

I keep finding stink bugs chilling on my plants. Looks like they're just enjoying the lights, but I read online that they could still be eating my plants. I burned mint insence in the room I have, and it didnt seem to do anything. Im thinking of diluting mint extract in water and spraying my plants with it, but dont want the extract to be harmful to my plants. Anyone have any experience with this?


New Member
Dude, if they are in fact stinkbugs your in for ruination of indoor crop! The only thing to do is to hermetically seal off your grow room from these things, cause when only ONE feeds on a plant (which they seem to love), they transfer some chemical that destroys said plant! It's a scourge,and we are all seeking a better remedy, such as a chemical that kills them but wont hurt the crop. SEAL OFF THAT ROOM! Good luck.


New Member
So even if I remove all the BM stink bugs from my plants, its too late?

btw BM = Brown marmorated but I like BM better because they are actually less useful than a bowel movement. The devils children those bastards...

Excuse my french, I used to feel bad for them, I leave spiders in the house even though they weird me out and put other bugs outside. However when I found out over 25% of the apple and peach crop was ravaged by them this year in my state, they are pests and non natives I have no issues drowning them in my toilet, ironically where BM belongs.

I have one of these things, Its works but I can't find them all, They are invading my house!! Bugzooka…I didn't pay $35 for it either so you can find them cheaper...


Well-Known Member
OMG, Stink Bugs are everywhere in my neck of the woods.
They enter your home through the tiniest cracks, open windows/doors, through vent pipes, etc
then they hibernate until it gets warm again.
This winter, We cleaned EVERYTHING, I'm talking took down curtains, washed all clothes in closets and drawers,
moved heavy furniture, and thought we had got them all, or at least most of them.
However, when the weather began to get warmer, they started popping up more and more in the house, and it's
like we hadn't even done a thing to remove them.

I found them inside the furnace when I was lighting my pilot light last fall.
I find them inside the air conditioners. (especially attracted to the electrical control panel)
I find them everywhere, they are such a nuisance, and impossible to get rid of.
Vacuums suck them up, but only a few at a time, and it fuckin REEKS!!
Traps are pointless, Sprays don't work, and no natural predators to kill them.

I am glad they don't bite, or sting. They are just big clumsy annoying pests.
Since they like light, I see one occasionally try to get inside my grow closet when I open the door.
I immediately take it out, because they suck the juices from the plants, and can harm them.
... If they lay eggs inside there, all hell would break loose, I'm sure.
That is the only way they can enter my grow, since all cracks are sealed with caulk, and
there are filters on the ventilation ducts.
Fingers Crossed xXx