Thanks for your opinions.
I might have stated my thoughts in poor words. Tend to do that quite often..
anyway, I am not scared or stupid or a nervous "liar" or truth hider.
I can handle myself, done it before. But what i ment was I wanna see if a long term relationship is to be had, and doing so by testing the owners wits. Im going to basically walk in there and tell them I grow but in a very indirect way. If they catch on then they are intelligent enough to deal with, if not then, shit ill still deal with them but with caution. I just wanted a plant to talk about that is similar to weeds, as for the rest of the convo, I dont need help with...
Overthinking, yes I know. I like to be in control of conversations that may lead to my demise, no matter how unlikely..
Like in "Get him to the Greek", "im mindfuckin you right now, Can you feel my dick fuckin your mind?"
THanks all!! on the way to pretend to be a sea cucumber farmer... That makes sense right