can i grow in secret?


Well-Known Member
what about Tarzan and his chimp ?
tree people.
we learned how to walk on our hind legs so we dont need to swing through the trees haha
;) yeah well, all I know is it worked 4 me, & it did help keep my crops from being stolen, f'd up by animals/bugs, and also the little bit of cover that there is in the tree tops also helped it from being seen so easily from the air by flying pigs! Who said pigs don't fly!? Hahaha ;) yeah, God rest his soul!My dad had taught me that trick many years back, in my early dyas of growing, as a solution to cock blocks stealing my herb! And it worked really well 4 me. Thought I would throw it out there for someone else to use. Well, take er easy.. later. Dank


Well-Known Member
so here is my problem
i only want to grow one plant at a time
im still living with mom
i want to grow without her finding out so i wont get kicked out. i have 2 hawiian blue seeds and i plan on growing them
i have followed the rules of TELL NO ONE that im growing and i cant ask for advice that way (thats why im here)
i have calculated the total cost of a carbon filter and fans and all that
i also have thought of constructing a air tight grow box in my close (closet doesnt have doors) made out of my big speaker stacks so it wont look any thing different of what it normaly does
any thoughts?

You hate your mother (who lets you live with her) so much that you would be willing to put her and her house at risk for your own selfish desires?

I am glad I dont have children like you.


Well-Known Member
You won't have to worry anout animals eating ypur crop if there tied up in treesz1 or people spotting them!
Worked for me for years. And it wasn't all that hard either! I would mix up a soil that had enough nutes in it to last the grow, and when it came to watering it. I would let mother nature take care of that. Unless it went through a drought or some shit, you should be fine. And also insects wasn't a real big issue up in the trees either. Didn't have to mess with finding a spot, then clearing it, then preparing the soil, and so on! Do it the easy wya nro! Tree um. ;) it 4 real wroks..
So you loaded a pot up with MONTHS worth of nutrients and the plants didnt burn up?



Well-Known Member
So you loaded a pot up with MONTHS worth of nutrients and the plants didnt burn up?


Look bro! I didn't add a SHIT TON of nutes to burn the plants up! I believe I know the basics of growing! I added a soil that I myself mix up, that has enough nutes to carry it from clone to flower with NO problems! Not rocket science. And plenty of soils have enough nutes in it to make it from vegging to flowering, without having to add a ton of other nutes in it. I mean you may have a few yellow leaves at the end of flowering, but no big deal! And that's a natural process towards the end of flowering anyways. Nugh said..


Well-Known Member
You hate your mother (who lets you live with her) so much that you would be willing to put her and her house at risk for your own selfish desires?

I am glad I dont have children like you.
What has this guy done to you? Why/what's the reason to be SO rude & judemental towards him? He is here to ask questions & learn about growing, just as you are I persume... or is it to make smart ass comments towards fellow growers!??


Well-Known Member
What has this guy done to you? Why/what's the reason to be SO rude & judemental towards him? He is here to ask questions & learn about growing, just as you are I persume... or is it to make smart ass comments towards fellow growers!??
You call that smartass? Do you have any idea how laws work? Do you know people have their property confiscated on bullshit drug charges regularly?

What kind of ass grows pot in someone else's house without their knowledge?

If you can't understand what I am talking about, you probably dont need to be growing either.

You also must be a basement boy living at momma's house also putting her at risk..

As an adult, If I found out my daughter was doing something like that in my house (I actually own one) without my permission, I couldnt kick her out fast enough.

When you grow up, you will understand.


Well-Known Member
You call that smartass? Do you have any idea how laws work? Do you know people have their property confiscated on bullshit drug charges regularly?

What kind of ass grows pot in someone else's house without their knowledge?

If you can't understand what I am talking about, you probably dont need to be growing either.

You also must be a basement boy living at momma's house also putting her at risk..

As an adult, If I found out my daughter was doing something like that in my house (I actually own one) without my permission, I couldnt kick her out fast enough.

When you grow up, you will understand.
Hahahaha! Your funny you know it! And as I said, "who are you" 2 judge someone needless of what the hell there doing?! He didn't say he was going to do it, now did he?! I don't think so! And to your yes, "smaart ass" comment towards me, no. I'm not a basement boy living with my momma! My mothers dead! I own my own home, & don't have to answer to NO one! Who are you to judge? I believe you seriously need to chill out, smoke another joint,bowl, or whatever it is you smoke! Obviously it isn't working 4 ya! PEACE!


Well-Known Member
lol @ cock blocks ,

potted plants in trees ,
i think your serious , but no offence intended its pretty amusing.
you have to admit its a little , for lack of a better word , extreme.
how the heck do you get them up there and down again when ready and twice the size,
it seems to create more issues than it solves i think that's what ppl mean.


Well-Known Member
lol @ cock blocks

potted plants in trees ,
i think your serious , but no offence intended its pretty amusing.
you have to admit its a little , for lack of a better word , extreme.
how the heck do you get them up there and down again when ready and twice the size,
it seems to create more issues than it solves i think that's what ppl mean.
None taken bro. ;) and I could see how it would "sound" far fetched or hard for some people to grasp! But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. And not really. It isn't as hard as you "may" think it is! All I'm saying is you take a 5gln bucket, get a rope, tie to the handle, go a few feet into the woods out in the back woods behiond your house, if any. Throw the rope that tied to the bucket handle across a low hanging branch that will support it, and simply pull it up, & tie it off. The reason my dad had taught me this little trick is to keep thieves from stealing my crop, also animals from eating on it & also bugs/slugs & whatever ele that messes with um. And when your crop is finshed, simply untie where you had tied your rope off, lower it down, & go to the next one. I don't know about you, but when I am walking around in the woods, for the most part I have my eyes on the path, or where I am walking, looking for damn snakes, etc' ;) not looking up in the tree's. This is the main reasoning behing why my dad had helped me come up with a way to stop all the junk from happening. And it 4 real does work.. hope that shades alittle more light on it for you bro.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Umbre , that's crazy , i don't rate my chances of swinging a 5 gallon pot , full of medium , plus without unsettling the clone etc,
my Lasso skills aint the best,
i'm not doubting you in anyway , i'm just saying it's alot of stress, or seems to be .....

Lasso !!



New Member
i live in colorado its legal if over 21 to grow up to six plants my mom does not want me to smoke weed and doesnt even know i have any thing to do with it. so if i did get cought it could technicaly be "her" weed plant and nothing would happen thoughts?
You sir, are a ... wait I better watch my tone.

You sir, are a dumbass.


Active Member
I dunno about you, but I'm more scared of my mom than anything else. Talk to your mom, show you're responsible enough to do that much, it may persuade her to allow you to grow. I'm still young, but I know don't fuck with your parents, especially your mom!


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahha, That's some funny shit right there bro!! ;) LMFAO!! Sheeewww!! Made a tear come to my eye, I laughed so hard & almost pissed on myself too!!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
IMO, if you can afford the time, money and effort to grow.. you can go live on your own dime.

Are you even paying rent to her? If you are living on her dime, it is highly disrespectful to do ANYthing she disapproves of on her property. She shelters and feeds you, respect her wishes.

If you pay rent and your own living expenses, then I would make the case to her. Might take a month or two to convince her, but it would be better than having to hide your activities 24/7. She will notice you carrying jugs of water into your room, lol.

If she still says no, save up some money and move out.


Well-Known Member
Umbre , that's crazy , i don't rate my chances of swinging a 5 gallon pot , full of medium , plus without unsettling the clone etc,my Lasso skills aint the best,i'm not doubting you in anyway , i'm just saying it's alot of stress, or seems to be .....Lasso !![video=youtube;oPzERmPlmw8][/video]=)
Hahahahahha, That's some funny shit right there bro!! ;) LMFAO!! Sheeewww!! Made a tear come to my eye, I laughed so hard & almost pissed on myself too!!


Well-Known Member
canabus sticks strong ! one plant no matter certion state of veg they stink bad strong , and flowering , cant hide the smell unless your gona soak in 600 or 1 grand into filters ozone generators hepa filters carbon , good luck

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Even Northern Lights, which is a low smell strain, smelled like old veggies at the end of her life.

Fans make alot of noise too.


Well-Known Member
Personally, here is what I would do.
Get the outdoor grow going...meanwhile....
Build a closet inside and get your lights, fans etc and grow chillis. Get some learning done ready for your own place and maybe, if your mam sees your interest, she may let you grow a weed plant 'as an experiment' or 'for a mate'.
speak to your mamma, my parents are both very against my smoking but i found being honest and mature was the best approach, i asked them both before i started my grow and although they weren't happy they accepted that it's a much better for me to manage my own habit responsibly at home over going out and buying on an illegal open market, and only had the proviso that i don't grow more than four plants (what i estimate should represent a reasonable yield to last between harvests) and that i pay the increase we get on our power bill. Have a chat with her, it might be the best thing you ever did! and she can't be mad for something you haven't done yet, right?