Club 600


Well-Known Member
hehe yeah i figured in over 5000 pages you guys probabally discussed it a time or 2 but i havent read the entire thread yet >< :)
You mean you haven't read this entire thread yet? damn bro why you slackin ;)

grain alcohol extraction looks likeit came out well. i tried this with the 91% isophorol alcohol and i got a green colored product and used nice dry trim...not sure what i did wrong but every time i try and do one of these extractions i t seems i dont have the outcome that others get. i tried the BHO extraction and the end product was decent but also a little on the green side. i used 3 cans of butane averaging at about 5 bucks each and got maybe a gram of oil from it. I used high quality sugar trim and popcorn buds.

would like ot figure out a good method myself to get that nice 1/2 melted brown sugar looking stuff, something that can be handled but still has the "full melt" property.

after i made the BHO with not much sucess i decided i didnt have another 100 bucks to spend on butane and just did a ice water extraction with the rest of my trim.

i dont have bubble bags so all i do is ice and water in a bucket, frozen trim in the bucket and take a cake mixer to it for about 1/2 an hour. pull all the chunks of ice out by hand and strain it through a t shirt. then let it sit overnight and siphon off the top liquid then pour into a smaller container. rinse and repeat untill i have roughtly a canning jar of liquid (usually it goes into a canning jar on the second siphon)

this time i did something a bit different. usually i just strain it through a coffee filter and whats left on the filter i squeeze out and let dry and this is the hash. well this time i strained through the coffee filter into a pyrex and let the water evap in the stove on 170F. so i ended up with some rock hard, light green crumbly hash from what the coffee filter caught and then some black, almost resin type stuff from the pyrex..

i really want to invest in a set of bubble bags and do dry ice hash method which seems to be extremely efficient, clean and easy... if you havent seen this method heres a vid on it.

I've done it this way and the return is amazing. I didn't use a 220 though.

Awesome D! Looks fantastic.
Iv yet to make anything with grain alc (just using iso) but will eventually. Id really like to make some with homemade moonshine, maybe that could be an option for you folks having trouble getting your hands on the stuff? Just a thought :-)
Isn't that odd? Its everywhere here in the states. I used to get it at the local grocery while getting my food lol Fun stuff to play with,,,, and yes Iv tried to see how long I could hold it in my hand.... not very long lol.

lol I was wondering if anyone else was thinking that!

Mernin six bongsmilie
I was thinking the same thing about the dry ice and obama lol. It's right when I check out at my local grocery store.

And there you go again talking about moonshine lol

looks melty as sin dst !, how does the erl work then?

i thought it dissolved the oils into a liquid, so straining it through two seperate filters would make no difference.

when making bubble the resin heads remain intact so one bag catches the larger heads allowing the smaller ones to pass through to the next one.

do i make any sense?
You make perfect sense to me, or maybe I think your making sense in my stoned mind ;)

for the next 5 minutes yeah the plan is to put a cabinet on the wall in there. That may change in 10 minutes though! I really want a veg/clone area so I'm willing to suffer a bit getting it right. The old lady is dead set on anything weed related being confined to that room and I've agreed to her demands. Although yesterday she said you're going to keep your bags of soil in there too right? I lol'd and said you're out of your mind on that one woman! Shit let me throw the wheelbarrow in there too!
My mind changes that often to and it drives my girl nuts lol. I had everything in our bedroom and that didn't last long when I kept adding to it. Now she gave me her extra craft room for growing :D.

Oh good morning 6ers! Hope all is well. It's been 36hrs now since I've checked my notifications and I'm now at 128 lol.

To check or not to check....


Well-Known Member
^liked, not because your broke,,, bc its good to see ya bass lol
bongsmilie Enjoying this BEAUTIFUL day outside smoking bowls and doing a bit of yard maintenance. Gonna start my next compost bin here in a min.

bongsmilie :peace:


Well-Known Member
Afternoon you bunch of crazy people,

Here is a few shots of the progress. I have one plant that is absolutely blowing up. The rest seem to be acting what I would consider normal for being nearly through 3 weeks of flower.
Enjoy my newbie bud porn :weed:


Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Been and now home after a chilly -7 cycle with whatever wind factor, lol. Kind of freshens you up.
Off to the pub with you. :eyesmoke:
Funny thing, not sure if I took you guys to the Nes, but its one of the few pubs that have just said, fuk off to the no smoking ban and people light up ciggies and what not (as well as joints) But they got caught yesterday and fined a Bag of Sand for their trouble, lol. So joints only now, hahahahaha. I love it!!!! My mate had to go outside for a fag, what a fag!

Get with me, if you pay or help with shipping or something I'll just give you one. We can get something worked out.


Active Member
Nothing gets folks shook up round here like bho huh? lol. I don't understand all the hostility around it. I mean, why do you guys care so much whether someone else wants to make it or try it? And I'm not talking to one person, so nobody take it that way. We all pot heads. It's a bit 'un-necessary' to smoke tons of herb in the first place. Completely un-necessary to make hash, erl, and bho. It's all fun. We love pot.... all of us, that's why we're here. So to think they peeps want to play with pot in another way makes total sense to me.

And Don, I have to disagree that you can just heat it up and all the butane will evaporate. No way. You have to either use a vacuum or whip the living shit out of it. I hopes you guys do more than just let it sit with the ballast.

If done right and smoked out an oil rig BHO is the shiznit and no one can tell me otherwise. It's fucking great. Tastes like the herb smells, doesn't make you cough, smooth high that is powerful and lasts a long time, but is also a very clean high. Only need to smoke a tiny bit, and damn the taste is amazing.

Down side is you have to use highly flamable fluids, potentially inhale bad fumes (while making and smoking), it completely destroys your tollerance, there is the well docuemented headache possibility, it's considered a manufactured drug, so penalties for getting caught with it are compareable to crack vs herb/ hash being comparable to regular coke (ie... this shit is really really bad in the eyes of the law). It's relatively expensive to make, you need a special piece to smoke it with, you need to use fucking torches to heat the piece. (That's a big reason I don't smoke it... a torch? lol)

I'm sure there are more pro's and con's, but that's my list. You guys are big boys and can make your own decisions. May I say be safe. If you want my advice, just make hash... it's easier. If you want to try BHO, have fun and be safe. It looks cool as fuck when you're done:

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My favorite is bubble hash
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Dry ice is easy if you have dry ice
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My ISO always comes out runny... stuff that isn't runny is nice. Reminds me of a cross between bubble and bho, when done right (aka like dst)
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I didn't realize this was seriously a touchy subject. Just trying new shit. Didn't realize Penalties where so harsh for it. That's all I had to hear in order to stop that venture. Thanks for the knowledge!!! Couldn't picture myself spending much more time making the shit. And I do spend HOURS whipping to do my best to evap all butane. But won't be doing it again so no worries for me! Johny law wins again. Damn you Johny!!!


Well-Known Member
Whenever I hear the word "butane" this is all I can think of:
(*24secs into it)


*not knocking bho in any way!
I'm just another of the unfortunates who has never escaped the headache when I've tried it, even when the claim was that it was quality butane & purged (obviously questionable butane was used and/or not purged properly).
Usually hits me on the very first exhale, and feels like an instant migraine, with pain so bad that even if it got me high I didn't notice it beyond the initial brain-fade when toking it up.


Well-Known Member
It must be a CO thing on making BHO cuz we got that shit down. I remember the first time I tried it, got me higher then shit and was clear as hell. Total visual for me and I loved it cuz I could still do work but anyways CO is the new green frontier ;)

Oh well just a lil update for me

Vintage getting bigger each day, cant wait to fill the screen with her.

Took some more cuts today. Need to get my flower tent filled up.

Just a few of my own strains that happened by accident. Finger's crossed one of them can be a new mother for me. One has been up for bout a 2 days now and the other one just popped above soil this afternoon. You can see it yet but I just noticed the shell casing tonight :D



Well-Known Member
I was thinking about you when I bought the fabric and when I made them. I guessed you'd like a bright pink one. I even have a club 600 patch.

01-09 (1).jpg