Couldn't find out what's wrong ?


Active Member
Hi everyone;
i've made lots of research about pot growing and tried to grow it.2 months after planting seeds here is the picture :(

i use nutrients including (Na,P,K,Mg) watering them twice a day.i'm using 2x18 Watts cold white flourescent and 120 Watts warm white fleurescent. Ventilation is fine.

Looking forward for comments and advices..



Active Member
i'm using distilled water.So i don't think there will be a pH problem. i use (na,P,K) nutrients as it is told back of the box.
3 days ago i used a spray for Mg nutrients (because leaf ands were yellowing and dying) After that problem got worse :(
Did i use it too much? Or is it something else ?


Well-Known Member
you need to wait for the soil to dry completely water like twice a week not twice a day!!!
Stop fert, you are burning your plants, don't foliar feed just give water. A flush might help. What kind of soil are you using?
It sounds like you need to read up: GROWFAQ
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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone;
i've made lots of research about pot growing and tried to grow it.2 months after planting seeds here is the picture :(

i use nutrients including (Na,P,K,Mg) watering them twice a day.i'm using 2x18 Watts cold white flourescent and 120 Watts warm white fleurescent. Ventilation is fine.

Looking forward for comments and advices..

Water twice a day ???????? No way thats good...shoot you only MIST seedlings daily. If you can get a moisture meter...I don't use one but I go by when the dirt starts to pull away from the sides of the pot...Even every second day is too much..A indoor plant loses water slower than an outdoor plant.. (wind evaporates water faster)...It looks like a nute burn. You may be in a catch 22 situation..
If nute burn you need to flush bigtime....if over water, well you see my point. I'd hold off on water for 3 days...see if it gets worse, if it does I'd flush or even sit in a bigger tub of water so as to remove all salts and residue from pot, even replant with clean nute free soil, Wait 1wk so plant can recover from stress then gradually feed 1/4 strength at first.. Remember instructions on nute containers may be talking about outside plants, thus the water evapo. rate can change your routine if you're inside.....Good Luck


Active Member
thanks a lot Twistyman ;)

i flushed them all with 2L of fresh water per plant.i'll leave them unwatered for 3-4 days and wait to see if you're right ;)
i hope it works. i'll write down the progress here....


Well-Known Member
You may have to wait longer than 3-4 days to water. When the container feels considerably lighter water again & keep continuing this process with no nutrients for a while. You may have to flush once more. This should hopefully help. If possible get more light.CFLs maybe?I also noticed that you have more than one plant per pot - not good. Two plants in one pot is competition which takes a toll on both competitors!
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Active Member
thanks a lot guys. i've flushed them again yesterday and not watered them again. But i'm not optimist about these plants. Leaves are dying now and falling apart. i'll try again with new seeds. i've learned a lot compared to beginning. will try new ones. Hopefully they'll be healthy and potentially high ;)
Thanks a lot again ;)


Well-Known Member
be aware if your plants have taken a battering and u have used the correct remedy to cure the problem they may look like there getting worse before they put on new growth this applies to all plants


Well-Known Member
be aware if your plants have taken a battering and u have used the correct remedy to cure the problem they may look like there getting worse before they put on new growth this applies to all plants
yes very true a mistake made by a lot of new gardeners...

rep to you..:)