i'm sure black southerners found desegregation and civil rights to be a laugh riot as well.
Oh trust me, they are still pissed about it down here. Being a yankee here isn't always a picnic either. It's still segregated here, but it's by choice. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't moved here and seen some of it. Churches are segregated almost entirely, some of the grocery stores, bars, schools because of neighborhood choices. The strangest thing is restaurants. The old racist whites get there early, the old racist blacks know this so they come late. I've seen Applebys go from 80% white to 80% black over a 2 hour period. Most of the younger generation are not like this but there are still quite a few kids here with chips on their shoulders so it will get better, but it may never go away.
Having said all that, it wasn't the entire south. It was the 1%ers back then too that influenced shitty, against our founding principles laws. Maybe 2 or 3% of the population actually owned slaves and believe it or not during the depression blacks and whites used to sharecrop the same land together. It was a very small but very powerful minority that influenced our government and bought politicians. Things were much worse after Jim Crowe. Once we started crafting laws that were different for different sects of the population we created an atmosphere that was not "All Men Are Created Equal" in this country.
The 1%ers have influenced shitty policy in all regions of the country. The southern elite were the shittiest but have now become the least influential today. Now the idiocy comes from the hollywood and wall street elites. Thankfully it's not on the same level.... yet.
Until our commune dispatches these unworthy elites and absorb the wealth they don't deserve and came about dishonestly on the backs of us commoners we'll never truly be happy.
can't find the sarcasm font.
Edit: sorry for the word vomit, I'm loving this MK Ultra.