg regardless, if it was 'ok but not enough' then that speaks volumes.

I suspect most of the vendors on SR over exaggerate the pill dosages to gain the market edge, stamps and labels makes no difference there because it's all about the quality. The higher dosed pills sell, perceived bang for your buck and it's not like you can dose test em without a lab.

Anyway it makes no difference, all you need to ask your mate now is are they worth 10 quid a pop? Or more importantly are they worth 20-25 quid a pop because that's what you'd have to sell em at if you wanted to be punting em.

I've seen those 200mg (I think) Ferrari shields at 3.50 a pop on ten's, ghost's where cheap too.


Well-Known Member
Well I would say that too if I thot someone would get fucked on 150 mg, but after that other half he's def gettin a better buzz, I just reckon it takes some people a lot more than others.
maybe it wasent evenly dosed in the pill? the first half may not have had as much in as the second? just a thought

eitgherway for a tenner, id expect and be demanding to be tembeling at the knees on cum up and t9o start gurning!

and i must say,,essential veiiwing for any yokel


Well-Known Member
My m8s took half ages ago, not a bad buzz but not enough, took another half, half an hour ago so waitin on that lol. He loves them tho. I reckon the best thing about anything on there is its pretty pure, no shit, no comedown. U set up an account then mrt?
they sound good :-D just like the old school pills when the come down was just like being stoned

ive joined the site yeah, but it'll take me a few weeks to get enough cash to make an order. 5 of those where 7. something i think so that works out about £80-£100 depending on where i get the coins from.


Well-Known Member
Laters mate.
No matter what u say yorkie I reckon different people can handle a lot more, that's it. He's sittin here with eyes like saucers but not smacking out nor no shit, not a bumbling wreck by all means. I seem them
ferarrais before too, they were fuckin massive. If ordering any I say get the white speakers, dunno how much they are but if lookin for something like old pills they wer the job


Well-Known Member
Shit that Psycho doesn't smell all that when you put your nose to the bag but if you have a bit in your pocket on the bus it fucking lingers! :?
I actually laughed when I seem this . This is exactly what we said when I grew it I remember cutting it down it smelled but something you could keep under control we visited ladbrokes and I remember the woman quizzing my mate what that smell was ! It was funny as fuck that shit stinked any room out it entered very strange because to the nose not much atoll.


Well-Known Member
Basically similar to what happened to me at this company, started as a agency driver, within 15 weeks was full time, within 2months after that was in the warehouse running the place due to incompetent manager that could'nt do his job, re-fitted the office, sorted the fleet and offices and staff out, got the place running smoothly, themn manager was moved to another depot so me an a colleague ran the depot for 9 months without a manager,depot was then 2nd most efficient in the company, kept being promised supervisor job n pay raise, then they hired a new manager that was an alcoholic, had no interest in learning his job and was stealing and fiddling the books, had a fall out with him because i wouldnt cover his ineptitude so he chucked me bk out on the road as a driver then he was sacked for theft n fiddling the books and then they hired a supervisor an manager (no experience or ability) who since then have steadily ran the place into the ground and depot has gone back to last place in the company, vehicles are all naged up n look a state, stuff going missing hand over fist etc etc
Yep, it's a gutter isn't it. I went past my old place and had a look a couple of weeks back. Sickening to see the state of it. One vital piece of equipment I spent 14K renovating was trashed and left rotting in the rain. Last thing I did before I left was an inventory, including all machinery with serial numbers and engine numbers so hopefully my replacement contractors won't be able to rob the place blind.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Anyone got any experience with dutch master reverse? I have a cut i know is going to throw a few bananas down the line, not loads but i'm passing some clones to a friend and i want to reduce the likelihood if possible.

the product blurb advises use it with another product called saturator, i'm curios if it's actually needed. I hate nute companies who have a million bottles instead of a couple with all the other stuff in.


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any experience with dutch master reverse? I have a cut i know is going to throw a few bananas down the line, not loads but i'm passing some clones to a friend and i want to reduce the likelihood if possible.

the product blurb advises use it with another product called saturator, i'm curios if it's actually needed. I hate nute companies who have a million bottles instead of a couple with all the other stuff in.
Think Dura has quite a bit of experience with the stuff tho i may be wrong


Well-Known Member
yeah i think it was dura that told me about it. i got a bottle of that saturator, its basically washing up liquid from the forums ive read. its supposed to keep it on the leaves longer to let the reverse or what ever your using have time to soak in


Well-Known Member
Was wondering , I've never grown any of the great clone onlys some of you blokes grow, is there nothing I can get off the tude that matches the strength of some of them, or am I just wasting my time ?