First time cloning, 12th day and no roots.

I cut 18 clones and scraped off the bottom and used clonex rooting gel and placed them all in presoaked rockwool cubes (5.5 ph). I have them under a 24" T5 on a 18/6 schedule. I mist when needed and let fresh air in twice a day. The rockwool is always moist. On the 11th day I misted the cubes with "great white" rooting solution to promote better root growth but still nothing! I have read on a lot of forums that most people see roots within 5-10 days but their going on 2 weeks and i see no sign of progress. I am on a time sensitive perpetual grow and i need this to root as quickly as possible.

The only thing that i can think of that i did wrong was maybe i pushed the stem too far down the rockwool cube, should i only put them in halfway?

Any words of wisdom?



Well-Known Member
They look like they are still alive and trying. I have a kush strain that takes 14 days to show roots, just how she rolls. What are your temps like? I know this time of year the grow space is a little cooler so if I dont use the heat pad under the tray it takes a long time to get roots to pop.

I bet if you peeled back the grow medium you could see if they are growing or not. I use jiffy pellets and a very light tug on the stem tells me if they are rooted or not. If they haven't even tried to root it just pulls right out, any resistance at all usually indicates that she has finally rooted.

I also run a 24 hour light schedule until I see roots, then I put them into dirt and back off to 18-6. I wonder if they are getting cold during the lights off period and stunting root growth, because I kinda rely on my lights to heat the dome up as well.


Active Member
yeh, some sativas root really fast, like hawiian snow, blackjack etc.. and some take a full 2 weeks to get started.

my advice is, when temps are low outside you can leave the lid off for a few hours unless its hot outside dont consider this

i also use a 4 battern light, about 6-8inchesaway, not a single light.

an 18/6 lightperiod will still work fine, and the plant needs a rest period, so thats how i do it

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I am currently doing my first attempt at cloning as well. All Le Fruit Defendu cuttings in light warrior soaked every 3rd day with Route 66, mist 3 times a day minimum with FF big bloom and 6pH water. Cut 45, dipped in Clonex, under dome with T5 18/6 schedule.

I'm on day 7 or 8 and I took 2 of the 9 out because they just looked so bad and when I dumped them in the garbage I looked and one of the two had roots just starting the other just a white knob with nothing. So at the 12th day unless you have the stem way down in the cubes you might not be able to see the roots yet like I couldn't at 8 days.
I bet if you peeled back the grow medium you could see if they are growing or not. I use jiffy pellets and a very light tug on the stem tells me if they are rooted or not. If they haven't even tried to root it just pulls right out, any resistance at all usually indicates that she has finally rooted.

thank you spandy and the rest of you for your input. I have 9 sativas and 9 hybrids, im hoping its just a slow rooting strain. Are you suggesting that i peel back the top of the rockwool to check for roots? i dont want to risk trying to pull the stem out and breaking the roots, im just scared that there has been no progress. one of the clones i accidentally pushed too far into the rockwool and the stem was just barely coming out the bottom, i pulled it out and there were no roots at all, id like to think that was just because it was too far down, because if the rest are like that ill be screwed =\


Well-Known Member
dude I really think they are fine. If they weren;t being cared for they would be dead by now. I've never used rockwool so I don't know how easily you can manipulate it to see in there.

Keep doing what you are doing and I bet next weekend you are a happy camper.


Active Member
Cool temps can cause dormancy as long as they look alive your ok. I put a fresh cut out last winter kept it watered no roots for over 2mos then boom.
Cool temps can cause dormancy as long as they look alive your ok. I put a fresh cut out last winter kept it watered no roots for over 2mos then boom.
yea the temps are cool now that i think about it and i dont have a heat mat. my exhaust fan from my tent is also blowing on it. i might bring the clones into my room and see if that changes anything. might even buy a heat mat. everything seems fine, just no roots. thanks for the tips!