Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.

We stole america from the indians

We aint giving it back. But that doesnt give us the right to annex Mexico or Canada
Two wrongs do not make a right.
You speak from the position of the invading party...try a bit of role reversal and pretend to be the invaded.

Sorry double posted from my phone.
You are assuming I suppport Israel
I dont
But the reality is Israel is a country, recognize it for its original borders. Nothing more.
I did not assign your loyalty to either side.
Borders mean nothing when it didnt exist before 48.
Palestine is for palestinian muslims christians and jews......not ashkanazi khazarian oursiders.


New Member
Yes, construction of buildings deserves armed attacks in retaliation... I get your logic, or not...
How about deconstruction of buildings? When the IDF comes to your house in the middle of the night, throws you out at gunpoint, with what you can carry (in many cases just their children), then forces you to watch as they bulldoze your house to make way for a bunch of fuckwits that feel your house is their promised land...

To top it off you've got the zionist chickenhawks doing their best to stifle discussion and paint everyone who doesn't agree with the ADL/JDL world view as a anti-semetic, holocoust denier.

The funny thing is all of zionist propaganda hasn't done a damned thing for the israeli cause... If anything hardline support for israel and zionism has had the opposite effect. It's revealed the duplicitous and bloodthirsty zionist regieme for what it is - a repressive, nazi like regieme intent on exterminating the Palestinian people.... Looks like they did pick up a couple of tips from Hitler...


Well-Known Member
How about deconstruction of buildings? When the IDF comes to your house in the middle of the night, throws you out at gunpoint, with what you can carry (in many cases just their children), then forces you to watch as they bulldoze your house to make way for a bunch of fuckwits that feel your house is their promised land...

To top it off you've got the zionist chickenhawks doing their best to stifle discussion and paint everyone who doesn't agree with the ADL/JDL world view as a anti-semetic, holocoust denier.

The funny thing is all of zionist propaganda hasn't done a damned thing for the israeli cause... If anything hardline support for israel and zionism has had the opposite effect. It's revealed the duplicitous and bloodthirsty zionist regieme for what it is - a repressive, nazi like regieme intent on exterminating the Palestinian people.... Looks like they did pick up a couple of tips from Hitler...
I agree with everything you say caveat one thing

Not all Israelis are Zionists

And the Israelis arent practicing genocide
They are activly involved in ethnic cleansing


New Member
I agree with everything you say caveat one thing

Not all Israelis are Zionists

And the Israelis arent practicing genocide
They are activly involved in ethnic cleansing
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group

Ethnic cleansing is the process or policy of eliminating unwanted ethnic or religious groups by deportation, forcible displacement, mass murder, or by threats of such acts, with the intent of creating a territory inhabited by people of a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, religion, culture, and history.

Both descriptions get you to the same conclusion - Killing a shitload of people


Well-Known Member
How about deconstruction of buildings? When the IDF comes to your house in the middle of the night, throws you out at gunpoint, with what you can carry (in many cases just their children), then forces you to watch as they bulldoze your house to make way for a bunch of fuckwits that feel your house is their promised land...

To top it off you've got the zionist chickenhawks doing their best to stifle discussion and paint everyone who doesn't agree with the ADL/JDL world view as a anti-semetic, holocoust denier.

The funny thing is all of zionist propaganda hasn't done a damned thing for the israeli cause... If anything hardline support for israel and zionism has had the opposite effect. It's revealed the duplicitous and bloodthirsty zionist regieme for what it is - a repressive, nazi like regieme intent on exterminating the Palestinian people.... Looks like they did pick up a couple of tips from Hitler...
Israel Israel, über alles!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
This guy is to be applauded for speaking up.
are you thick?

this 1 3/4 hour long pile of drooling waffle will not be watched by anyone.

Jew who bashes israel = HERO

Moslem who thinks irael has a right to exist = identified mutilated corpse in a rubbish tip in ramallah.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Added the athiests this time round..apart from that its identical. I dont mention muslim nomads anywhere
what a marvelous solution, palestine is for EVERYONE!*

* as long as you are willing to live under a moslem dictatorship and sharia law which declares all non-moslems to be non-persons.


Active Member
are you thick?

this 1 3/4 hour long pile of drooling waffle will not be watched by anyone.

Jew who bashes israel = HERO

Moslem who thinks irael has a right to exist = identified mutilated corpse in a rubbish tip in ramallah.
You mean person who speaks the truth? Where is the bashing?


Active Member
What does the fact he is Jewish change from the points he makes? Everything he says are facts you just don't like it because it shows Israel for what it really is, a terrorist baby killing state hell bent on stealing as much land as possible whilst playing the victim role


New Member
Gotta love this... Israel restricts Jordan Valley water access

"Palestinians in the Jordan Valley have very little access to water, living on 10-20 litres a day, far less than the 100 litres recommended by the World Health Organisation. In comparison, residents of Britain use around 150 litres a day, according to the UK Environment Agency"

But they'll approve 75% of building permits to start construction in areas where Palestinians have little or no access to water.
are you thick?

this 1 3/4 hour long pile of drooling waffle will not be watched by anyone.

Jew who bashes israel = HERO

Moslem who thinks irael has a right to exist = identified mutilated corpse in a rubbish tip in ramallah.
Insults the best you have? First me then muslims?
I respect all do my countryfolk in the middle east.
Your islamophobic tone is indicitive of your lack of perspective on the truth...what we term a SHEEPLE.
Be civil or dont expect further debate with myself.


Active Member
Insults the best you have? First me then muslims?
I respect all do my countryfolk in the middle east.
Your islamophobic tone is indicitive of your lack of perspective on the truth...what we term a SHEEPLE.
Be civil or dont expect further debate with myself.
He can't talk like a decent human being because hes a Zionist. Its better to ignore him trust me.
what a marvelous solution, palestine is for EVERYONE!*

* as long as you are willing to live under a moslem dictatorship and sharia law which declares all non-moslems to be non-persons.
Yes it is for everyone...everyone PALESTINIAN.
My friend learn history...the crusaders butchered the entire muslim population of mercy.
What did saladin do? Islamophobic troll with no idea of reality..u just read the media zionist crap and think ur clued up.
And what do zionists say about non jews? Read the talmud recently? Either babylonian or jerusalem editions? Sre how peaceful and loving it is?