Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++


Well-Known Member
ive had them survive attacks like that, just be warned you more than likely have caused mutations that may occur for a long time.


Well-Known Member
ive had them survive attacks like that, just be warned you more than likely have caused mutations that may occur for a long time.
Yeah I figured as much. lol. We'll see what happens. I'll keep her going if she's game, even if she does lag behind the others...

At least she still has one lil leaf to gather light :o]


Well-Known Member
dont fell bad somehow i chopped the top off a tap root after its had stated photosynthesizing, so now i just stuck the stub of a root into the rooter hoping the little top reroots. but id doubt my situation is a survivor leaves or not.:/


Well-Known Member
dont fell bad somehow i chopped the top off a tap root after its had stated photosynthesizing, so now i just stuck the stub of a root into the rooter hoping the little top reroots. but id doubt my situation is a survivor leaves or not.:/
Wishing us both luck, haha.


Well-Known Member
Even if I only have 3 to work with I think that would still work out alright. If that's the case I will keep the veg light pulled, use just the 8 bulb and one 4 bulb... do only one side with the square-scrog, and do the other side with a flat scrog. The cool thing about that would be I could get a good bit more horizontal space for the side scrog because one of the fixtures is gone and that buys me another 3" or so.

Bonus on this is I could use the veg. area to run 12/12 from seed/clone after I'm done vegging the raspberry. But I'd rather just stick to the one flowering area so I don't have to set up and listen to another exhaust fan. I could flower in my room and say fuck the man, lol. But I'd have to basically give up using my room during dark hours. Still, possible. And I'd get to hang out with my plants during the day, which would make me happy, lol.

The cool thing about that idea is I could potentially pull more weight before moving, which would be a nice buffer to get me through the move, setting up, and getting another crop going. As much as possible is ideal, naturally. LOL.

But yeah. I dunno, maybe I'll do that. I don't have to worry bout smell too much because I can close the bedroom door and it will filter the whole room, as it's drawing intake from the room the sog would be in. It would only start to stink while the door is open... and even then it's still filtering at least...

Ideas ideas ideas.

I have WAY more ideas and thoughts about growing than I have time, space, or resources to apply them.


Well-Known Member
Even if I only have 3 to work with I think that would still work out alright. If that's the case I will keep the veg light pulled, use just the 8 bulb and one 4 bulb... do only one side with the square-scrog, and do the other side with a flat scrog. The cool thing about that would be I could get a good bit more horizontal space for the side scrog because one of the fixtures is gone and that buys me another 3" or so.

Bonus on this is I could use the veg. area to run 12/12 from seed/clone after I'm done vegging the raspberry. But I'd rather just stick to the one flowering area so I don't have to set up and listen to another exhaust fan. I could flower in my room and say fuck the man, lol. But I'd have to basically give up using my room during dark hours. Still, possible. And I'd get to hang out with my plants during the day, which would make me happy, lol.

The cool thing about that idea is I could potentially pull more weight before moving, which would be a nice buffer to get me through the move, setting up, and getting another crop going.
sounds like a managbel plan similar to how mine is i just setup t flowers and minimized veg. combined exhaust ducts for both flower areas into 1 fan filter


Well-Known Member
sounds like a managbel plan similar to how mine is i just setup t flowers and minimized veg. combined exhaust ducts for both flower areas into 1 fan filter
I was considering trying to figure a way to effectively use the existing fan system to vent another space... wish I could knock a hole in the wall, LOL. With my intakes for the closet ON the door, it's not too manageable...

But, like I said, at least I'm basically filtering the whole room anyway, so it's not that big a deal even if I can't get a direct hose hooked up. I'll probably set up the second chamber in the second closet I have in the same room. (Weird ass house... so inconveniently designed, hahaha)

Actually, i could probably do somethin' else now that I'm thinking bout it... I could move the mother/clone chamber back out of the closet (it's discreet enough and light sealed and whatnot so it doesn't really need to be in there--and it's not gonna stink like flowering atleast) and then I could actually use the entryway of the closet to set up the 4-bulb along the back wall... it would be tight and overhead space would be limited, but should be plenty good enough for some 12/12 from clone/seed. Would definitely have to build another rolly though, as I'd need to be able to pull those sogged bitches out of the closet so I could pull the left (square-scrogged) rolly out for watering and plant maintenance and shit. Kind of a bitch...

Catch on that is I would have to wait until the rasp. goes into flowering before I started the 12/12 from clone/seed runs. I'd rather start them ASAP, maybe get two rounds in before the cough finishes. Or, well, it will more likely stagger, so I'd have an extra harvest before the rasp. by a month and an extra harvest after by a month. Somethin' like that anyway.

Yeah, so I think I'll do both... flower clones from 12/12 under the 4-bulb in the room for the first month, then move into closet when they get stinky... or just leave in the other closet and throw together another vent solution... will have a harvest about a month (give or take a week or two) after the raspberry cough has begun flowering. And actually, the rasp. cough runs 9-11 weeks so I might even finish out the second 12/12 crop around the same time as the raspberry, assuming I intentionally load up some faster indicas.

--Err... which is to say... if the raspberry cough seedling doesn't make it. LOL. :D If it does make it I will, as planned, square-scrog all four and hold off on the other project til after.


Well-Known Member
What's up guys! Hope all is well with you. I'm still waiting for some beans to pop :(.

How bout both of you just move down by me and we'll start us a little business ;) Plenty of land around here and lots and lots of houses :D


Well-Known Member
What's up guys! Hope all is well with you. I'm still waiting for some beans to pop :(.

How bout both of you just move down by me and we'll start us a little business ;) Plenty of land around here and lots and lots of houses :D
Haha. Maybe bro. A little close to the bible belt for comfort :P


Well-Known Member
Shit son where I'm at no one bothers me. I love where I"m living and I have land on top of land and natural springs to tap into :D
Sounds nice... haha. But being from a coastal and progressive area, it's hard to convince myself to move to "the middle" unless it's to move to a legal state. Heheh. I'm most likely to end up in CO, HI, or CA. Or just stay where I am if this state gets it's shit together and legalizes soon.


Well-Known Member
Sounds nice... haha. But being from a coastal and progressive area, it's hard to convince myself to move to "the middle" unless it's to move to a legal state. Heheh. I'm most likely to end up in CO, HI, or CA. Or just stay where I am if this state gets it's shit together and legalizes soon.
exactly how i feel my state was supposed to legalize this year, but it didnt make it to voters because we got 2 opposing mj plans gathering signatures.


Well-Known Member
exactly how i feel my state was supposed to legalize this year, but it didnt make it to voters because we got 2 opposing mj plans gathering signatures.
Lame sauce dude. My state is on the list of states expected to go legal next. I just don't know how realistic that really is. Then again, if the fed continues to keep their nose out of CO and WA, there's not much discouraging it!

I'm in a med state and I'm tired of running out of buds and having to keep quiet bout what I do, so I'm finally pursuing a card. I don't know if I'll qualify but it is worth a try. I'm out again and I'm so frustrated. I look forward to being able to grow state-legal. Figures, I finally get the gumption to make the call, and they're closed to relocate their office, LOL. Monday it is I guess.

I was considering moving my tent to the basement, especially if I'm legal. (Rental, don't have it down there now because of maintenance et cetera) BUT... the basement is REALLY unfinished and I'm almost positive the humidity won't be manageable in there no matter what I do. It's so unfinished that it's got like, tiny ravines, with boards over them, and water seasonally rolls in one side of the basement and out the other through these ravines... it's crazy unfinished. SUPER unfinished. heh. Not to mention the ceilings are like 5'10" max and my tent is 6'7".

BUT, I've got this little "off the basement" room that has an outside door and I think even has a water spigot in there... could be pretty much perfect as I can control humidity to some degree and it has a passive air vent at the top to let out excess heat. Technically might draw attention during cold months, but I think it will stay relatively cool in the summer... and if it actually produces enough heat to be warmer than the basement, I can close off the vent in the winter and vent into the basement through the door. It's even on the north-facing side of the house, which has a lot of trees directly beyond it, so it gets very little direct light...


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot to mention, that little side room has like a 10 ft. ceiling at least... and has a "roof" (ie, pointed, double-slanted) ceiling with a passive vent right there at the top, so heat should just happily glide it's way from my tent to freedom. :) And I could always throw a fan in front of that vent to help if necessary too.


Well-Known Member
Sounds nice... haha. But being from a coastal and progressive area, it's hard to convince myself to move to "the middle" unless it's to move to a legal state. Heheh. I'm most likely to end up in CO, HI, or CA. Or just stay where I am if this state gets it's shit together and legalizes soon.
Haha I'm right by CO. I love it hear and my state just went to vote on MMJ. oh good days!!!

exactly how i feel my state was supposed to legalize this year, but it didnt make it to voters because we got 2 opposing mj plans gathering signatures.
My state just went to vote on MMJ! lets do this!!!

Oh BTW, didn't remember til I looked the other day, but two of those 6500k's are actually coral waves.

It's: 2 Coral Wave, 2 660nm, 1 Red Sun, 8 Flora Sun, 1 Fiji Purp, and two 6500k's. I think.
Like I said mixed spectrum lol. But your plants are loving it. Keep up the good work brotha.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they're doin' alright. Size is increasing, not quite as fast as I'd like, but what are you gonna do. I've got a lot of yellowing on some, and then a lot of burn on one... definitely getting different reactions from each plant. I definitely have to learn to start micro-managing my feed so that I can provide what each plant needs individually... at least until I get some good mothers going and can rely on genetic consistency...

Fed today... I picked up some Meta-K and Microblast to add to the feed... should help give a solid K boost and cover any possible micronutrient lack...


Well-Known Member
Noticed my soil's still pretty damp for having fed two days ago. I'm not sure they're uptaking... hm... gettin' a little nervous.

Honestly I'm getting tired of soil headaches. If the rasp. cough run doesn't go better I may very well switch to hydro.

I still got a lot of peat, perlite, and worm castings left tho'. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
im in peat an perlite,(dol lime) gonna add some straw and bone meal to my mix here soon, but thats it, in grow bag in both the NFT and flood and drain setup and its an awesome media in hydro works great.


Well-Known Member
im in peat an perlite,(dol lime) gonna add some straw and bone meal to my mix here soon, but thats it, in grow bag in both the NFT and flood and drain setup and its an awesome media in hydro works great.
Cool, good to know. Of the three I have the least worm castings. Good to know I'll be able to put the rest of the perlite and peat to use regardless of which path I go. :0]