8 Weeks into Flower.....HOW MUCH LONGER!?!?!?!


Active Member
Can anyone give me a realistic timetable for how long until harvest?

I am moving in 3-4 weeks so i at least need it to be drying lol

NO clue on strain random bag seed growing with CFL's.

Also a yield estimate?

Thanks Smokers and chokers!


i personally look at the tirchomes to go 30% amber 70% cloudly before harvesting
i normally trim a few upper leaves to allow light to get through to the bottom

Po boy

Well-Known Member
too bad the plant are getting so close and having to move. gonna be about a 3-4 weeks. more cfl's will not affect the flowering time - it's built into the genetics. GL


New Member
When ripening tomatoes, you stick the tomato in darkness for a few days, i heard the same can work with cannabis plants. When the trichomes turn amber the thc is degrading into cbd and cbn, neither of which get you high. So as soon as you see any amber trichomes cut em down. in fact don't cut her down, just cut off the buds, re veg for two weeks then flower her again. Just stick your plant in a box or in your car and transport it, cover it with a trash bag and move it no big deal. You can re veg easily 3 times.


Well-Known Member
On your next grow; Do some research on LST/topping/fim'ing, you'll be glad you did.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you weren't able to get more light on her during flowering. You would have seen the buds
filling in a lot better. You'd have more nugs, less stems. As it is make sure you get the plant as close
as possible to the light source without burning the leaves. Use the back-of-your-hand test to gauge how close to the light is OK.
The back of your hand has just about the same tolerance for heat as growing leaves. If you put your
hand at the top of the plant and your hand feels warm - you're too close.

Some of the pix appear to show more than half the pistils turned or turning brown. That is a good time to sharpen your scissors.
You can harvest now and probably enjoy nearly as much yield and quality as if you wait 10-14 days.

Good luck, BigSteve.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Look at the trichomes with a hand held x30-100 microscope. Color of pistils is meaningless. It's the color of the trichomes that matter. Mostly cloudy is a good weather day to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I say two weeks..

It looks like it's Sativa dominant. Next time when you grow, try to have the light closer down on the plant because it looks real lanky which tells me the light was too far away.

Ok, as far as your plant is concerned...I KNOW the feeling. I am just past week 5 and I'm thinking..CAN THIS NOT BE ANY FASTER!?

You got about 2-4 weeks left..depending. It sucks that you don't know the strain. There could be a variation between 10-14 weeks. I have a Sativa now (G13 Haze) which I didn't realize until recently that it takes FOREVER to flower. Some people have gone as much as 18-20 weeks with this strain. It just started to produce Pistils at week 4 and the fricken thing won't stop stretching...anyway..back to your problem.

There is a way to make them mature faster, but it will end up being a smaller yield. I am assuming you are on 12/12....drop the schedule to 11 on 13 off. Leave it for 2 weeks and see how it works for you. If it still need more go 10 on 14 off. That should do it. I have to do it with my G13 Haze because I have a max of 90 days and people are telling me that even 100 days might be slightly early..


Active Member
Clearly sativa dominant strain, with the low amount of small cfl's you have spread over a tall plant it's gonna slow the allready long flowering time, at least 3 weeks, probably more like 4-5.

CFL growers should use SoG or SCRoG systems to keep as much of the plant in the high lumen area of the cfls.


Active Member
Thanks for everyone's advise...i am harvesting in 10-14 days regardless...gotta move and not taking a fully grown 40" plant with me lol full of trichs n should be plenty of amber by then if not oh well the time has come to harvest n get into a jar to cure by the move