I think I overwatered?!

So I kind of did a dumb thing and watered today after I already watered yesterday. Now the leaves are beginning to droop and I think the plant is beginning to die. This is really a bummer because this one is ready to flower and my other ones aren't quite ready yet. I just recently started giving it plant food so it could also be that I overfed it?

Here's a picture I took about 2 hour ago. Now the lower bottom leaves are beginning to curl up. I turned on a fan so maybe it would dry the soil a little bit.

Let me know what I should do or if I'm screwed!


Well-Known Member
How old is that thing, and have you fed it anything yet?
You got more going on than just 1 overwater.
It looks to me like an N and K deficiency plus the overwatering.
Not to mention, not a lot of light.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, just saw you said you did feed.......... What, how long ago, and how much?
Do you see any change in the new growth?
Sorry, just saw you said you did feed.......... What, how long ago, and how much?
Do you see any change in the new growth?
I started feeding it yesterday. I started feeding it miracle grow. It's a liquid that's already made. You drops on the soil before you water. It was just yesterday and i haven't really noticed anything. I herd miracle grow isn't good for pot so I got this other stuff that's for tomatoes and vegetables. It has nitrogen in it so I'm just waiting a few days to put the new stuff in it.
Oh and I started growing it in November. And the light is two 4ft t5s. How is that not enough for vegetation? I'm going to get better light for the flowering of course.


get the light as close to it as possibe, dont have the soil to wet, dont give it mirical grow :idea:... were are you growing it, cuboard ect...


get some reflective shetting around it so it gets some more light around it, or even anything white like white cardboard if you on a budget... let your soil dry out a good bit if you think youv over watered and then start with a light feed of the tamato stuff you got with the n in it.. whats that stuff called for tamatoes :spew:


Well-Known Member
I started feeding it yesterday. I started feeding it miracle grow. It's a liquid that's already made. You drops on the soil before you water. It was just yesterday and i haven't really noticed anything. I herd miracle grow isn't good for pot so I got this other stuff that's for tomatoes and vegetables. It has nitrogen in it so I'm just waiting a few days to put the new stuff in it.
I know MG, and I may be mistaken, but if you read the instructions, I think you will find that you do NOT apply directly to the soil.
Which version of MG are you using? ie: all purpose, orchid, tomato, etc.?
What is the formula?
If you only fed yesterday, you will not be able to tell a difference yet, but if you have fixed the problem, any new growth will not have the affliction of the affected leaves you show now.
get some reflective shetting around it so it gets some more light around it, or even anything white like white cardboard if you on a budget... let your soil dry out a good bit if you think youv over watered and then start with a light feed of the tamato stuff you got with the n in it.. whats that stuff called for tamatoes :spew:

It's called Vigoro tomato & vegetable plant food 12-10-5
It just says liquid houseplant food. The formula is 8-7-6.

Here's what it looks like now. It's no longer drooping but half of the leaves died... Will this affect flowering?

Hey guys, I just wanted to update this and tell you how the plant is doing.
I figured out that I really didn't over water it, I over fed it. I flushed it and it's hanging in there. It's still continuing to grow new leaves and the pre flowers are continuing to grow too. Thanks everyone who helped!