Something really bugging me


Well-Known Member
Nobody is talking about treating them poorly. I just would like if they could find the answers for the simple crap themselves. Hash making is pretty advanced, so obviously any question on it is welcome. Whether they should use warm white or cool white cfl bulbs for vegging, that has been answered a thousand times. What temperature range is ideal for growing, that has been answered a million times. Things like that. Things that aren't going to ever change. Its not hating to tell a newbie to go read the FAQ. Its there for the main reason of HELPING THEM. If they don't know the simplest of things, then they certainly don't know a lot of the more advanced things. I think they are much better served by reading the GrowFaq then posting a new topic every time they come across something that they dont know.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i have over 20,000 post. half of them are the same 10 questions answered over and over. i LOVE helping people. i don't understand why people will take the time to post mockery instead of just helping. i fall asleep with a smile on MY face. peace y'all.
i dont have all that much exp. but i do like to share what nolage i have no matt. how many times its been asked. but i must say assholes dont bother me i have one myself. lol


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well, it goes like this:

someone starts a thread on hash making. they have a few simple questions. i answer them. things like "should my trim be dry". that's basic stuff. stuff people would think an idiot would know. so i politely answer. they dry the trim and have a few more questions. at this point i answer their questions and then refer them to the tutorial i have in faq's. they usually read the tutorial and have a few more questions. i continue to politely answer. some times the info in faqs is outdated. i have a few tutorials that have methods that have since been changed. it is really easy to just answer the question. i mean these are the "easy" questions we are speaking of. why hate when you can help? :peace:

i can't believe people are defending treating newbies poorly. :roll:
and they wonder what's wrong with the world today. :-?
u r a all right guy luv 2 read ur info


Active Member
I think its people who get on here... Ask easy questions... Someone answers... They get some info and a big head :twisted:. I really do not post at all but I have learned alot just by reading around. This is a great forum. :hump:



Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a fellow newbie get 'textually' assualted for bumping his thread up too soon.....LOL

I couldn't believe it.


New Member
i have over 20,000 post. half of them are the same 10 questions answered over and over. i LOVE helping people. i don't understand why people will take the time to post mockery instead of just helping. i fall asleep with a smile on MY face. peace y'all.
Look what I can do:hump:

No reason to be rude to the new people though. I try to help. Some people deserve it however. Karma6969 was one. Hell I am fairly new.


Well-Known Member
When i first joined this site i never saw any of this and now every day i see some one hating.
that's no that you mention it, I've been going in and out of a few threads and I am noticing some more straight dickface comments....I've been on all sorts of forums and I've enever seen no shit like this before except on Political boards but that is to be expected...

I thought we were all on the same side on here??


Well-Known Member
i dont have all that much exp. but i do like to share what nolage i have no matt. how many times its been asked. but i must say assholes dont bother me i have one myself. lol
people arent going to take you too seriously when you are talking about how much "nolage" you have......


Well-Known Member
As a noob, I have to say that there is a ton of info here.....some of us have read most of it, at least the stickys lol, but its always nice to have someone who has been there and done that to let you know everythings ok or not. Not to justify stooopid threads, but just saying its not like a lot of us have somebody sitting next to us letting us know if everything is ok or not......RANT DONE and thanks all of you who help without


Well-Known Member
Just the problems with a growing site no pun intended!!! You get a bigger cross section of people and the biggest jerks sometimes sound off the most. Its hard to take sometimes. Its because of this I have joined another forum for the crap on here gets too thick sometimes. Fixing the searchengine on here wouldn't hurt and fix the DIY section also.


New Member
i hate when people tell noobs to search or check the faq's. if someone came to my house and had questions about my garden i wouldn't hand them a book. this is a "forum". it is designed specifically TO ASK QUESTIONS. there are NO stupid questions. one time, i didn't know how to germ a seed.Luckily 40acres was there to show me. peace.
Wow, I am the man.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well sometimes u gotta help yourself to learn better
Agreed....but someone being a prick to you as they tell you that you need to learn for yourself is unnecessary....

But the more and more I see the same newbie questions that can be answered with a simple google search, The more I am beginning to understand the frustration by some.....still I think if you have nothing nice or constructive to say, just don't respond.


Well-Known Member
There's a big difference between a genuine newbie with a reasonable question and some stoned dude-dudette wanting others to do all the necessary research for them. I mean, the information is probably already here and IF it were than important to someone, it just makes sense that they'd seek it by reading, not by having some stranger on here look it up for them, take them by the hand and guide them to it.
"Give a man a fish . . .TEACH a man to fish . . . "


Well-Known Member
Did FDD say he doesn't mock people on this thread?!? Just teasing - i've never seen FDD put down anyone asking questions about growing.

legitimate questions get legitimate answers. i can't say i'm consistently nice but i do try to answer the question WHILE pointing folks to the FAQs.

I agree with MrFishy - there are some good often-asked questions but some questions are just fucking stupid and are very difficult not to mock. I (hopefully) choose to ignore them for the most part.


Well-Known Member
i agree with most people here, but when i first joined, i just read and read and read. i would literally go through EVERY thread in the General and INdoor growing sections,, all first 4 pages..

but it does bother me when people ask the simple questions with out trying to find the answer.... i am not sure who meantioned the SEARCH function

BUt in my opinion it is almost useless on this site,,,, just my experiences tell me it is very hard to navigate


Well-Known Member
oh yeah

i agree that almsot any "simple" question that noobs ask hee CAN be found with ONE google search... and google usually redirects you here :)


Active Member
tell me where i can find one just one picture of a muture male plant --just one. i thought this is where to ask questions when you didnt know ?! not every one is a pro like you


Well-Known Member