Yellow and white seedlings after germination lil help plz

hello i recently germinated like 5-7 seeds i planted 1 in the dirt b4 i took out of seed and it came out green with some little true leaves but the others i removed the seed shell but they have nice lil short long nice roots 1 of them have true leaves but its yellow/ white/ beige i think its turning green the other ones bigger but no sign of true leaves yet wa wondering how should i turn them green b4 i start doin anything to them worth any other light cycle change or anything or what should i do theyre in same little foam cup theres 3 hopefully i can make 3 small bushy plants budded i have a lot of seeds so i will be like making grip of mini plants like a bud there bud here bud there bud here and bud over therebongsmilie:lol::sleep:


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I must admit I'm not sure what you are asking but let me give you some information and see if it helps. Seedlings prior to light are yellow. Seedlings turn green after light gets to them.