Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doing better mentally, not necessarily physically.
My grows last year were barely in existence, so didn't have much to post new grow vids.
Had (have) some problems with my hands, so had to take a break, but the hands have recovered and am back to strength & endurance training with the bass again.
I'm hoping 2013 goes a shit ton better for everyone out there.

*edit: also switching my grows to hempy buckets as of the last grow. Very happy with the results I'm getting, and it will be better on this current grow since they will only have a partycup's worth of soil/rootball instead of the 3/4-gallon one I started with when I got a wild hair up my bum to change up my game when my plants were stalling out halfway through flowering. Still don't know exactly what was causing it, and tried everything to remedy it, to no avail. Hempy buckets seemed like a good compromise for me, and I'm leaving options open to upgrade to DWC or some such if needed.
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Well-Known Member
Catch you guys on the flip flop, off to annoy sleeping beauty. Wish me luck...then again I'll probably fall asleep in a minute, haha.

tot ziens!


Well-Known Member
If we don't hear from you within 12 hours, we'll send out a search party for your corpse.
I have not the balls to disturb my sleeping wife on a Sunday morning.


Well-Known Member
Doing better mentally, not necessarily physically.
My grows last year were barely in existence, so didn't have much to post new grow vids.
Had (have) some problems with my hands, so had to take a break, but the hands have recovered and am back to strength & endurance training with the bass again.
I'm hoping 2013 goes a shit ton better for everyone out there.

*edit: also switching my grows to hempy buckets as of the last grow. Very happy with the results I'm getting, and it will be better on this current grow since they will only have a partycup's worth of soil/rootball instead of the 3/4-gallon one I started with when I got a wild hair up my bum to change up my game when my plants were stalling out halfway through flowering. Still don't know exactly what was causing it, and tried everything to remedy it, to no avail. Hempy buckets seemed like a good compromise for me, and I'm leaving options open to upgrade to DWC or some such if needed.
Glad you are recovering and on the mend. I had to mend my head and soul but things are looking really good I hope they stay that way. Check out my setup in my sig if you have a chance. It's really economical for hydro. Run to waste I use 6 gallons a week in veg and 8 gallons a week in bloom. No res to maintain or dump down the drain 30 gallons at a time. Similar to hempys I think? just no circulation.

I picked this up a few months back and thought you would appreciate it. Original 82 Destroyer II with the OG emg pickup from 84. :-) Plays like a violin on steroids.



Well-Known Member
Frickin' Suh-wheat axe!
Spotted that EMG right away!
And glad to hear your healing yourself, too.
Here's to 2013!
May it be kinder to us than 2012 was...
... and if not, I'm gonna have to get medieval on it's ass!

*edit (I'm stoned)-
*Will check out your setup, thanks! :-)


Well-Known Member
That's exactly where I am heading!
Except with only 3 to 6 plants, and scrogged.
Will have to wait until March, but want to get the watering rings & pump & res, & piping (etc) and all on a timer so I can "Set it, and forget it!" (*don't sue me Ronco, I ain't got no money!)
But digging your setup!


Well-Known Member
That's exactly where I am heading!
Except with only 3 to 6 plants, and scrogged.
Will have to wait until March, but want to get the watering rings & pump & res, & piping (etc) and all on a timer so I can "Set it, and forget it!" (*don't sue me Ronco, I ain't got no money!)
But digging your setup!
Thanks doob, bought most of the stuff at home depot and the pots were 10 bux each. The biggest expense was the timer, you can set the on time from 1 second to 5 minutes with a knob. Off time 10 seconds to 8 hours with a knob. I water like 13 seconds 3 times a day. More frequent with less water when they are babies. and just watch the overflow and adjust accordingly. Sorry Im high as hell and need to got to bed. lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
a hazy good morning 6!

Anyone got any experience with dutch master reverse? I have a cut i know is going to throw a few bananas don he line, not loads but i'm passing some clones to a friend and i want to reduce the likelihood if possible.

the product blurb advises use it with another product called saturator, i'm curios if it's actually needed. I hate nute companies who have a million bottles instead of a couple with all the other stuff in.


Well-Known Member
i reckon that saturator will just be a wetting agent. there are a million on the market and they all just make the product go further and adhere to surfaces better. i use soap personally but i have no exp with the dm reverse. i think it is either cindy or billy who uses it and recommends it.


Well-Known Member
a hazy good morning 6!

Anyone got any experience with dutch master reverse? I have a cut i know is going to throw a few bananas don he line, not loads but i'm passing some clones to a friend and i want to reduce the likelihood if possible.

the product blurb advises use it with another product called saturator, i'm curios if it's actually needed. I hate nute companies who have a million bottles instead of a couple with all the other stuff in.
Hey Bro
yeah when I first started my buddy gave me some hermie clones. So I used reverse with great success. No you don't need the saturator is just BS wetting agent.
Best of luck.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
old video. Got one female freebie, psycho killer x lemon cheese x herijuana strain from that round-Callinig it ''Psycho lemon killer'' [video=youtube;hXrnYwcpdbg][/video] got the clones from her to, before flower


Well-Known Member
Check out this crazy shit. I just found this in the bathroom sink, no clue where it came from, I haven't started seeds in 2 weeks either! I'm thinking its immaculate conception and I need to either clone or breed this plant, I can feel it in my bones! God my hands are dry and gross too, disregard those :)
pot is remarkable.

i had an area where i mixed the soil/filled the pots etc.

i had soil and newspaper on the table and didn't bother to clean it up.

one day, off on the side of the table, i notice a seedling popping through the newspaper. i laughed and left it alone. even though the lights were on and off irregularly and it got some light during the day, i'll be damned if that little fucker didn't become the prettiest 1 inch tall, fully mature plant i've ever seen. it had a cola about 1/2 the length of the stalk.

lost the pics during the OG disaster.

such a remarkable plant.


Well-Known Member
I could have sworn I just posted this. My days progress on the room so far. I'm at $500 now and way over what I was expecting! No turning back now eh.
good stuff. you'll be so happy once it's up and running.

i bitch about how much i have to pay once in awhile for lights, nutes etc. then i laugh realizing that if i was buying it, that the money i spend in a year wouldn't buy one ounce of good stuff and i smoke/vape/eat 2.5 to 3 a month.

1/4 of one plant more than makes up for the expence and then there is all that "free" pot.



Well-Known Member
I did what I said I would never do ever today even if they paid me it was a hard choice but I bought advanced fu$king nutrients at least I put it in a different bottle for I didn't have to look at there stupid bottle lol but gh ph up wasn't cutting it was using a cup to 2 cups of gh ph up anyone ealse know of a strong ph up the advanced is strong and does work better but I hate the company and need to switch my local stor the advanced was the strongest
i always laugh at the AN haters. when all the fury is said and done, it usually comes down to people bitching about a few extra dollars and the over hyped sales pitch. big whoop. it works just fine.

i'm experimenting next crop but for the most part, i only use AN's sensi grow and bloom and big bud these days. i check the ph once every few feedings and it's always right about 6.5, yet there are people who swear that never happens to them. i'm thinking they use less than recommended then bitch about the sad results. my plants are always healthy and vigorous. this is in soil, i have no idea how it works in hydro.

i've used a bunch of products and always go back to AN because i know it will work as good as anything else i've tried. even though i gave myself a nute deficiency with my current clones, it was because i was feeding them less than normal as an experiment. won't be doing that again. :)


Well-Known Member
so what school of thought are you in?

the one that says that a plant's leaves should be yellowed and dieing at the end, or the one that says that they should remain mostly green throughout?

i've been on both sides of this one. these days, the plants are nice and green and healthy looking when i sacrifice the virgins.

spill it 600!


Well-Known Member

i've multiquoted 3 quotes but now don't have a final one to use the multiquotes in.

i told you guys my mind doesn't work that way. :lol:

so in closing, let me just say, i probably won't be multiquoting again.

i mean trying to multiquote again.
