3x1000 watt indoor medical grow


Active Member
Been growing for roughly three years and about 1 year for a dispensary.
Im doing this for my own records as well as positive/negative criticisms and tips.
Feel free to tell me what you think good or bad!

I'm starting from the very beginning of a grow and im sure you will learn helpful information as well!

BTW, I would like for people to subscribe or just follow my thread.
I want to make this a "classroom" type thread where you and I both can learn from eachother.
Feel free to ask me questions regardless if they seem important/dumb/or something else.

The more people that follow the thread the more vital and important information I will discuss.
Also, the longer youve been in my thread the more information I will give you.
Via PMs of course for the longer people. Lets make it a game!
Noobies welcome!:P

Here you go!

My motto is:
Best of both worlds

What I'm going to be doing and what I mean by that is;
Ill be combining organic and chemical fertilizers.

Did this my last grow and the taste was amazing.
Had that sweet organic smooth taste but packed the lung punch of your classic top shelf OG.

Lets see what happens this time:)

3 1000 watt HPS lights with digital/dimmable ballasts.
2 4ftx4bulb t5's(Veg)
5 Gallon pots
FFOF soil
Room is 15'Lx6.5'Wx6.5'H
One floor oscillating fan
Space heater just in case it gets too cold.
Nutra-Dip trimeter to monitor PH/PMM
among tons of other equipment...


I will tell you the EXACT strain later for people who have been keeping up with my thread;)(Read below)


Starting to germinate seeds on this day.
I shouldv'e started this thread then, but I forgot...
Anyways, I personally like to paper towel my seeds.
Its easy cause I can use household products and I have always gotten good results from it.
So here it is, some paper towels soaked with some water.


I then enclose it using two paper plates, into a ziploc bag, and into the dark it goes..


I am also doing one seed on the side from a harvest of mine to see the quality of MY breeding:)

Here is that one:


Im taking notes cause I like to be able to try a new thing here and there and be able to keep track of it.
Also helps me when something is going right.
Everyone should notes!
Unless obviously youve been doing the same thing over and over. Really no point then maybe?


More to come...


Active Member
While the seeds are germinating I soak my rockwool cubes in water
I make sure the ph of the water doesnt rise above 6.5 while the seeds germinate.



Active Member
Yesterday; 1/12
All 11 seeds germinated 10 bought seeds and my 1 harvested seed

Once I saw this, into the rockwool cubes they went.


Now we wait....


Well-Known Member
Woot! I got front row :-)
edit: Is this the same room youv been working in? A/C and D-humid sounds a little on the small side, or just right. May need another dehumidifier once the room is full of dank buds though ;-)


Active Member
Woot! I got front row

edit: Is this the same room youv been working in? A/C and D-humid sounds a little on the small side, or just right. May need another dehumidifier once the room is full of dank buds though
im glad you decided to sub man..
trust me you wont be disappointed:)

Where im at in california the humidity is never really crazy high or low.
It stays pretty constant between 40%-60%
I use the dehumidifier during drying and curing mostly.
I also have another 8,000btu just in case though;)

I work in a garage, the 15' room is used for flowering and a little bit of vegging


Well-Known Member
Sub'd..... Now get busy and show me the buds!!! jk Check out my Tent of Doom in my sig if you get a chance.



Active Member
You asked for newbies, here I AM...AND I CAN'T FIND OUT HOW TO SUBSCRIBE.
scroll to the top and there is a blue bar above the title in this thread.
follow it to the right click thread tools and subscribe.

Thanks for joining the class:)
If you have any questions feel free to ask away


Active Member
I encourage anyone who wants to partake in this thread to start germinating seeds or plan on getting clones.

If you are at the same pace as me itll be easier for me to work with you guys individually

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Well I run a perpetual set up, so I've got plants at several stages atm. I did however just start some fresh seeds last night. I put in "critical mass x jack herer", and also a ch9 brand "vintage 2006". They had both soaked in water for 24 hours, and has cracked with a small tail tip. I put them into some peat pellets, and in a nice warm spot on my hood.

Sounds like your gonna have a nice set up, I'm looking forward to following along.

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Not at all!
What is your setup plan? if you dont mind me asking
be as vague or as thorough as you want
Got two 600s for flower in two 4x4x5 cabs,, alternating cycles so I get 24 hours of dank time lol also will help keep the heat down seeing as only one light will be running at any given time.
Genetics, Testing some crosses I made last year.
Stop by if you like, link in signature.

Will you be doing anything specific, or just a general how to while helping others?


Active Member
Well I run a perpetual set up, so I've got plants at several stages atm. I did however just start some fresh seeds last night. I put in "critical mass x jack herer", and also a ch9 brand "vintage 2006". They had both soaked in water for 24 hours, and has cracked with a small tail tip. I put them into some peat pellets, and in a nice warm spot on my hood.

Sounds like your gonna have a nice set up, I'm looking forward to following along.

Peace TC

Sounds like me and you are close to the same spot.
Im guessing the Critical Mass x Jack Herer is a sativa or hybrid?
Im running a hybrid so maybe this will work out nicely.

From my last cycle, im telling it will be good ;)

Perpetual cycle though..
Ive never done that before.
How has that been working out for you?
Ive never worked with peat pellets, but im assuming they are pretty similar to rockwool (job wise).
The thing that has always wondered me about perpetual is if your chopping the plant every harvest doesn't that stress them and eventually cause the quality to decrease with every harvest?
I could be completely wrong.

I'm all aboard. Are your og feminised or regular beans?
The ones that I bought are feminized, but my personal seed i guess is a "regular" bean.

Got two 600s for flower in two 4x4x5 cabs,, alternating cycles so I get 24 hours of dank time lol also will help keep the heat down seeing as only one light will be running at any given time.
Genetics, Testing some crosses I made last year.
Stop by if you like, link in signature.

Will you be doing anything specific, or just a general how to while helping others?

Ill try and check it out, im in the process of reading EDIT: wormdrives thread.
135 pages... haha

What do you mean by specifics.
I will be getting into advanced techniques later into the forum.
My motto is "Best of Both Worlds"
Which means, I am going to be collaborating both Organic and Non-organic methods.
50/50 chem ferts and natural ferts.

but what do you mean?:P


Well-Known Member
Are you asking if my mothers get weaker with each batch of clones I take off them? I do my best not to stress my girls, my mothers, or my babies. I take clones about once a month maybe every 3 weeks, but my mothers usually have plenty of time to relax after wards and grow back out. I've been running some White widow for 4 years now that has all came from clones of mothers turned into mothers and so on. It doesn't seem to be loosing any potency, I've been smoking it for 4 years and it still opens my mind every time. I will say that it may have lost a bit of it vigor, my latest mother hasn't been growing quite as fast as the others always have. She is happy and healthy, just going kinda slow this time.

Thats why I decided to put in some seeds, which included 3 beans that I've gathered from my crops of WW over the lsat 4 years. I've found a total of 8, never noticed and hermies and finding 8 seeds out of that many plants I count as a blessing. They are acting like little blessings as well. The peat pellets are seed starters like rock wool, and I put 3 of those in and they were sprouted out of the ground and open in 36 hours. It blew my mind. They are now about 6 inchs tall and going to get cloned soon.

The perpetual harvest is fairly simple. Usually I put about 10-15 plants in about every 3 weeks. Those plants flower for 7 weeks in the case of my WW, then I harvest them out and add more in. I usually have clones at several stages from just rooting to about 3 weeks old. I usually give them a short veg period to build the roots, then they go into my flood trays to flower. I run single cola SOG, so I trim off the lower growth to lollipop the buds, and support them all with growing sticks so the don't collapse on them selves from the weight lol. This lets me harvest about 10-15 plants that average around 25g every 3 weeks or so.

Sadly life is tricky and it seems like every 9-11 months something happens and my cycle gets screwed up, but its been a fairly nice way to keep a steady flow.

I actually mis spoke its (critical + x jack) https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/dinafem-seeds-critical-jack/prod_447.html Supposed to be dina fems take on critical mass x jack herer, so I'm expecting it to be pretty sweet. It doesn't say exactly on it % of indica or sativa, but I'm guessing 70/30 from its other lineage. https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/dinafem-seeds-critical-jack/prod_447.html this is the other one I just put in, I'm hoping iits a more indica dom for some variation, cus my WW is a more sativa high.