I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
I tried to eat everything i could in there and get swolled up. 200 push ups at least a day and eating all your meals will get you pretty big in the joint.


Well-Known Member
Charlie Bronson (not the actor) wrote a book about fitness while locked up. Man says he can do 1753 push ups in 60 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Send me 5k n I put it to work for us, collect some interesting that investment ...more than an Ira or CD.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
200 ? ROFLMAO. I could do 200 diamonds in a clip.My record was 425 with only a "front leaning rest"
Some days i would do alot more than 200, sometimes 500. And Im not talking about little half push ups. But when you dont want to do any, 200 push ups is a good way to maintain.


Well-Known Member
maybe that $5k was my life savings. so i gave my life savings to a guy who's family is really gonna need it? are you trying to make a point here? cause if you are it sounds like i'm one hell of a guy.

far from a billionaire my friend. what did you do today besides sit around the house and play with your nutsack?

i chopped an acre of property behind one of my homes so that the topographer and engineer could measure out the property i'm buying from my neighbor to build a guest house on. had that all done by 10am. have fun with your bag of doritos and mountain dew.

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now i'm going swimming in my pool.

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Please excuse me while I fantasize of having that kind of money. Happily the way things are going, if I play my cards right I can follow in some of my friends footsteps and retire somewhere between 38 and 48, and have too much money to know what to do with. That's all if I don't fuck up in the next 20-30 years which I'm bound to do once or twice but I always have this amazing way of things working out well, really really well lol.


Well-Known Member
[ . .".
It was nice of you to throw 5000 at a stranger, come on the rest of this just crap talking with your hand on it. That $5000 was probably your life savings. What are you a billionaire by day and a dope forum blogger by night?
I honestly don't understand how there can be such hate for someone, who the fuck cares if he was a billionaire by day and liked to blog at night? Mate you've got some real issues throwing around hate like that.


Well-Known Member
Please excuse me while I fantasize of having that kind of money. Happily the way things are going, if I play my cards right I can follow in some of my friends footsteps and retire somewhere between 38 and 48, and have too much money to know what to do with. That's all if I don't fuck up in the next 20-30 years which I'm bound to do once or twice but I always have this amazing way of things working out well, really really well lol.
I don't know if this was sincere or not, but even if it wasn't I'm going to take it as. Instead of spewing out hate at someone who's obviously done well in life why can't others just accept the fact and give a little compliment to them. So if that post was sincere greenswag then I applaud you too.

Enjoy your billions Scooby glad to see that you at least attempt to help others out with your money too, even when you mostly just have shit thrown at you.


New Member
Well FDD, I have to turn myself in tomorrow for my 108 days. This will be the last day I get to chat with you for a while. I hope everything goes good for you. Stay strong man. I hope you get a hold of everyone on RIU when you get out. You might have a change of heart though, 34 months, people can change how they view things. So, IF I don't see you when you get out, it has been good knowing this internet personality known ass FDD2BLK. Take it easy buddy :)
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