I'm not a fucking slave...So I quit that shit and started recieveing foodstamps. Now Im looking for a job that has fair pay....ha what a joke...
I work to feed and provide for myself, not because i think it is going to make me rich. If I am making enough to feed myself and provide a place to live + travel expenses to and from,
then I have met the minimum qualifications as a human, I try to do better than that, but it will be a cold day in hell when i get as lazy as you.
In my world you would starve if you refused to work simply because you were not getting enough fun money from it. Until just recently you would starve in this world if you did not work. work is not simply a way to make
EXTRA money, it is a way to provide the necessities. Today, we no longer have the stomach to watch Darwinian evolution take place, we carry along our useless and unfit who will not even take care of themselves. I understand the old and the disabled and i am glad we can provide lives for them, but i take no pity on the lazy.
I'm sorry for being mean, but natural selection should have stomped you out long ago if it were not for the kindness of humanity dragging you along to keep your death off their conscience.
As far as working at Walmart, I'm sure it sucks but most of us have worked jobs that suck to get by. Try being a roofer if you really think Walmart is all that bad. Bottom line tho, hell yeah i would work at Walmart before I would sit on my ass and make someone else pay for my survival.