Need some help!


Active Member
This is my first time growing, need some help with a couple of issues.

I'll put some pictures up in a couple of hours.

1. One of my baby seedlings has a reddish-brown cast on the base of the stem, it seems to be peeling off and showing a bright green stem. It looks like little abrasions (the skin peeling) but the stem seems sturdy!

2. Just checked on my seedlings this morning and noticed a small bunch of white chunks on the top of my rockwool cube, I touched it with a tooth pick and it just crumbled away then I was checking my hydroton rocks and theres a white powdery substance on the tops of them (Only near the irrigation tube)

3. Some white fuzzy fairs on my irrigation tubing in the growing medium. (thinking it's algae?)

4. Some leaf tips and bending in all weird directions, the colouring of them isn't too bad, some are a bit lighter green then others.

If you need the pictures to see what I'm talking about just post up and I'll make sure to get them ASAP. If you have any sort of clue from the descriptions please give me some insight!


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing, need some help with a couple of issues.

I'll put some pictures up in a couple of hours.
...first off, welcome to the hobby and may you enjoy many bountiful harvests!

1. One of my baby seedlings has a reddish-brown cast on the base of the stem, it seems to be peeling off and showing a bright green stem. It looks like little abrasions (the skin peeling) but the stem seems sturdy!
...i'd need to see pictures to be sure but what you describe sounds common and not something you need to worry about.

2. Just checked on my seedlings this morning and noticed a small bunch of white chunks on the top of my rockwool cube, I touched it with a tooth pick and it just crumbled away then I was checking my hydroton rocks and theres a white powdery substance on the tops of them (Only near the irrigation tube)
...again, i can't be sure without the pics but i'd first say that your rockwool should be completely buried in the hydroton, otherwise you'll get mold and algae growing on it. ...that white stuff you describe sounds like mold and by itself isn't a serious problem except maybe to fragile seedlings, ...again, i'd need the pics to be sure.

3. Some white fuzzy fairs on my irrigation tubing in the growing medium. (thinking it's algae?)'s not algae, it's mold and not dangerous i don't think, soil and in coco i get white mold all the time without trouble, just another part of the microherd, but in hydro i'm no expert so hopefully others will chime in here.

4. Some leaf tips and bending in all weird directions, the colouring of them isn't too bad, some are a bit lighter green then others.
...weird bending and mutant looking leaves sounds like overferting, ...if they are less than 3 weeks old they shouldn't need food yet and if older than that then you need to cut back on the strength of your nutrient mix.

If you need the pictures to see what I'm talking about just post up and I'll make sure to get them ASAP. If you have any sort of clue from the descriptions please give me some insight! yeah man, post up those pics so the real hydro experts can come by and see what the problems are.

peace, bozo


Active Member
Thank you very much! My camera cord is busted so I'm going to get another one once the stores open lol. Though I shall definitely get some pics up asap, I'm worried I'm going to loose them!

Also, Good to know about covering the rockwool I'll burry it right now!


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much! My camera cord is busted so I'm going to get another one once the stores open lol. Though I shall definitely get some pics up asap, I'm worried I'm going to loose them!

Also, Good to know about covering the rockwool I'll burry it right now!
you're welcome man and don't sweat it if you lose them, hopefully they are only bagseed so no big whoop,'s far better to learn your chops with free bagseed before you throw down on store bought genetics. first try i popped 30 beans and managed to kill them all within a couple of weeks and as upset as i was i fortunately had a VAST supply of bagseeds to play with so i popped 30 more.

...of those second 30 i managed 5 survivors and 4 turned out to be female and i cloned and flowered those 4 girls for over a year before i spent money on beans, ...i made sure i had at least a smattering of skill in the essentials before i risked my money,, i'm not cheap, just poor.

...anyway, the best advice i can give you is to suggest that you get 90% of your information by reading old threads on topics that you are interested in, won't get any feedback at first that way because you'll be reading old information but by the same token you'll be able to read the questions AND the later answers AND the even later results and if you do it that way you will be much surer of the advice you decide to take, ...any one of us can be wrong so don't take any one persons word as gospel, especially if they are telling you you can't do something, ...i can't tell you how many things i've done successfully that others told me couldn't be done.

good luck man and don't get discouraged if you suffer setbacks, they are your best learning experiences if you let them be so you only fail if you give up!

...and have fun man, this shit is supposed to be fun!

peace, bozo


Active Member
Unfortunately they are not bag seeds ]: . Though it's not much of an issue I have multiple for each strain incase something crazy happened lol.
Though I cannot thank you enough for the support I really didn't expect getting a response as quick as I did, really helped build my confidence with this :D. Gald I joined the community.

but I do have the pictures. Hopefully everything looks okay!

I forgot, in the last picture of the rez, there are some brown spots, (The picture isn't that good my apologies) any ideas? Also couldn't get a picture of the white fuz, but I'm gonna take your word on the white mould it doesn't seem to be going near my plants just on the tubes so I'll clean those right up!


Active Member
anybody got a clue what the black spots are? I used a tooth pick and scraped it off, man it doesn't look normal. It's like a film but it looks rank, kind of like mucus or something it's a pale brown.


Well-Known Member
the white is just a build up of salts mate, dont know what the brown spots are, you using h202 or bennies?


Active Member
okay thats good! Should I wipe down the tubes then or just leave it?

None actually, all I've put into my medium is generic solution (Stealth micro/grow) and pH down.


Active Member
Okay! Should I just pour it in? not all of it of course but yeah... (Newbie)

Also, when a solution says the pH auto balances how long does that usually take?


Well-Known Member
just add it in mate, dont know about auto balances mate? i now use Growth Technologies liquid oxygen. its a 17.5% h202 solution 5ml for 10 lts daily they say. i use every three days and it seems to work.


Active Member
I'll go get it and give it a shot! :]

Though I just got the worst luck, I proped up part of my medium so I could put my nutes and water in (just cycled out) My expected female (already producing a beautiful smell at just 2 weeks!) main branches just dropped and turned dark green..

also pH is now at 6.0


Active Member
The bottom branches just dropped ]:
Blueberry gum

Possible female (It's loosing it's aroma now though!)

The bottom branches just dropped ]:
(cancel that they just popped back up! :D)

Red Dragon


Had the rooting issue.

This one is fine the branches haven't dropped and the leaves are fine.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
get your rockwool cubes down to the bottom of your net pots homey.

the hydroton is just there to keep the light off your roots and give them something to hold on to to keep your baby standing up.

the white crusty stuff on your hydroton is just shit from your municipal water system, calcium and shit. it;'s harmless as long as it doesnt build up and crust over your water tubes.
if you have a black slimy gunk on some of it, thats algae. i dont even use hydroton in my DWC systems, loose perlite does a better job, weighs less and can be sanitized in a pot of boiling water (inside a stocking) between uses. it's smaller size also keeps your plant's rootzone happier, cuz theres less space between the nuggets than hydroton, so less light gets in.

when i put my cubes in the net pots, it goes RIGHT ON THE BOTTOM, with perlite (but hydroton would do just fine) on top to keep the cube in place and keep my plant standing up. having stuff (especially big nuggets of hydroton) under your rockwool cube just puts your plant in a wobbly position.


Active Member
get your rockwool cubes down to the bottom of your net pots homey.

the hydroton is just there to keep the light off your roots and give them something to hold on to to keep your baby standing up.

the white crusty stuff on your hydroton is just shit from your municipal water system, calcium and shit. it;'s harmless as long as it doesnt build up and crust over your water tubes.
if you have a black slimy gunk on some of it, thats algae. i dont even use hydroton in my DWC systems, loose perlite does a better job, weighs less and can be sanitized in a pot of boiling water (inside a stocking) between uses. it's smaller size also keeps your plant's rootzone happier, cuz theres less space between the nuggets than hydroton, so less light gets in.

when i put my cubes in the net pots, it goes RIGHT ON THE BOTTOM, with perlite (but hydroton would do just fine) on top to keep the cube in place and keep my plant standing up. having stuff (especially big nuggets of hydroton) under your rockwool cube just puts your plant in a wobbly position.
I never thought of perlite, I started from seed I thought rockwool would be the best to go (being new trying to figure out the hydro world!) Though the root system is pretty complex right now, when I emptied the tank I didn't even realize there was that many roots. Would it be smart to move it down now? I don't want to damage the system and then loose my plants. If it's possible would you mind explaining how to move it?

thanks!! :D


Well-Known Member
I never thought of perlite, I started from seed I thought rockwool would be the best to go (being new trying to figure out the hydro world!) Though the root system is pretty complex right now, when I emptied the tank I didn't even realize there was that many roots. Would it be smart to move it down now? I don't want to damage the system and then loose my plants. If it's possible would you mind explaining how to move it?

thanks!! :D
...yeah man Dr Kynes isn't saying not to use the rockwool, he's just saying that when you put the rooted rockwool cube into your net pots that you completely bury them under your hydroton or, in his case, the perlite, ...burying the hydroton makes your plant more stable in the pot and it prevents the growth of algae on the rockwool.

...and i'd not recommend you try and move them now, it sounds like the rootsystem is too well established for you to be able to safely remove them to reposition the rockwool,, i think you need to leave them as they are and just cover them with something, can get covers at a grow shop but you can also use those small styrofoam plates from the supermarket that you'd use for birthday cake and such, just cut a small hole in the center and a slit to slide them over the stem.

peace, bozo


Active Member
...yeah man Dr Kynes isn't saying not to use the rockwool, he's just saying that when you put the rooted rockwool cube into your net pots that you completely bury them under your hydroton or, in his case, the perlite, ...burying the hydroton makes your plant more stable in the pot and it prevents the growth of algae on the rockwool.

...and i'd not recommend you try and move them now, it sounds like the rootsystem is too well established for you to be able to safely remove them to reposition the rockwool,, i think you need to leave them as they are and just cover them with something, can get covers at a grow shop but you can also use those small styrofoam plates from the supermarket that you'd use for birthday cake and such, just cut a small hole in the center and a slit to slide them over the stem.

peace, bozo

Sounds good bozo! :] I'll get on it today :D thank you!!!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately they are not bag seeds ]: . Though it's not much of an issue I have multiple for each strain incase something crazy happened lol.
Though I cannot thank you enough for the support I really didn't expect getting a response as quick as I did, really helped build my confidence with this :D. Gald I joined the community.

but I do have the pictures. Hopefully everything looks okay!

I forgot, in the last picture of the rez, there are some brown spots, (The picture isn't that good my apologies) any ideas? Also couldn't get a picture of the white fuz, but I'm gonna take your word on the white mould it doesn't seem to be going near my plants just on the tubes so I'll clean those right up!
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just flippin through, not reading anything, your rock wool looks way to big and that stuff can retain moisture and grow mould pretty fast. I use rapid rooter plugs, they dont have to be soaked and phd like rock wool. The white stuffs salts. At that stage you should be feeding 250-300 ppm and if you dont have a ppm meter get one now! I said now! Sorry for any redundancies :) good luck